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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from SilverStar.
Posted: Mon, 01/05/2017 13:28 (7 Years ago)
How do you became modo? And what were the feelings in obtained that responsibility/honor?
What Catlady said about how to become :3 As for how I felt, well, I didn't even think I would get in so when I got that PM... you have no idea how many times I read it xD I was in the middle of doing my end of year exam and I pretty much freaked the heck out of my tired and cranky friends.

If one of your friends on here broke the rules, do you feel bad for giving them a warning/ban (if necessary)?
Yeah, I do. However, I realize that it has to be done because when I chose to become a moderator, I chose to put my responsibilities before my own feelings ^^ If a friend chooses to defriend me for giving a warning when it was deserved, then they weren't really my friend I guess :p

Do you like Night in the woods? If so, who's your favourite character?
Wuzzat? O.O

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Posted: Mon, 01/05/2017 05:21 (7 Years ago)
Please get this contest approved!

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 13:22 (7 Years ago)
Man it's been a long time xD I feel so guilty for taking so long on my art requests, although I did make it clear that they were free cause I'd likely take forever :p

For KingSans2nd~

Oh and this thing here is my new signature for art :3

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 13:09 (7 Years ago)
Moving to 'Item Trades'! ^^

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 13:08 (7 Years ago)
Moving to 'Trade Shops' ^^

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 06:17 (7 Years ago)
For China, it's not even about popularity though ;-; It's government censorship. It's definitely popular enough ^^

I dunno, maybe they'll show it since they're getting better with this stuff. I honestly though Beauty and the Beast would get censored but it was still showed. Yuri on Ice is pretty subtle as well ^^

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 06:11 (7 Years ago)
True that xD It would be horrible to find that out D:

Although even though I'm definitely going to want to see this film, I highly doubt China will play it ;-; China has some issues with victuuri. Yeahhh I don't like the country I was born in. I'll probably have to wait till someone puts it online or when I go to Canada/America for uni - it's just a year away and then no more pollution for me *^*

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 06:03 (7 Years ago)
Omg ahahaa yeah ignore me >.> I can't read it seems. I read that first thing in the morning when I got on and I wasn't properly awake yet ^^

*cue extremely excited SilverStar now*

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Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 03:58 (7 Years ago)
Aw but it's just a recompilation right? ;-; Not that I'm complaining xD It's still better than nothing and will at least keep the hype up till season 2 is announced *^*

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Posted: Fri, 28/04/2017 04:15 (7 Years ago)
Could you explain what this is for exactly? ^^ The entire forums are for talking so I'm not sure I understand the point of this thread.

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2017 06:23 (7 Years ago)
Locking this as this already exists ^^'

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2017 05:27 (7 Years ago)
Please get this contest approved!

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2017 05:16 (7 Years ago)
I have skugars in my special trades box ^^ I'd be happy to sell one for 15 normal gems/20 dark gems?

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Posted: Wed, 26/04/2017 13:39 (7 Years ago)
Course! ^^ I'll send it now :)

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Posted: Wed, 26/04/2017 05:24 (7 Years ago)
Ahh no probs ^^ You're not the first one to miss it :)

I'll just move this to 'implemented' then ^^

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Posted: Wed, 26/04/2017 05:06 (7 Years ago)
We already have a search button though? ^^ The big button on the right bottom corner when you enter the forums?
<-- that thing.

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2017 10:56 (7 Years ago)
I'll go with price check price for that ^^

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2017 10:37 (7 Years ago)
Oh my god Cookie xD *shoos you* Bye!

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2017 10:22 (7 Years ago)
Bump~ ^^ I don't even know why I bother cause we all know I'll abandon my shop in a few months again before opening again like 6+ months :'D

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2017 08:37 (7 Years ago)
This contest has been ended and the prizes will be given out shortly.

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