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SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sun, 19/02/2017 08:02 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sun, 19/02/2017 07:40 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sun, 19/02/2017 07:28 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 13:41 (8 Years ago) |
Thank you ^^ [
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 13:34 (8 Years ago) |
Edit: the amount of pd you have reserved seems to have changed O.O Lemme recalculate ^^ Edit 2: Done calculating~ [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 07:00 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 05:42 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 05:35 (8 Years ago) |
I'm not saying depression isn't as bad as a physical injury. I'm simply saying that the first study you've shown me is a single study. It is about holding your hand in ice which in itself is already a rather weird way to study pain. Secondly, it's a single study about something that is closely linked to psychology. Psychology is a highly debatable subject. Most experiments can not be replicated. Therefore, until there is a conclusive report, I don't consider that evidence. Finally though, I'm just another user commenting here. I'm simply posting my opinion as a user not a moderator right now because you haven't broken any rules. Disagreeing with me is perfectly fine so long as you aren't rude about it. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 05:17 (8 Years ago) |
Actually, I have yet to find a source that accurately states why swearing helps. The source you've given is a .com website and only quotes a single study which has only studied the effects of swearing on physical pain. Finally, this is merely a study and not conclusive. I have yet to find a reliable source that accurately states and confirms the reasoning behind what you're saying. I'm not saying it might not be true, but it's simply a study so far with little backing. What you've given me cannot be used in a lab report or a university essay report so I see no reason to consider it evidence here either. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 04:59 (8 Years ago) |
You can curse. Just don't do it on this site. It's not that hard. You can vent without hurting another user and swearing - I'll be the first to say that considering my diary is 99% venting. Not swearing isn't that hard. How does typing one word make you feel better? You can find better alternatives that won't either teach a child a bad word or make someone else feel uncomfortable. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 04:45 (8 Years ago) |
Faking your age is much too easy. Just because they might've already faked their age elsewhere, doesn't mean we should fuel what little kids know about mature content. Honestly, I don't get why it's so hard to just not swear/talk about mature content? I swear a lot in real life and I'm also pretty dirty minded. But, I just simply don't do it here. I'd like this to stay a site where both younger and older people are included and can see the same things. All having a mature content button is going to do, is make 99% of people use it because they want to be included. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 17/02/2017 14:13 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 17/02/2017 14:12 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 17/02/2017 14:00 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 17/02/2017 13:43 (8 Years ago) |
Well no, I disagree. 1. We normally use the gem exchange to get gems shiny hunts or yes, the Kalos legends. These goals all require a large amount of gems which means the GE doesn't make that much of a difference. 2. The same goes for pokedex filling - there are so many pokemon that being able to exchange a few doesn't do as much. On the other hand, there are only a certain amount of colors for boxes and keys. Considering the amount of users we have on this site, if exchanging boxes and keys is simply clicking an exchange button, we'd all immediately get the pair we need as soon as our rumbles end. Thus, we'd be able to open up a lot more boxes than we normally can. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Fri, 17/02/2017 09:24 (8 Years ago) |
I honestly do think that'd be nice... but, it'd make this game much too easy and make the rare items such as maps that come out of boxes too easily attainable. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 13:40 (8 Years ago) |
No support. As it is, the prices of retros are already low enough because of how simple it is to get them. [Read more] |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 11:41 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 10:50 (8 Years ago) |
SilverStar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,804 |
Posted: Wed, 15/02/2017 09:52 (8 Years ago) |