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Searching for: Posts from Dragonsoul.
Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 20:04 (9 Years ago)
She smiles at his warm embrace, enjoying the whirl of her motor as it sang with pleasure, finally close to something, someone, that knows what she is... and still loves her. "How long have you been here?"

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 20:01 (9 Years ago)
(Adorable! ^-^ Once again, we are goggling at their relationship :3)

Fifi looks him in the eyes. "You-you are different. Even the animatronics, misplaced, stuffed in a suit... dismantled always looked at me with disgust. They called me a hybrid. They knew who I was... and they burned my self-confidence which is why I went into hiding. So no one would ever be disgraced by me. But now..." She trailed off, still looking directly at Ollie.

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:51 (9 Years ago)
( I feel bad for them, this relationship will be troubling... for both of them)

Fifi smiled a small smile and softly kissed him on the beak again. "I finally found an animatronic who understands me..."

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:43 (9 Years ago)
(XD I love how our characters are in this super drama lovefest and we are just here talking. :3 )
Fifi put a finger to his beak. "They don't see me. I hate the outside world. The humans would think I'm disgusting." She gazed down at her feet. "I wouldn't blame them."

(Oops, there I go again...)

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:39 (9 Years ago)
Fifi feels her mind reel. Her instinct is to turn away, not let him in her heart and its dark passageways. She pushes the feeling down and brings him closer. She whispers, "You and I... we are the same as each other but different from the others..."

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:36 (9 Years ago)
(Oh my gosh! My Fifi! All grown up, changed and falling in love!)
(I'm going to top the dramatic charts!!!>:D)
Fifi senses Ollie scooch closer to her. At last, her heart can't stand the strain anymore and she turned around suddenly. She pulled Ollie in and kissed him on the beak, wrapping her hands around his waist. (Wait, are they sitting? Oops.)

(Urgh, I wish I could turn off the emojis!) HAHA! GOT YOU TO STAY IN TYPING, EMOJI!

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:31 (9 Years ago)
Fifi glanced down. "Yes. I feel injustice and anger and pain. But beneath all that..." She trailed off. If she were still a human robot, a red light in her cheeks would've responded to her feeling.

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:29 (9 Years ago)
(You can't really blame her... she's been cowering in the vents for years, had her life torn... oops. :3 Made it emotional again!)

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:28 (9 Years ago)
(Okay, cool. I was just wondering because no one has posted in four days... ._. ) (XD . Fifi made it a little dramatic... sorry! :3)

(...not sorry!)

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:26 (9 Years ago)
(Are you still active on this thread? I posted something awhile ago)

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 19:24 (9 Years ago)
Is anyone still active?

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 18:38 (9 Years ago)
The huge creature sensed that she had been discovered so she stepped out from the bush where she had hidden. A small smile kissed her lips as she inspected the odd giraffe. Scars lined her legs. "Oh Jaglar, a Pokemon?" She sniffed her disdainfully. "Follow me. You stink like the seven seas."

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 18:21 (9 Years ago)
Leaves swirled around their legs as they pushed through the undergrowth. Despite it being so bright and the now light fog, the waterfall remained unseen. Soon enough, something was stalking them through the undergrowth and in the air. The creature smiled as they missed the area yet again. It stayed absolutely silent, stepping on twigs and leaves but never making a sound...

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 18:16 (9 Years ago)
Um... I still don't have your character's name....

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 17:15 (9 Years ago)
Username: Dragonsoul
Name: Sasha White
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Power: Supposedly, she can transform in to any animal. Currently, she can only turn into a duck.
History: Sasha used to be a good girl. "Sasha clean your room!" Then: "Sure, mom! Love you!" Now: "Yeah, mom..." She hisses.
Now, there is a story behind this odd transformation. She was a great, normal kid. She loved to be outside, play with her friends and read.
Then it was discovered. Her power.
She always complained about animal sounds in her head but her mother always laughed and claimed she had such an imagination. Sasha soaked up the praise and, not wanting the flow to ebb, agreed.
Later in her life, she was sitting outside when she heard the roar of a bear. She screamed and ran outside, pulling her mother behind herself.
That's how Mrs. and Mr. White realized that their child was wrong.
They took her to the hospital, where she still freaked out, and the doctors ran a quick and painless scan of her brain. Sasha's hearing senses were being activated.
Her parents drove her to a mental hospital which she stayed in for a month, over her seventh birthday, and they removed the animal sounds.
Or so they thought.
The voices came back about a week later, but she kept quiet. She saw her parents stressing over the bills and letters so her mouth was sealed.
Three whole years passed and Sasha grew used to the animal sounds in her head. She actually enjoyed them, because, unlike what she had earlier though, those were the animals nearby. She spent a lot of time around wild creatures and her parents marveled at how she always came home without a scratch. At first, they were worried about their girl, especially one who had voices in her head, going out into the forest. One time they caught her stroking a rabbit. She told them that she gave them food and they loved her afterwards.
Which was half true. She did feed them.
Later, her parents got a letter from the academy stating that she had the power to transform into any animal and therefore, could communicate with them.
After she heard about this, she tested the theory. And turned into a duck. She later realized that she could not transform into anything else, which doused her flaming spirit to a small spark.
She was later sent to the academy and fell into a shallow depression, her power was stupid.("Hey, Collin, what's your power?" "I teleport!" "Sasha?" "I can turn into a duck and hear animal voices in my head.) She grew out of this by the time she hit twelve but she wasn't the girl she used to be
Appearance: She is tall (5'6") for her age and has brown hair that dangles just below her ears. Her eyes are a deep green and her skin is tan with bruises perpetually there. She is quite slender, weighing around one hundred pounds.
Other: Ms. Adeline Harris is a very respectable woman.

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Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 22:46 (9 Years ago)
Guys, new rule. Once\\if you defeat a guardian, then we PM about where you go and what you find.

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Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 17:09 (9 Years ago)
Flare and Dalia stepped out on to the soft grass. A stream gurgles nearby and fog hung heavily in the thick air. The trees loomes high above the two and sunlight shone strongly on the forest path. Coos of birds and hisses of rodents reached their ears. Even the sound of a lizard dog, howling forlornly, hung on the stiff breeze.

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Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 13:41 (9 Years ago)
The duo, electric and dragon, pawed in the sands for hours, but came up with nothing. But as Hulk's foot scooped up a pile of sand, a black corner poked from the shallow hole.

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Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 13:37 (9 Years ago)
(You guys done for now? May I post if you find something or not? Or are you guys still talking?)

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Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 13:25 (9 Years ago)
@Jack Can you copy and paste your form down here and put your name in? Other than that, its good! :3

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