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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Kyatra.
Posted: Thu, 07/09/2023 13:11 (1 Year ago)
I want to RP with you!
Username: Kyatra
Character name: Kya
Character Pokémon: Gible
Moveset: Dig, Dragon Claw, Sandstorm, Bite
Something additional(like personality or Shadow state): Constantly worries about others and always sympathetic towards everyone he sees
Shiny: No
Tera Type: Fairy

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Posted: Thu, 07/09/2023 12:13 (1 Year ago)
Closed until I confirm it's open again, sorry ^^;

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Posted: Thu, 07/09/2023 12:04 (1 Year ago)
Sorry for the wait!


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Posted: Wed, 06/09/2023 22:26 (1 Year ago)
after ^^

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Posted: Wed, 06/09/2023 15:42 (1 Year ago)
That's actually the most I ever got paid for my art, oh my God, you don't need to pay me that much for a sketch , I really don't mind if you pay me lower, I can accept even 100 nuggets!

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Posted: Wed, 06/09/2023 15:37 (1 Year ago)
Well currently just PD, nuggets, or maybe fairy gems, but you can pay however you want depending on how much worth you think the art is (Or just not pay at all, I don't mind using her as warmup)

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Posted: Wed, 06/09/2023 15:15 (1 Year ago)
I can do a fullbody clean sketch art :0
Funky looking character btw, love them!

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Posted: Wed, 06/09/2023 07:21 (1 Year ago)
'Who the hell is this guys!?' Almerad stares in bewilderment at the completely different place he woke up to. Ignoring how the man even got him here without waking him up, like hell he's going to trust a stranger that just kidnapped him!

Instead of replying, Almerad grabs hold of his pokeball and sends out Silas, cautious and not knowing what to do, all he knows is this person could be a threat...though it is better than being stuck in the middle of the jungle. "And why should I listen to you..? Who are you anyways, why bring me here?"

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 22:58 (1 Year ago)
Sorry for the wait, sent!

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 13:15 (1 Year ago)
Almerad's pokemon pants heavily, dealing and receiving blows as they fought away the horde. Bruises covers their body but they successfully defeating the horde, the fight have left them drained.

"Can't believe little buggers like them can be so strong...I guess now I get what those people were talking about when they say this place is dangerous. Even the Pokemon at my place weren't these aggressive." He remarks as he returns all of his Pokemon into his balls. Staring at the sky, Almerad noticed it's already turned dark and he grimaced. "Well, I expected not finding my way in a day..."

With as much agility he can, Almerad climbs up one of the trees and sat on one of the branch. It's not a good shelter, but at least he'll be able to keep himself safe if there's any danger on the ground. "Hope tomorrow I will be better. This was a horrible first day."[/i]

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 12:14 (1 Year ago)
"I guess you're not too bad?" The poor bird was spooked by the explosion so Almerad let's the thing perch on his hat. On the meanwhile, he reads through the burnt page of the survival guide, not because he think he needs it, he was a jungle boy, he just...thought it was a good reminder.

"Okay...Silas, how about you help me watch our surroundings with...our new member here. At least before I return the fella back to the cadets so she gets a new owner," Almerad said before looking off at a direction opposite of the crash. He clicks his tongue, "Mother always told me that if I ever get lost, I need to find a water source, so at least we can try that first...and try not to die. Come on Silas."

The Phantump follows along with it's owner as Almerad hopes they'll find something before night comes.

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 11:00 (1 Year ago)
Almerad coughs, shakily standing up and dusting off his clothes before looking at the wreckage around him and the leftover bodies of the cadets. How the hell is he supposed to feel?! Annoyed? Angered? Terrified? "Those idiots could have at LEAST survive until the boss! Now they're useless, agh!" Annoyance it is.

He does a quick look through, knowing the leaking gas will cause an explosion soon and he'd rather bite his own ankle than get hit with that. Eyes landing on the three items, he does a quick think through before nabbing the pokeball and rushing out of the explosion radius, Silas in tow.

"I hope there's something useful in here but since it probably belongs to one of the cadets, I won't get my hopes up..."

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 09:09 (1 Year ago)
Almerad sat near the back of the helicopter, eyeing the others with him, a frown on his face before leaning towards Silas who's seated on his lap.

"Sending newly recruited people to fight Pokemon that they can't even fight, telling bad advices, and here they keep complaining why those 'mega Pokemon' are always troublesome." Silas boos a little in agreement, the two watching out the side to see the jungle they'll be dropped off on. "Well, if we get into a troublesome situation, they'll just have to be bait. Man did imply only one person survives and I won't being the second."

