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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from the_true_eeveekyu.
Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:55 (7 Years ago)
Sakura opened the door to the creamery and waved to Robin with her free hand, "Hey.."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:43 (7 Years ago)
Sakura nodded and helped Rue balance, "I don't mind, you helped me earlier."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:41 (7 Years ago)
Sakura nodded slowly, "We can tell..."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:37 (7 Years ago)
Sakura could feel the tension between them, it was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. "Do you need any help walking?", Sakura asked.

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:30 (7 Years ago)
Sakura nodded, "Yes we all do. I'm a Rose Gem main."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:24 (7 Years ago)
Sakura turned around and saw Rue on the floor, "Oh my gosh are you ok?!" She helped Rue up and checked out her injuries, "Nothing serious, can you walk?"

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:18 (7 Years ago)
Sakura quickly sped to the creamery and waited for Rue to catch up, "Hurry! She's choosing flavors right now!"

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:10 (7 Years ago)
Sakura turned around, "Hey Shiro! Come get ice cream with us! Robin is paying!"

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:08 (7 Years ago)
Guys it's up! @Angelless please type the password in before you start. Here it is!

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 02:06 (7 Years ago)
(We start at home, then we have to go to school. Eventually we come back and play our game, make sure to call everyone by their screen names or some variation of their screen name.)

Megumi's alarm went off and she rolled out of bed, "Urgh..." She slowly got up and turned her alarm clock off, "Just one more day before I can play WLCD all weekend..."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:56 (7 Years ago)
Sakura nodded, "Thanks Rue. I'll see you tomorrow then!" She waved in Rue's direction and ran off to find Robin and Julianna.

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:53 (7 Years ago)
Sakura looked at Ava, "Cool I'm a freshman, that's why I've never seen you guys."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:47 (7 Years ago)
Sakura nodded, "Yes but the last time I did that, I got hurt. A couple of bruises and a cut or two but I survived..."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:43 (7 Years ago)
Sakura shook her head, "It's ok, I've gotten use to it."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:34 (7 Years ago)
Sakura looked up at Kei, "Oh, you do? I don't think I've seen you around, I'm the girl that everybody picks on."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:31 (7 Years ago)
Sakura nodded her head, "Yes please.."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:23 (7 Years ago)
Sakura turned towards Kei, "Maybe... I go to Rosewood Highschool..."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:19 (7 Years ago)
Sakura perked up at the sound of ice cream, "I'd eat ice cream... Can I?" She looked at Julianna and shifted on her heels, "I'm Sakura... Nice to finally meet you all.."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:16 (7 Years ago)
Sakura stood there, "Um... If it makes you feel any better, I'm 5'0..."

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 01:12 (7 Years ago)
Sakura sighed and tried to figure it out on her own, "Maybe there's like a button that would let me transform back..." Without warning, she began to float and glow. "What's happening?! I feel like Sailor Moon, what is this?" The transformation was done and Sakura was placed back onto the ground in her original form.

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