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Posted: Fri, 13/04/2018 17:31 (6 Years ago)
I don't have much to say. The only one I can remotely suspect at the moment is Mavis, which is just because they were jailed and neither silencer nor serial killer acted. That means very little though because the night was rather short so it makes sense that not everyone submitted anything. Thus I don't suspect them enough to vote for them, especially with this massive game meaning a lot of townies (assuming no doubled roles outside of if Ryou or MrBean became a role that is still alive and in play).

Thus I am abstaining unless further info comes to light.

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Posted: Fri, 13/04/2018 16:22 (6 Years ago)
So, anyone have any leads?
Making lists of just about anything that could be useful later, lol. For now, we can't do a lot with it, but once we have a couple of nights worth of info it will be a lot easier to build suspicions off of it.~

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Great_Days – townie - N1
Ferret~ - godfather – N1
Minhyuk – cop – N1
Zuramaru – guard – N1
Due to N1 craziness, ThatOneRyou and MrBean, both former townies, now have new roles, so we don’t know what roles are present at this point.

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Total: 18

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Night 1:
Goon – killed Ryou
Godfather – killed Great_Days
Vigilante – killed Godfather
Cop – spied Doctor before getting killed by guard
Guard – protected Doctor, killed cop and then committed suicide
Jailkeeper – arrested Mavis
Doctor – healed ThatOneRyou
Spy – spied on Sorcerer
Silencer – None
Facestabber – None
Serial Killer - None
Reviver – None

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Night 1:
Night 1 Votes:
Prim – 1 – voted for themselves but does not count
Atavan – 1
MrBean – voted for themselves but does not count
Abstaining – 5
Breakdown:(not listed = no vote)
XtremeGaming - abstaining
MrBean – voting themselves
Pineapple_pizza - abstaining
Maria-chan - abstaining
Neggito - abstaining
Mrinja – voting Prim
Great_Days – voting Atavan
Prim – voting themselves
Croscx - abstaining

Edit: Adjusted actions list because I forgot that spy seeing sorcerer was among the corrections.

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Posted: Fri, 13/04/2018 02:47 (6 Years ago)
Lol, Ryou.

Welcome back~

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 23:20 (6 Years ago)
Why are people voting for themselves, lol?

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 22:26 (6 Years ago)
Because apparently I am obsessed with recording everything that happens in lists, and sharing my lists is always good in case someone can analyze it for suspicious behavior later on as well as just for reference.

Updated as of: 12/04/18 23:18

Night 1 Votes So Far:
Prim – 2 (if you count the vote for himself)
Atavan – 1
MrBean - 1 (if you count the vote for himself)

Abstaining – 6

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XtremeGaming - abstaining
MrBean - voting themselves (why does this keep happening, lol)
Pineapple_pizza - abstaining
Maria-chan - abstaining
Neggito - abstaining
Mrinja – voting Prim
Great_Days – voting Atavan
Prim – voting themselves (does that even count, lol)
Croscx - abstaining
Mavis_Vermillion - abstaining

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 20:28 (6 Years ago)
For Great_Days and anyone else who wants it:

Player List:(numbers are just sign up order, they mean nothing)
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1. XtremeGaming
2. MrBean
3. ThatOneRyou
4. Minhyuk
5. Pineapple_pizza
6. Professor_Mac
7. Frisco22hero
8. Zuramaru
9. Maria-chan
10. Atavan
11. Pokekitten
12. Neggito
13. PokemonMaster2308
14. Mrinja
15. Ferret~
16. Awesomegokul
17. Great_Days
18. Suvichan
19. Prim
20. Croscx
21. Mavis_Vermillion
22. meme

Probably just going to abstain, unless some actual evidence comes up, because I don't like random voting.

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 18:36 (6 Years ago)
Yay~ I can finally play again.~
This should be fun with so many people.

(I missed round 15 sign-ups because of vacation and died N1 in round 14, so it has been a while, lol)

So I guess for now we mostly wait since we have no information at this point...

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 17:19 (6 Years ago)
I'm pretty sure this is round 16.

I agree with Xtreme, I can't wait for 20.~

Edit: Yup, round 16 is correct.

