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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dragonsoul.
Posted: Tue, 21/07/2015 18:35 (9 Years ago)
Hajila dashed after Ann, her spirit animal racing with her. Her boots splashed in the sewage and she couldn't help but cringe at the dank smell of the pipes. She quickly caught up to Ann since she was very much used to running.
Closing her eyes, Hajila called on her spirit animal to lend her speed. Soon, Hajila was running on all fours, her back straightening out and a tail sprouting from her backside. She didn't have enough energy to change into the element form, but this was enough.
In a roar, she shouted, "Ann, transform!"

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Posted: Tue, 21/07/2015 17:56 (9 Years ago)
Hajila quirked a smile at Ann. "I'm not very familiar around here... Would you lead?" Hajila turned suddenly and shot a man racing towards them with an arrow that had tendrils of black chasing after it.

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Posted: Tue, 21/07/2015 17:43 (9 Years ago)
"Peace, FurryWand. No, I haven't brought a horde to kill you. Besides, if that was a lot, you have much to learn." The big cat stepped aside to show the two Pokémon behind her.

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Posted: Tue, 21/07/2015 16:49 (9 Years ago)
The big cat smiled, showing off her glistening white fangs as the pokemon followed her. She padded away, leading them towards the other two pokemon. She smiled as she saw Girafrig and Braixen standing back to back. She frowned as she sensed the extra power rolling off the Girafrig, and closed her eyes. In a second, it was replaced by a much weaker force.

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Posted: Tue, 21/07/2015 15:01 (9 Years ago)
Oops! Misunderstood salamence! Editing post... once I'm done, back to you, Team Lazarus! XD

It's edited! >.<

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Posted: Tue, 21/07/2015 12:58 (9 Years ago)
Pinkie, one question, is this a new monster, or an improvement? Either way, I'll be working on it, I'm just curious


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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 23:29 (9 Years ago)
The she-cat snorted. "I'm not taking you anywhere. I'm leading you both to a stream where you can rejuvenate before you have to battle the guardian." She began to pad up to the way of which she came but then stopped, "Come on, then, I don't bite that hard."

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 12:54 (9 Years ago)
I now do giraffes!

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 12:28 (9 Years ago)
Sasha smiled as she noticed the teacher had not yet arrived. She ran over to Brandon and scrambled into the seat next to him. She quickly retrieved her history book from her pile of them and put the others to the side. Sasha blinked at Brandon when the teacher came in and commanded that the books should be opened to the first page. She flipped it open quickly, absorbing the words, but not remembering them.

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 01:42 (9 Years ago)
Yesterday was odd. Sasha thought as she blinked up at her canvas curtains. She felt her nails turning into feathers: her power was overflowing without an outlet. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, narrowing her concentration. Slowly, they turned back into the nails they were supposed to be.
She yawned and rolled over to look at the time. Oh my God, I'm late! She jumped out of bed, hopping into her skirt and shrugging on her blouse. She grabbed her books and dashed out of the room, through the empty halls, and into history class.

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 01:38 (9 Years ago)


Okay! Working on it now! :3



Here it is! Is there anything that I could improve or something you don't like?

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 01:05 (9 Years ago)
Stars, the bane of my existence. >.< Here it is, if you don't like it or you want something to be changed, tell me! :3


I am currently working on yours and it should be done soon!

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 23:29 (9 Years ago)
Bump! :3

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 03:58 (9 Years ago)
Sasha nodded, stuffing her hands into her pockets on her skirt. She fingered the small duck feather from her last transformation. She began to walk away, without waiting for his consent. Her thoughts drifted away from the academy and the strange yet endearing boy, moving towards her mother.

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 03:52 (9 Years ago)
(How about only a little bit, so they can turn their nails into claws or something.)

Hajila closed her eyes, and tendrils of black aura stretched out. Minutes later, a bow with a small quiver arrows flew into her hand, and the strap for the quiver stretched around her body. "I guess we are unbidden allies now, so there's no point in keeping it secret. My name is Hajila (hah-jee-la). What's your?"

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 01:39 (9 Years ago)
(Never really thought of that... considering she is a seasoned bandit, I'd say 21/22 )
Hajila heard the words. Arise, my ally... They rang in her head a thousand times before finally settling into place. W...wake up, Hajila! Her tiger roared.
Instead of letting the darkness enfold her, she used a trick that her father taught her long ago, before she was "different". She filled the world with light, white and blinding. She wanted to shield herself from the glare, but she stood up, facing the white force.
Hajila sat up, gasping, and dreched with sweat. "We're close to escaping..." Her voice was still echoey but at least she was awake.
Hajila stood up and whispered, "Jaglar, lend me your strength."
Instantly, she felt cold energy pulse through her veins. Her eyes glowed red as strength was lent to her. She closed her hand around a veil of darkness and pulled back. A loose bolt of black matter hit a man in his chest. The darkness spiderwebbed across his body and he collapsed.
"Let's go."

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 00:36 (9 Years ago)
Special Animal of The Month!
Only 2K PD!

Admit You're Happy Day!
(Don't believe me? Look it up X3 )
Look down below to order!

Heyo! My name is Sunny and I'm Dragonsoul's Tadpole! I was brought into existence by her so go visit her and say hi! She doesn't bite (hard)! She loves to write and draw and read! She doesn't think she's great at drawing, until she began making simple yet adorable avatars!

