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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2022 21:47 (2 Years ago)
The winners have just been sent on to Riako. Now it's up to whenever Riako has the time to make the announcement [or give me the go-ahead] and distribute the prizes (:

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2022 16:03 (2 Years ago)
The DayCare owner is not in the Lab, though?

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2022 12:26 (2 Years ago)
It's talking about the DayCare Owner.

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2022 09:23 (2 Years ago)
There will always be bad and good daycare days. Non-even/event pairing will give you more eggs than ditto/event pairing when comparing bad daycare days for both (or good daycare days for both).

A good daycare day with ditto/event will probably give you more eggs than a bad daycare day with non-event/event.

[Though I find it weird that you can already deduce the pair is giving you less eggs, when it's been in the DayCare for about 9 hours.]

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2022 05:41 (2 Years ago)
Van Bagon and Mr. Bagon are not really comparable to other breeding pairs.
They give event eggs a lot easier than any other event breeding pair (even when comparing to a perfect event breeding pair).

Normal event breeding takes a long time and non-event with event is a better choice than event with Ditto, because you'll be getting more eggs in general, thus more event eggs as well with non-event with event pairing.

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2022 18:02 (2 Years ago)
Ditto is the worst, percentage-wise [I remember Riako saying that somewhere], so for the highest possible amount of eggs a pair with another bird pokémon would be best. [using a bird with someone else's OT would increase the amount].

If you don't have [or don't want to bother with] a Wide Lens, Ditto is best as, as mentioned above, you will only get the desired eggs.

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2022 05:03 (2 Years ago)
It's a key item, so you can find the explanation in the 'Key Items' category on the Item List on the Wiki.

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Posted: Wed, 26/10/2022 15:18 (2 Years ago)
No they don't.

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Posted: Wed, 26/10/2022 13:09 (2 Years ago)
Sure! Please set up the trade ^^

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 14:55 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 23/10/2022 11:37 (2 Years ago)
@Hfishgn - Sounds good! Please set up the trade and I'll offer the 46.500 PD on it (:

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2022 21:57 (2 Years ago)
Sure! That works for me, please set up the trade.
That would be 146k PD for the Gems not used for the Nuggets (:

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2022 21:27 (2 Years ago)
So. . . It's been a while ^^'
Buying a house really takes up a lot more of your (free) time than you expect when you start the entire journey.

If I'm too late for any of the offers, I fully understand you can't wait around forever. I do hope you give me another chance when you have more Gems to sell (:

@Lychee1123 - Sounds good! If you're still interested, please set up the trade (:

@Milla - Yes, that's a fair rate. If you're still interested, please set up the trade (:

@chopper_45 - That would be 50 Nuggets and 77k PD. If you're still interested, please set up the trade (:

@SilverShinyCharizard - Close, you'd need to add 47 Flying Gems to get 75 Nuggets. If you're still interested in the Nuggets [and the PD for the Flying Gems], please set up the trade (:

@Noobishgod - If you're still interested, I'd need to know which you're interested in and/or if you're looking for a specific amount. They don't have the same exchange rate, so figuring it out for every single possibility will take a very long time ^^'

@DarkMoonCat - That would be 5500 PD. If you're still interested, please set up the trade (:

@AnimeEmber - No, it's 1:1 for Ice Gems, it's 1.5 Flying for 1 Ghost Gem.

@victoria33 - I can do the Gems for the 4 Bottled Messages, but there's not enough Gems left for [at least] 50 Nuggets.
[It's close, but even with the lowest rate used, there's not enough left for the Nuggets]

@kingadinathr6 - Of course that's ok (: Just set up the Gift and I'll edit the list once I accepted it.

@~UmbreonLover~ - I'm pretty sure the first post mentions the shinies in that Box and since Shadow Flareon is neither a double nor a shiny, it's not up for trade.

@~CloverMeadow~ - Of course you can! Thank you ♥

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Posted: Fri, 21/10/2022 15:30 (2 Years ago)
Like I posted two months ago, this contest is over.

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 23:03 (2 Years ago)
Username: CatLady
Nickname?: Cat, CL, CCL [based on a Discord username]
Favorite Genre Of Writing?: I don't really have a favourite genre [yet?], because even though I love writing, I write very sporadically (':

Other: I have this habit of writing in the 2nd POV, which isn't an often-used POV, but I like it.

When I saw the prompt(s), I got inspired to knock out this little piece of prose. Not sure if it's eligible for any of the current contest, but if nothing else, I wanted to show it can inspire in the weirdest way (':

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The sun was rising on the wide-spread land. A bird was tweeting, breaking the silence of the night and waking the first of many creatures sleeping nearby. As the sun started peeking over the horizon, it sends rays to poke at innocent eyes around the country. You feel the pull of the day dragging you to awareness and forcing your eyes open.

. . . Darkness. Everywhere you turn, head twisting back and forth, only nothingness surrounds you. Panic starts to set in, but you force yourself to calm down. Maybe something is covering your eyes? Taking a few, quick breaths, you steel yourself and move your hands.

. . . For a few centimeters. Simply trying to move your hand up, causes it to hit something only a couple of centimeters from your body. You spread your fingers, trying to get a feel of this thing above you, but it feels smooth, nothing you can hook your fingers into.

