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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from SilverStar.
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 04:51 (7 Years ago)
@Atalina, there's a scattercube in the first sales box? O.O I know I have a scattercube for sale but if there's one in that box, I really need to move that :'D But either way, yeah sure ^^

@LethalLulu, I'd prefer a higher number than that considering the fact that price check says "170,000 - 220,000" for one marine map ^^

Edit:: Omg there's is a scattercube there xD What a dumb dumb I am... Anyways, I'll set it up in the GTS for you!

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Posted: Fri, 12/05/2017 09:14 (7 Years ago)
While we do allow bumping, we'd prefer if it's done after 2-5 days in order to allow other users' to have their threads on top ^^

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Posted: Fri, 12/05/2017 09:14 (7 Years ago)
Moving to 'fanfiction'! ^^

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Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 10:35 (7 Years ago)
Bump? xD

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Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 10:32 (7 Years ago)
Moving to 'Sign ups' since this isn't an RP ^^

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Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 09:45 (7 Years ago)
Is this still ongoing? If so, please get this approved. If not, have any tickets been bought and if so have they been returned?

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2017 13:13 (7 Years ago)
Moving to 'User made contests' since this a contest - please label the thread accordingly.

Also, please get this contest approved.

Edit: Please note that as you are not allowed to offer prizes you do not yet have, dittos cannot be offered as prizes.

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2017 09:34 (7 Years ago)
No support.

Firstly, I think the current inflation rates are already pretty high and creating loans would only make it worse.

Secondly, there are no exact prices on Pokeheroes. Although most of us might follow price check, even that doesn't have specific prices for pokemon. A shiny caterpie definitely isn't worth the same as a shiny flabebe. Therefore, I don't really see a good way to set this up.

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2017 12:27 (7 Years ago)
冷 (lêng)

What's 'mouse' (the animal not the tech) in your language? ^^

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 13:39 (7 Years ago)
Yeah sure ^^ Just PM/palpad me whenever you want to trade!

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 10:46 (7 Years ago)
Wouldn't the same apply for checking profiles? ^^ I don't know about everyone else but I don't check the profiles of everyone that I speak to - I just automatically use 'they/them' since it's neutral.

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 10:27 (7 Years ago)
I'm not sure you understood what I meant ^^

What I meant was that we already have the 'about me' which is where most people put their personal information. Users that prefer certain pronouns usually put the pronouns there. Therefore, I don't particularly see why we need a separate option for this ^^

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 10:12 (7 Years ago)
While I do understand why explaining what pronouns you'd prefer be used is needed, why can't this be done in the 'about me'? ^^

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 04:50 (7 Years ago)
How many do you want to buy and what would be your rate? ^^ Love was here first but I'd be happy to sell you more if you need more after they've sold what they have! :)

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2017 12:16 (7 Years ago)
This isn't a trade shop ^^' Moving this to the general GTS area.

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2017 09:42 (7 Years ago)
This is signups only right? ^^ Moving to 'sign ups' then! Just palpad/PM me if I'm wrong~

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 11:57 (7 Years ago)
The thing is though, isn't that what all of the forums are for? ^^' Just having a thread of randomness is kind of spam which is why almost all threads will have a specific topic.

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 11:55 (7 Years ago)

I see you every once in a while in the forums as well as on the notification wall ^^

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2017 10:33 (7 Years ago)
Bump? I don't have any current event orders so if you order now, you'll be getting your event pretty quickly since my shiny hunt is almost over as well ^^

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2017 09:26 (7 Years ago)
Is this still ongoing? If so, please get this approved. Otherwise, have the tickets been refunded/prizes been given out?

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