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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 09:15 (5 Years ago)
Chae stared at the bag and felt his stomach turn. He didn't want to eat, Gray or one of the scientists or someone probably did something terrible to it again. A flash of phantom pain pulsed in his chest, still haunting him from last time, and before he could start shaking Joshua rubbed his horns gently once more. "Can you eat something for me, Chae?" He asked, obviously expecting compliance. Chae shook his head. "Why not?"

"I," Chae swallowed, "I don't think I can hold anything down."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 02:01 (5 Years ago)
"I can't think of one either-" Joshua began, when there was a click and a beep. He quickly snatched the book out of Chae's hands, startling him, and shoved it under the cover of the bed he was sitting on. Just in time, too, as the door swung open and a girl with long, gray-dyed hair threw a bag into the room.

"Make sure the runt eats, Red," she growled, before slamming the door shut, causing Chae to jump again. Joshua could feel his heartbeat faintly through his horns, and it was already far too fast for his liking. Too much excitement for one day, he thought.

(Probably the last post of the day, as I'm going to bed. Try to keep things calm-ish while I'm not here)

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 01:47 (5 Years ago)
"You never know, they might. But look on the bright side, you could be placed with Chao again, right? Or maybe you'll get to see Eovis and Cwai. It's been a while since you've been with them." Joshua smiled at him, brushing his fingers over Chae's horns. The demon's eyelids dipped a bit, and he untensed slightly, yet it seemed to be more of a biological reaction than a voluntary one. "He is right, though, we're probably going to be split."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 01:34 (5 Years ago)
"Things are definitely changing with you guys around, but I'm not sure if it's for better or worse yet. Maybe - and that's a big maybe - things can get better. I just don't know." Joshua shrugged again, his wings drooping. Chae didn't like the way they were moving further away, so he clung to the feathers as best he could without hurting Joshua.

"We're going to get split up, 'Shua," Chae said, his voice so soft you could barely hear it. A touch of hysteria tinged his voice. "There's too many people. We-we're going to be separated."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 01:15 (5 Years ago)
accepted!! please take out the password and advertise!!

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 01:04 (5 Years ago)
"Well, yes, we have," Joshua said, "and when you live your entire life here, you start running out of options fast. The last we attempted something.." He sighed, and all traces of his happiness were gone. "It didn't end in the way we thought it would. When you watch that many people get slaughtered, you start to lose hope. It's just useless at this point. Most of us have resigned ourselves to this life."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 01:00 (5 Years ago)
accepted!! please edit out the password and advertise!!

accepted!! please advertise and take out the password!!

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 00:55 (5 Years ago)
"It won't work, Keita. We've tried. Chao's clawed and rammed into it until she got bloody fingers and a dislocated shoulder and it does nothing." Joshua replied.

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 00:47 (5 Years ago)
"Not strong, just accustomed," Joshua corrected, "And you should look out for yourself. I've got me and Chae covered. You never know when things will go drastically south." He placed a hand on Tami's shoulder. "Besides, we've been through plenty already. We're used to it at this point."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 00:14 (5 Years ago)
"I have gone outside, a few times, mostly for testing purposes. There was an incident almost seven years ago involving Chae and some of his siblings, so he hasn't really seen sunlight for a while," Joshua shrugged. He gave Tami a reassuring smile. "But you guys change things a bit. I mean, they swore we'd never have a roommate again since Chao got transferred, yet here you all are, so that's already special. Things can be different now, I--"

There was a clang on the door, and Chae visibly jumped, squeaking out a pathetic sound. Joshua soothingly scratched at his scalp. "That must be the food warning," Joshua said, "unless we're having a surprise inspection, but I doubt it."

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 23:51 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 23:50 (5 Years ago)
"No, it's okay," Joshua said. "We've been here all our lives, so for me about eight years. Chae's one of the originals, so he's been around for thirteen and a half, is that right?" Chae tipped his head slightly. "This place is pretty much all we've ever known, so you either get used to it or you don't."

(basically just introductions and a bit of basic information, nothing much)

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 23:09 (5 Years ago)
Chae glanced at Tami over his book, silver eyes the tiniest bit less scared. He still looked terrified, but seemed less likely to have a nervous breakdown on the spot. He switched his gaze to Joshua, who seemingly spoke for him. "Just no touching or loud noises should be okay. Thank you for caring."

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 23:02 (5 Years ago)
accepted!! please advertise and edit out the password!!

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 22:57 (5 Years ago)
"I don't know what will happen, honestly. Probably the same thing that happened to us. Testing, testing, and more testing with a touch of abuse somewhere in there," Joshua replied. He smiled at Tami, "Nice to meet you, and thank you." Carefully, he leaned over to press his hand against Chae's hair, trying to calm him. "I would step back a little if I were you, Kaz. Not that he's rude or anything of the sort, he just doesn't know you, and is rightfully a bit cautious."

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 22:42 (5 Years ago)
"I'm Joshua Red Haert, or 46-RED," he said. He gestured with his wing to Chae, who quickly pulled his knees closer to his body out of obvious discomfort. "And that's Chaelinn Decem Yuu, or just Chae or 10-CE. Saying he's a little shy is an understatement." As if proving this point, Chae flinched backwards when Kaz came near and tried to back up further into the wall.

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 22:30 (5 Years ago)
"I don't know the science of it," Joshua admitted, blushing a little. "You'd have to talk to Chae about that one. But I know it happened. Humans are, to put it simply, insane."

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 22:26 (5 Years ago)
"It's okay Lizzy, but you might want to stay a little calmer in the future. Some of us are trained to be fearful of anger, even if it's not directed towards us," Joshua replied. His smile brightened a bit at Eura's words. It was nice to not be called a freak by an outsider for once. "Thank you, that means a lot."

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 22:16 (5 Years ago)
accepted!! remove the password and advertise please!!

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Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 22:14 (5 Years ago)
"Eating schedules are awkward, but they'll probably bring something for the newbies soon," Joshua replied, smiling at Lizzy despite her prickly attitude. He was determined to be as helpful as possible to these people. He remembered how he'd desperately wished for people to answer his questions when he asked so long ago. He turned back to Eura, the his smile fading a little. "Well, we're not exactly natural. Most of the ones you'll meet here were grown in test tubes. It gives a couple odd side-effects." He spread his lopsided wings a bit, as proof. "But some of us must look pretty similar to you, I guess."

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