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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2022 20:04 (2 Years ago)
This usually happens when you've reached the max amount of Newbies you can have. While it won't stop you from getting Newbies, it does mean they won't show up in the list anymore.

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2022 17:05 (2 Years ago)
Shiny Snom are the exeception, because they're the Frosty Moths the box is meant for ^^'
If you set up a trade, I'll offer the PD, then (:

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2022 16:34 (2 Years ago)
I can do 1:1 for the Electric Gems
Shiny Pokémon I'd need to know which you're interested in. I'm not gonna calculate it for every single shiny I have, that'd take a very long time (':

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2022 21:12 (2 Years ago)
I'm not sure if finding is enough or of you need to catch them as well, but when Johto was added, Riako mentioned that the level didn't carry over from Kanto. Johto started from 0.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2022 20:13 (2 Years ago)
You're not timing it right. Tea time happens at a specific time of day, so try checking the Harvest Sprites then (;

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2022 17:43 (2 Years ago)
It's been three years and I still haven't gotten a wondercard, so I'm pretty sure it's not getting one. Wondercards are usually reserved for Event Distribution pokémon, not every event on PokéHeroes.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2022 17:42 (2 Years ago)
The more expensive Berries were supposed to be used as an alternative to PD, though I'm not sure how useful this is now, with Berries no longer being sellable at the Item Shop.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2022 17:35 (2 Years ago)
There's no fixed breeding time, but two different species [with the same OT] are the slowest.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2022 16:26 (2 Years ago)
Yes, that's correct. Honestly, if the math checks out, I'm fine with one trade (: It's why I check the math before accepting the offer, so I don't need to calculate everything as the trade is waiting (;

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2022 15:45 (2 Years ago)
@Angel_Blu - I'd love them! Not sure if you want anything in return, because you don't mention either option (':
If it's a donation, please set up the gift!
If it's a trade, please set up the trade and I'll offer the PD on it!

@SilverShinyCharizard - I have no idea how you got to that amount of nuggets. I pay 50 Nuggets per 75 Ice or 112 Flying, so 80 Ice Gems and 100 Flying Gems would be 97 Nuggets ^^'

50 Flying for 50k PD works fine!

@Sobble45 - I guess I wasn't fast enough to claim it, because I can't find the gift anywhere ^^'

@~Fahrenheit~ - Thank you! ♥

@SH1NYM - Sounds good! Please set up the trade [with junk 'mon] and I'll offer the shiny Bee ^^

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Posted: Wed, 20/07/2022 09:18 (2 Years ago)
Aside from the Pika-language, there's also a 'translation' at the bottom saying 'make many interactions' (or something similar) and the Light Ball counter was reset to 0 with a new goal. All things you can simply read for yourself.

Users are helping you however they can and might not have figured everything out themselves. Demanding answers and blaming others when things go wrong also makes them unwilling to help, as they don't want to be blamed for something that might not be their fault. Trying to help means trying to figure out how it works together and trying things that might not be right to see what it does.

The Yellow Forest is not 'a waste of time'. It's the only place you can get Retro Pikachu and Spiky-eared Pichu. Ukulele Pichu requires more Light Balls.

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Posted: Wed, 20/07/2022 07:56 (2 Years ago)
. . . Have you checked the event-page before demanding more information?

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:57 (2 Years ago)
Yes, the Sweet is a possible prize from the Wheel. The Wheel is used for both obtaining Sweets and getting Milcery to evolve.

Once you land on a sweet and give that to a Milcery, it will evolve with the next spin.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:24 (2 Years ago)
Yes, but if you spin the wheel when they're not holding a sweet, it won't work.

You can compare it to Scyther into Scizor. You need to trade them while they're holding a Metal Coat. It's a two-step evolution,.

Instead of trading, you spin the Wheel for Milcery.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:01 (2 Years ago)
You can, you give it the sweet you want as decoration. If it's not holding a sweet, it won't evolve.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 18:58 (2 Years ago)
The sweets it needs to hold, are a possible prize at the Wheel of Fortune.
The sweet decides the decoration, if you want a specific flavour/swirl, check out the Milcery evolution wiki-page.

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Posted: Mon, 18/07/2022 12:00 (2 Years ago)
That is definitely ok! If you set up the trade, I'll offer the PD (:

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Posted: Sun, 17/07/2022 23:45 (2 Years ago)
Please set up a trade with a trash pokémon. I can't offer the Combee if there's no pokémon to trade with.

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Posted: Sun, 17/07/2022 23:42 (2 Years ago)
Sure, that'd be 38k additionally then.

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Posted: Sun, 17/07/2022 23:40 (2 Years ago)
If you can add about 45k I'd gladly trade a shiny Combee with you (:

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