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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from eisner.
Posted: Sat, 08/06/2019 16:56 (5 Years ago)
anime stuff to rewatch since i feel like it:
-letter bee/reverse
-law of ueki
-yu yu hakusho
-persona 5 the animation (for shites and giggles)
-pop team epic
-the entirety of naruto (or read the malay translated manga you used to keep since its up to par with duwang is unbreakable)
-(not an anime but) i am a hero
-devil survivor 2
-houseki no kuni
-fairy tail

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Posted: Sun, 02/06/2019 12:44 (5 Years ago)
eid hype
eid hype
eid hype
heck ye

im gonna go back to perlis on the 3rd day of eid and honestly i know im not gonna enjoy it :^)
also, today, i found out that my grandma is actually the definition of chaos! yay! not like i already know but,

also i had a full on convo with exzelletto at 5 am that was rad.

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Posted: Fri, 24/05/2019 08:40 (5 Years ago)
inb4 watch jojos bizarre adventure

houseki no kuni (though, id recommend reading the manga instead cuz the final episode was a cliffhanger), kagerou days, my hero academia and devilman crybaby are some i have in mind atm

be warned devilman crybaby is 18+ tho.

EDIT; forgot The Promised Neverland. theres gore, whats more to say?

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Posted: Fri, 24/05/2019 05:07 (5 Years ago)
exams finished and my wallets gonna cry tears of blood;
-metallic pens (silver/gold)
-new earphones
-new sketchbook, preferably short, A5 sized monologue. you know what happens to the cover when you buy the A4 sized
-Make plans with friendos
-JJJ and weeb haul pt. 3 (or 4 i forgot)

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Posted: Fri, 24/05/2019 04:59 (5 Years ago)
you know youre a true introvert when everyone in your class is taking pictures bc last day of school before break and ur sitting there drawing proscuitto

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Posted: Wed, 22/05/2019 21:59 (5 Years ago)
the grim (mis)adventures of cioccowota and seccowo
bonus cuz i got mad at my accounts paper and decided to draw ghiaccio and a few other people
when will i get to draw satan (devilman crybaby) without people thinking that im drawing nudes find out next on never

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Posted: Mon, 20/05/2019 13:01 (5 Years ago)
happy ramadhan

im still single

sekian maseh

lolno am in a committed relationship w/ accounts and add maths help

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Posted: Thu, 02/05/2019 11:57 (5 Years ago)
self-indulgent stuff, after exams. (that is if my motivation is back too lol)
-metallic marker pens (silver/gold)
-watercolor papers
-acrylic paint papers (those are a thing????)
-masking glue (though, idk if my local bookstore sells them)
-new sketchbook cuz i keep on forgetting that im a few pages left till im done

back to my disappearance

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 10:10 (5 Years ago)
-local high schoolers steal adults' hearts
-darkness light heart dark heart friendship
-dating sim but its not what you think, rebecca
-guy goes on an adventure to save his village whom became demons after his mother accidentally kidnaps the overlord's daughter

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-persona 5
-every kingdom hearts game
-doki doki literature club
-disgaea 2: cursed memories

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 08:40 (5 Years ago)
mmmm lawful good???

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 06:35 (5 Years ago)
man cats are suuuper adorable but they can be demonic sometimes

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 06:30 (5 Years ago)
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hello. you might know me as that person but, im not gonna waste my time or yours explaining on who i am and whatnot. my mind's going places as of late and, i dont think i have much time left. i certainly feel peachy, even though i know, deep down, im not. im most certain that everyone's super sick and tired of me, cuz, i too, am done with myself. honestly, i know deep down i should get some help, talk it out with someone yknow? but, i dont think, people would want to ever hear it. just like myself, im pretty sure they dont expect anyone to bother them so, im probably not gonna say anything. plus, i would just occupy their thoughts with me so, why should i when they could occupy their thoughts and brains on much more important stuff? man im tired. i should shut up. dont think anyone would ever want to read a dumb sixteen year old's ill-minded thoughts. plus, this could be labelled as attention-seeking, isnt it? man, i need to lay out my thoughts on somewhere no one nosy enough would read.

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 05:19 (5 Years ago)
chaotic good

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2019 15:28 (5 Years ago)
uhhh neutral evil

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2019 14:09 (5 Years ago)
pure good

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2019 06:24 (5 Years ago)
[the notes to self post; also known as im dumb and have a memory of a goldfish]
-ask any art stream students/miss nazirah for mr hafiz's numver
-printout english materials
-im gonna fix that spaghetti english grouping. one more complaint and i will eat the whole class' kneecaps.
-you gotta watch tomorrow's jjba episode with mom;;;;;;THERES DOPPIO FINALLY
-fanfic update;;;;;
-revisit pf?? i mean i dunno. only go there to talk to axicia and kagemara but,,, p sure the latter forgot abt me but the former? idk man. not ever since that incident ive talked to her. that was embarassing of him.
-economy + history notes

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2019 14:16 (5 Years ago)
things to be excited for this ramadhan, yay! ; a guide by yours truly:
-suddenly skolah rendah kids beratur to kumur their mouth
-bazaar ramadhan
-jam 2 days before raya
-no picking your nose
-tau fu fa
and most importantly, yusof taiyoob :^D

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2019 14:04 (5 Years ago)
aesthetic .v.
-1 bc of the scroll ;w;

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2019 12:42 (5 Years ago)
[[Piano stuff]]
>finish traitor's requiem piece. 95% to go!
>beneath the rain
>twinleaf town
>the entertainer
>il vento d'oro
>feel good inc
>the now now riffs, only tranz and hollywood is done
>les mis stuff

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2019 04:32 (5 Years ago)
"yea we goin hunting scroll down"

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