. . . Your breath quickens, feeling the panic rise. You keep moving your hand along the surface of the thing covering you, but nothing gives way. Something solid, straight and in one piece is covering you. Maybe even surrounding you, are you lying flat?

. . . Your mind is drawing a blank, no idea how you got there or how you are getting out of it. Your breath quickens even more, panic seeping in deeper and deeper. Darkness still surrounds you and with the limited space to move, you have no clue how to fix it.

. . . You scream. As a last ditch effort, you figure trying to get attention from anyone, anything, would be better than lying here. The longer you scream, the more the panic sets in. You have no idea how long you’ve been down here, but you want out NOW.

. . . You never notice the lack of a heartbeat. You never notice elongated fangs piercing your lips. You never notice the lack of blood that should be flowing from the puncture marks you cause. You never notice the lack of breath you need to take. You never notice the passage of time.

For centuries, this castle lays abandoned. Any expeditions scared away by the piercing wail filling the air. The cause of the noise remains unknown and will remain so for many more centuries to come. Bouncing of the walls and the ceilings, trapped for all eternity.

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 19:59 (2 Years ago)
@Cardboard_Spaghetti - There can be several starters in the scene (:

@Farigiraf - 1. They're technically not starters, but an event of a starter. So I'm gonna say 'no'.
2. If I allow Eevee and Pikachu, I'd also need to allow the possible starters from the Mystery Dungeon, which would kinda defeat the purpose of having Starters be center stage.
We're sticking to the elemental trio handed to you by the professor (or assistant) at the start of your adventure.

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Posted: Tue, 18/10/2022 19:01 (2 Years ago)
Advent Calendar Drawing Contest

Welcome one and all!
This year's Advent Calendar Drawing Contest is about to start!
. . . I know Halloween is lurking around the corner, but who cares about that??? Christmas is so much better and preparation is key! PokéHeroes traditions won't change that easily. So prepare for another, wonderful Advent Calendar Drawing Contest! Prepare yourself a lovely cup of hot chocolate, take your digital drawing supplies and let your fingers fly. It's time to get creative!

As some of you might already know, each December has an Advent Calendar. Every day, every user will have 24 doors, one for each day leading up to Christmas, with a small task and a reward waiting! If you manage to open each door through the task, you might even win a big prize!

Every year, we've been blessed with wonderful backgrounds and there's no reason that this year should be any different. There's just no going back to the same monotonous blue background on the Advent-page with all its doors. Which is exactly why we're organising this contest for all the wonderful artists lurking in every nook and cranny, waiting for their opportunity!

Drawing itself can be entertaining, drawing with a chance to win something, adds that little edge of excitement. Aside from the wonderful feeling of winning, the five best designs will, as every year, be available as a background for everyone's calendar. They will also get their pick of any shiny Advent pokémon, that has been released so far [legendary excluded].
Currently available Advent pokémon: Snowling, Santa Bird, Skugar, Frosty Kecleon, Pachirisnow, Gooseboarder, Woopice, Rudolph, Unown Flake
Anyone else who joined/qualified, but just missed out on the big prize, will get a participation prize as thanks for joining. You'll have to wait and see [and join] to know what it is ;)

Artwork Requirements
Accepted File Types: .PNG .JPEG .JPG
Image Size: 650 x 1000 px (width x height)
Artwork Type: Digital, no transparency [final product]
Artwork Design: Enjoy yourself! This year the theme is "Starter Pokémon and their Christmas/holiday/Winter"! What is Litten up to with that tree? Why is Quaxly swimming under the ice? How did Bulbasaur get there? These and many more scenes can play out! Just make sure the Starter Pokémon is the focus (:
[As this gets asked every year - yes, PokéSonas/OCs count as pokémon. However, they cannot be the sole pokémon]
File Upload: Please upload it to a website that doesn't delete it within the next 30 days and allows third-party viewing. (Recommended: tinypic.com, imgur.com)
Copyright: The artwork has to be drawn completely by you. You are not allowed to include images from other artists, including official art. Entries from previous years also can't be (re)submitted, even if it would still fit the theme somehow.

How to Enter

Please send your entries through PM to CatLady. Put "Advent Calendar Contest Entry" as the subject [without "]. Even if you have several entries, please don't change the title. I'll be able to see that you have several drawings (;

Also post a message saying "Entry/Entries submitted", indicating the number of drawings you submitted. This will help me keep track of who entered, without drowning in my PM-inbox ^^

The deadline is November 4th, 23:59.
The winners will be chosen by us, the staff, based on quality.
The results will be revealed on the 1st of December.

Please keep SPAM posts out of this thread :)

Visual aid for the size :
[about 10x bigger]

Most important of all, though, I hope you all HAVE FUN~

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 16:00 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 10:57 (2 Years ago)
I *think* it looks at the stats it would have at level 20. Having equal stats at level 38 doesn't mean they'd be equal stats at level 20.

Whether or not that's true and whether or not that's a bug, is something only Riako can say ^^'

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 09:43 (2 Years ago)
Same as Toxel, Toxtroll is a Baby pokémon. You'll need the evolved forms (Onitricity) to breed them.

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