Oh, hey! My name is Draongsoul, but you can call me Dragi. I work around here. Which means I basically run the place. I currently make super simple things, like bees, tadpoles, and others! Just scroll down to see everything I can make.

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2k PD each!

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5k PD each!

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3k PD each!

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4k PD each!

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6k PD each!

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1k PD each!

Sea Bunnies ?!?!?!?!!?
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1K PD each!
Note: This shop is a much better place to go for for sea bunnies, though mine are a lot cheaper.

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2K PD each!

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1. All PH rules apply!
2. Do not harass me to get your picture done faster! When I get to it, I will do the best to make it good and come out fast!
3. Be polite to me and everyone else on this thread! (i.e No swearing, threatening or starting a fight.)
4. I'm only taking five orders at a time, in that order.
5. No taking credit, stealing, or just flat-out lying that the artwork is yours. It belongs to my dA account!


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Hey Dragi! I'd like a Tadpole!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Tail color 1:[/b]
[b]Tail Color 2:[/b]
[b]Words on canvas:[/b]
[b]Other (i.e glasses, fedora, etc.):[/b]
[b]Tip? :3 :[/b]

Show hidden content

Hey Dragi! I'd like a Bee!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Stinger color:[/b]
[b]Wing tint:[/b]
[b]Words on Canvas:[/b]
[b]Other:(i.e glasses, fedora, etc.):[/b]
[b]Tip? :3 :[/b]

Show hidden content
Hey Dragi! I'd like a cow!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Words on canvas:[/b]
[b]Other:[/b] (Glasses, fedora, etc.)
[b]Tip? :3 :[/b]

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Hey Dragi! I'd like a monster!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Tail color:[/b]
[b]Horn Color:[/b]
[b]Words on canvas:[/b]
[b]Other (glasses, fedora, etc.):[/b]
[b]Tip? :3 : [/b]

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Hey Dragi! I'd like a giraffe!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Tail color:[/b]
[b]Horn color:[/b]
[b]Words on Canvas:[/b]
[b]Other (glasses, fedora, etc.):[/b]
[b]Tip? :3 [/b]

Show hidden content
Hey Dragi! I'd like a frog!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Leg colors:[/b]
[b]Words on Canvas:[/b]
[b]Other (glasses, fedora, etc.):[/b]
[b]Tip? :3 :[/b]

Sea Bunny
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Hey Dragi! I want your Sea Bunny!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Ear colors:[/b]
[b]Tail colors:[/b]
[b]Other (glasses, fedora, etc.):[/b]
[b]Tip? :3 :[/b]

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Hey Dragi! I'd like your [s]beautiful[/s] smiley!
[b]Body Color:[/b]
[b]Any design on body:[/b]
[b]Hand Colors:[/b]
[b]Feet colors:[/b]
[b]Words on Canvas:[/b]
[b]Other (glasses, fedora, etc.):[/b]
[b]Tip? :3 :[/b]


powerofwaffle - 8K
Nouvelle - 4k
Yandere_Chan - 8k
Feathertail - 20,111
Teen_Gohan - 3k
Pinkie - 1K(?)
Hidden_Glaceon - 3k
Salamencegirl - 2K

Adoption Center
Do you have the luck to find a deviant?

As to promote this shop, I've made an adorable little thing called the Adoption Center! Here, you can "adopt" certain animals from the shop at a lower price than if you requested one! These lonely little creatures have been made by me, and are just sitting in my dA st.ash, waiting for no one, and so I thought, "LET'S SPREAD THE LUV!!!" (You may change the gender/name. I just added it for no reason X3 )
And bam the adoption center was created!
NOTE: Only one adoption per day, due to the small pool.

Animals of today:


300 PD


200 PD


800 PD


500 PD


200 PD

Note: The animals change everyday, but if one of the animals were not adopted, they may come back later on a different day.


You: Look at the puppy!
Me: You want it?
You: YES!
Me: Maybe I should be less lazy and just type a description.
You: ???

Ack, yeah I guess I’ll type a little old something. So, this is the auction house! Here, I put up an adoptable for a week, and people bid on it. This part of my shop is quite simple: just post that you are bidding, and then put what you are bidding with. As a small side note, this shop operates differently than the PH Auction House: You can add on with access to your previous offer. For instance, if you bid 100 PD on something, and someone else bid 2K PD, you could bid with the 100 PD available. Which is different from the auction house in the fact that you still have access and I do not take it.

What I want: (In order of desire)
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Shiny Pokemon. Any people who really love my art out there? :3
Enigma Stones!
Mega Stones
Normal Gems
Any rock
Treasure Boxes

These are the only items I want. Sorry to disappoint… but yeah. :3 Nothing else, nothing more. I know that a lot of this is a lot to ask for… but maybe I’ll get lucky! Thanks!
Current Auctions:

Viola X Vincent
Together forever!

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 22:54 (9 Years ago)
Sasha nodded a quick thanks. "Yes, it is quite odd. I don't wish to share about it." After a few awkward moments of standing in the middle of the hall, Sasha looked up at him. "How did you end up here?"

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 22:22 (9 Years ago)
Sasha flinched and blushed, heat flushing across her face. She rubbed her arm, embarrassed. She stopped and looked away. "Y-you would laugh." She stammered.

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 20:00 (9 Years ago)
"Great." She smiled. She hooked her arm through his and dragged him out of the building, dodging chatting friends, awkward six years olds, and impassive teens. Her eyes drifted to the man next to her and asked, "What's your power?" She was treading on dangerous ground, but she was curious.

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