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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from eisner.
Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 14:33 (7 Years ago)

oof pretty but -1 for the sudden "hugs" and -1 bc the gif seems a bit too big for me ;v;

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Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 04:38 (7 Years ago)
whop accepted

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Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 14:11 (7 Years ago)
acept fam :'0

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Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 14:10 (7 Years ago)
"Hm, we need a decoy...?" The goddess asked, toying around with a strand of her hair. "I don't know about you guys, but we can use my brother as one. He looks human enough for me." The sadistic goddess grinned, showing her side that one can easily be fooled with.

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 18:10 (7 Years ago)
no thanks

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 17:09 (7 Years ago)

bnha x ndrv3 crossover inspired by shirodebby's post and a win where Kokichi and Dabi wins as town in TOS

whoops ive never watched bnha before orz

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 08:06 (7 Years ago)
no thanks .x.

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 05:46 (7 Years ago)
oof adding to the list!!

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Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 07:57 (7 Years ago)
bippity boppoty bump

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Posted: Thu, 28/12/2017 18:13 (7 Years ago)
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a dgrp rp
where have you been all my life

name -Ebihara Yuumei
gender - Female
age - Sixteen
race - 100% Japanese
ultimate talent - Voice Actor

[physical information]
height - 154 cm
weight - 47 kg
hair color - Pale Brown
eye color - Blue

image - x

-Salted candy
-Instrumental music
-The smell of rain

-Cotton candy
-Messy areas

May seem like a shy person, but is actually socially awkward. Ebihara is the type of person to say anything that's on her mind, too dense to notice if her words were too mean. The voice actress often keeps a small notebook with her, writing random notes in very random pages.

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Posted: Thu, 28/12/2017 11:38 (7 Years ago)
(so read back a bit and uhh, dante, aren't you being too...unfair...?
posting my two cents in a spoiler in case no one wants to see unnecessary wall of text)
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the fact that the teacher suddenly got fired was odd to me tbh. also, controlling the other people's characters on what they should or should not do? not good. also theres this cool thing called respect and time zone tbh. just because a person is sleeping on the other side of the earth doesnt mean youre free to do whatever and be all like "oh!ok!theyre offline! guess hell poof just like that!"

thats my dissatisfaction towards your idea of modding this rp tbh. im not mad or tryna start drama, just stating what's bugging me this whole time. so please take this with a grain of salt.

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Posted: Thu, 28/12/2017 05:16 (7 Years ago)
"Elaborate indeed..."Asuramaru mumbled, toying with the scarf that was wrapped around her sailor uniform. "Y'know I can cast misfortune on them with a flick of a wrist, hm...?"The goddess asked, her face was in her hands, grinning ever so slightly. "Ah. That reminds me. Where's my no-good of a brother?"

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Posted: Thu, 28/12/2017 05:12 (7 Years ago)
(recap? apparently everyone got waaaaaaaaay ahead of me while i was sleeping.)

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 17:26 (7 Years ago)
Miaya jumped in surprise at the sudden voice. Turning her head, she saw a boy who literally flew next to her. "oh um, hello!" the writing in the notebook read, in a scribbly and messy writing, probably because of the fright that haven't yet died down.

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 17:18 (7 Years ago)
Miaya looked away from her note book to the pool, a little smile forming on her face, before she started scribbling things on her note book.

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 16:59 (7 Years ago)
Miaya made her way out of her room and went to the swimming area. The blue waters were calm for her and it served as a place to relax if she was stressed out or in need of ideas. However, she wasn't expected for the big crowd. Blinking once, twice, the female shook her head and sat on the pool chair, hoping that an idea might pop up for a poem.

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 15:55 (7 Years ago)
Age:looks about 12 due to his appearance, but his older than that.
God of: Time and Space
Weapon:a pocketwatch that stops time for a minute
Other:Twins with Asuramaru

Age:looks 17-18
God of:Misfortune
Other:Twins with Ravus

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 07:36 (7 Years ago)
"Heck...I slept..."Haruka yawned out, scanning the library. No one except him was around, just like when he first came. "Is class starting yet or what...?"The male mumbled, getting out of his seat and choosing a book to read.

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 06:56 (7 Years ago)
(lets not forget abt my other chara and the fact that i never controlled a chara to go to a room but yeah whatever ill just be idle for now.)

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 06:47 (7 Years ago)
(im gonna watch yall first since i dont even know when to pop up :' ) ))

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