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Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 21:42 (10 Years ago)
Accepted. For Leopardheart. Salamancegirl is Oakstar. By the way, which clan are you... Stormclan or Forestclan? (Also, Oakstar didn't ever rule Stormclan. He has always ruled Forestclan. He was deputy when the battle began.)

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Posted: Mon, 19/01/2015 14:24 (10 Years ago)
Banned because she does

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Posted: Sun, 18/01/2015 23:26 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 18/01/2015 22:39 (10 Years ago)
Both accepted!

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Posted: Sun, 18/01/2015 16:13 (10 Years ago)
Hello, traveler. I am Silverstar, new leader of StormClan. Our rivals, ForestClan, are becoming very hostile and we would welcome any new warriors. Let's begin with your name, traveler. What is your name?


Hello. I am Oakstar and I have been leader of ForestClan for many moons. StormClan has way too much territory and we are going to take it! We need lots of cats for the battle. Are you up to the fight?
Now you have been introduced to the two clans and their leaders, it is time you choose one to join. Which will you chose... The peaceful clan... or the strong yet hostile clan?

Now that all the drama is over I need to explain who these new clans are. Many cats had been killed in the battle of Storm and Forest and only the deputies, who became leaders, survived. They need your help to rebuild their clans. I am Silverstar and salamancegirl is Oakstar. Also, the humans have released a virus that can make pokemon different colors, types, and sometimes it even shifts their appearance! The rules are simple:
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*All PH rules apply
*No swearing
*I stress this so much... write more than a sentence! It bugs me so much and if you can't, you need to work on it
*Please use proper punctuation and spelling
*The password is Reborn
*DO NOT POWERPLAY OR BE OVER POWERED! I absoloutely HATE it when people say stuff like, oh but I know hyperbeam and BLAH BLAH BLAH! I will ban you from this thread if you powerplay or god modding please
*Please subscribe so you know when there is a new post
*Edit out the password out once I accept/decline your form

This is the form:
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Age (Moons=Months):
Pokemon (Has to be a cat pokemon no Eeveeloutions or legendaries):

My form:
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Name: Silverstar
Clan: StormClan
Age: Twenty-Two Moons
Pokemon: Purugly/Glameow (No one knows. She doesn't evolve anymore, but she doesn't look like Purugly
Appearance: Lithe, skinny, normal colored. Springy tail and sharp claws.
History: Silverstar's history is pretty good. At least up until the battle between ForestClan and StormClan. She was born in Stormclan and was proud of it. Her mother, Rainpelt, an odd Purugly (Like Silverstar), was respected by her clanmates and her father, Breezecloud, was a bit of a coward. Once Silverstar was an apprentice, she quickly gained respect and not just from her mother's name. She finished her training in three moons, which was the fastest any cat had ever completed their's in StormClan. She was became deputy just as Breezecloud left the clan and joined ForestClan. The two leaders locked in combat for four days and then left to join MoonClan. Breezecloud died to Rainpelt's claws. After the battle, Silverstar became leader.
Personality: Untrusting, but caring. She became wary of strangers after the battle but she had to learn to trust new cats because her clan matters more than anything else.
Other: No mate. Rank: Leader
Password: *edited out*

We will play once there is two new warriors to ForestClan and StormClan.
Now, choose your clan. Play fair, fight bravely.

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Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 19:34 (10 Years ago)
Banned becasuse no look it up

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Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 19:32 (10 Years ago)
banned because that isn't true!!!

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Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 19:16 (10 Years ago)
BAnned because pasta is too good for the world

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Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 19:03 (10 Years ago)
Banned because I ate pasta an hour ago and you didn't. (Did you?)

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Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 22:35 (10 Years ago)
Chrysie swung her tail awkwardly. She brushed aside a lock of fur unconsciously. "Well... Uh hi?" chrysie said, more of a question than a statement.

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Posted: Sun, 02/11/2014 21:23 (10 Years ago)
BAnned because of Spinda

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Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 00:47 (10 Years ago)
Banned because Five Nights at Freddy's has jump scares

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Posted: Mon, 27/10/2014 12:16 (10 Years ago)
Banned because you are the priest

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 11:40 (10 Years ago)
Banned because I hate pikachu

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 01:31 (10 Years ago)
Banned because Charmander is Over rated

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 01:27 (10 Years ago)
Banned because I don't like Spaghetti O's

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 01:09 (10 Years ago)
Banned because I'm not

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 01:06 (10 Years ago)
Banned because I feel like it

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 01:05 (10 Years ago)
Banned because my cousin has that game

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 01:02 (10 Years ago)
Banned because you said hi not hello

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