Also, here's the player list for Majikal whenever he comes on.~

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1. XtremeGaming
2. MrBean
3. ThatOneRyou
4. Minhyuk
5. Pineapple_pizza
6. Professor_Mac
7. Frisco22hero
8. Zuramaru
9. Maria-chan
10. Atavan
11. Pokekitten
12. Neggito
13. PokemonMaster2308
14. Mrinja
15. Ferret~
16. Awesomegokul
17. Great_Days
18. Suvichan
19. Prim
20. Croscx
21. Mavis_Vermillion
22. meme

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Posted: Thu, 12/04/2018 03:04 (6 Years ago)
Mavis: I see no reason why not. I'll add you to the list.~

(lol seriously though, Meme please tell us who the next overseer is so we can get started soon)

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Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 16:41 (6 Years ago)
Lol, 21 people now (I added you to the list that I made for the overseer), this round is going to be ridiculous but fun, lol.~

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Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 16:35 (6 Years ago)
This is going to be a pretty big game, lol. ~
It should be fun, but I have to warn whoever ends up being overseer that they may have to rebalance the roles if we get any more people.

So that overseer can start more quickly once we finally know who it is, here is a list of who has signed up for the next round so far:~
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1. XtremeGaming
2. MrBean
3. ThatOneRyou
4. Minhyuk
5. Pineapple_pizza
6. Professor_Mac
7. Frisco22hero
8. Zuramaru
9. Maria-chan
10. Majikal_Cience_Mahn
11. Atavan
12. Pokekitten
13. Neggito
14. PokemonMaster2308
15. Mrinja
16. Ferret~
17. Awesomegokul
18. Great_Days
19. Suvichan
20. Prim
21. Croscx
22. Mavis_Vermillion

That should be everyone, and I have the same count as Minhyuk mentioned (19 + Prim who signed up after their post), but if I missed anyone please tell me.~

Edit: Added new sign up.~
Edit 2: Added another person. This game is going to be crazy with this many people, especially because quite a good chunk of them are new/haven't played in a while. It'll be fun, though.~

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Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 00:26 (6 Years ago)
I'm in.~

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Posted: Tue, 10/04/2018 23:15 (6 Years ago)
lemme in >:0
username :Maria-chan
art :
other : This is just a placeholder for now. So much work to be done.~
My picture has Ciel and Akio in it.~

Edit: Done~ I had a bunch of fun trying to make a more interesting background. Hope you like it.~

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Posted: Mon, 09/04/2018 14:29 (6 Years ago)

Other:Nature Theme~
I'm done drawing but have a lot of coloring left to do, so just a placeholder for now.

Edit:It's done now. It's no masterpiece by any means but I had fun with it. I nicknamed it Forest Queen Ninetales.~

Hope you like it.~

Edit 2: This literally has nothing to do with me, but I would like to point out that EeveePower has submitted their right side entry (you still have it marked as a placeholder in your list of entries and you said you check every day, it has been at least 48 hours, so I want to make sure you notice~)

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Posted: Mon, 09/04/2018 02:22 (6 Years ago)
Username -- Maria-chan
Name -- Snowblossom
Gender -- Female
Rank -- Warrior
Short Description -- Generally cautious, sometimes to a fault, but will break out of it when those she cares for are threatened. White fur and amber colored eyes.

If Ryou (Goldpaw/whatever warrior name they choose) plays again: Goldpaw is her kit (this was made a thing round 1 because no one volunteered, but I have fully embraced it). She is fiercely protective of her and will always try and protect her precious kit. She always wants the best for her kit, but she can sometimes be slightly overbearing as a result Goldpaw's old tendency as a kit to not be very cautious, especially when playing. She sometimes has to remind herself that Goldpaw is not a kit anymore and it will only do her harm to smother her because she will not learn to deal with things on her own as a Warrior must.

Yeah, I was on vacation during Round 2 sign-ups, so I missed out on it.

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Posted: Sat, 07/04/2018 17:19 (6 Years ago)
Player Lists~

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Kuruma – SK
Nishinoya – Guard
XtremeGaming - Cop
PokemonMaster2308 - Townie
Zuramaru – Vigilante
Great_Days – Townie
Suvichan - Townie
Waffle – Mayor
Meme – Godfather
Jinmoth (now Neggito) – Facestabber

(Doctor and Sorcerer were killed but revived into a new role)

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Mrinja – previously Doctor, revived into?
Ferret~ - previously Sorcerer, revived into?

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Posted: Fri, 06/04/2018 16:25 (6 Years ago)
(You should probably end the night fairly soon if conversation doesn't start back up quickly, Ryou.)

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Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 14:04 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 13:29 (6 Years ago)
@pokemonblack - If you haven't figured out already, the answer is no to getting it from the first milestone. You can get a shiny retro egg from a significantly later milestone.~

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Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 00:22 (6 Years ago)

Anything I don't have, which is most, lol~

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