Almerad finally sits up straight though his posture seem still relaxed as he looks back at the other cadets, "So what IS there in Area 4? Other than that Venusaur of course, the Pokemon can't be too strong right? I mean, they gave us so much boosts, we can't possibly get in trouble."

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 08:29 (1 Year ago)
"Pft, your warnings are wasted mister. I lived in the jungle, I know how to handle these, we'll be fine!"

As the man gives Almerad the new items, he looks over them for a bit before raising an eyebrow. "You sure put a lot of trust on a random kid you all just found randomly. I'm starting to think those cadets and trainers are just meat shields for you guys." He then looks at the Oddish leaves with scrutiny. "...Is this w-!?" Silas quickly covers Almerad's mouth and taking away the leaves, putting it into his backpack with a resound boo.\

"Ugh...anyways, thanks for the items, I guess. Though you really are sending me to my death wish if you're not telling me which area is what so...lucky number 4 it is!"

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 07:46 (1 Year ago)
"...Sure! That sounds fun, what's the worst that could happen! Sure you're sending a child to their imminent death, but at least I'll die happy." Almerad lets out a chuckle before skipping towards the helipad, Phantump floating just beside him with excited and cheerful boos.

"We're gonna have rock in that jungle Phantump- no, Silas is your name now! Yeah, we're going to rock that jungle and every pokemon in it!" A loud cheer from the duo before they stand before the helipad, Almerad smiles up at the man waiting nearby. "Hey, are you that lady's brother? She told me you're our ride."

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 07:25 (1 Year ago)
He watches the cadets and the trainers for a moment. Does he not have to go through that or does Zenit need him to do something before that? Either way, he'll just follow through for now, not like he has an option anyways...That comment about Prof. Edi he'll have to keep note though.

'The jungle doesn't sound too bad. Maybe there's a better pokemon for my team and if not, I can just feed my homesickness and checking out what sort of flora is around sounds interesting, at least better than training.' Almerad thought.

"Ah, how about the jungle? I used to live there so I'll probably be more familiar with it...But what am I going to do there? I don't expect you to just, let me explore freely." There was a hint of suspicion in his voice.

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 06:46 (1 Year ago)
Almerad didn't expect for the Burmy to be so feisty as he instead was the one that got surprised. The Burmy puts up a fight and Almerad had to keep running away when the Burmy strikes for the honey. "Shoo, go away! Stop moving so I can catch you damn it! Phantump, uh, do something!"

Phantump perks up after watching it's trainer being chased by the bumbling Burmy. With the newly obtained MOVESHARK27, Phantump vanishes into the shadow and Almerad screeches when Phantump suddenly appears, charging straight at the Burmy and barely missing Almerad. "Warn me next time, damn it!"

The phantump merely boos in mischief before the boy notices the Burmy is dizzied from the strike. He scrambles for a pokeball before throwing it at the dazed bagworm Pokemon, succesfully catching it. He smiles. "My second member! Professor look, I did it!"

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 06:20 (1 Year ago)
Sending ^^

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 06:16 (1 Year ago)
He snatched the pokeballs and huffs, putting Phantump in one of them to let it rest. Without a single thank you, Almerad left walking towards Honey Tree forest with a huff. The forest was anything like the forest around his village. The sweet smell and the numerous lively bugs and grass-types roaming about, even the occasional normal-types.

"I wonder how my parents are back home. Eh, they probably don't care about me...kicked me out because I'm not good enough...damn parents."

He sighs, looking around. Searching for his second member won't be too bad but there's not really any specific pokemon he sees that entices him. A temporary member perhaps before reaching the boot camp...Hope there's not too much physical activities. He always hates them.

Grabbing a handful of honey from one of the trees, Almerad raises his hand and yells, "Come and get some! First one gets it all!" He readies his Phantump to catch the pokemon by surprise and catch it easier.

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Posted: Tue, 05/09/2023 05:56 (1 Year ago)
Flabbergasted. Shocked. And then frustrations as Almerad stomps the ground at the sight of his Phantump downed so easily. "Cheater!" Almerad said yet he still nabs the MOVESHARK27, "If I knew you'd use some sort of cheat tool, I'd have totally decline, this stinks!"

...A few seconds of being angry later, he decided to check out the knick-knack, his anger completely forgotten as he tinkers with the MOVESHARK27 like it's a new toy. "I guess I forgive you now, this is a cool cheat tool mister! Still suspicious of you though, but much less!"

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