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Posted: Fri, 02/10/2015 14:30 (9 Years ago)
Alexane looked at the stone in her hand.
"Me too" she whispered.

When Faolan came near Nathana, Alexane observed him.

"He will be a strong wolf If he will walk at your side"
She said no more and walked toward the pile of furs and whising a goodnight to the girl she laid on them. Here eyelids were heavy, so she fell asleep quickly.

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Posted: Thu, 01/10/2015 17:24 (9 Years ago)
Axel continued to pat Khaalida's head. She looked at every person in the room and then at Felix, who blushed when Selinia gave him the flask.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. Thanks" He scratched his head for the embarrassment. "Sorry, I'll go in the kitchen, the food is ready." Then he headed through the white door.

"Well, the dinner is saved" Axel smiled.

After a couple of minutes, two the helpers came out of the kitchen, they were Alice's companions Mercury and Pluto, pushing a large metallic cart on which were placed tons of plates, arranged in one big pyramid.

"Alright, I was inspired by the large book of recipes that Cassandra gave me, so...this dinner will be rich of SWEETS!" exclaimed Felix proud of his work.

Mercury was prepared and quickly he distributed the white plates to every hunter in the room with its black retractable arms. Pluto returned in the kitchen and after a couple of seconds he came out with a big tray.
There was a large choice of sweets: biscuits with the aspect of vampires, black velvets orange and black, caramelized apples, a simple chocolate cake with the shape of a coffin ,pumpking and black berry frozen yogurt, red orange and pomegranate juice with the addition of a bit of snake blood.
For the companions there was a choice between delicious cooked meat and soft muffins with random flavor, just not to excluding them.

Pluto approached to the hunters showing the large tray and inviting them to take what they wanted.

Axel took a lots of biscuits and a big piece of cake, ate all of them in one bite and leaving a few for Khaalida.

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Posted: Wed, 30/09/2015 19:36 (9 Years ago)
( owo! YEEEEEEEE Marulina ce l'ha fattaaaaaaaa XD
MADONNA QUANTO è SEXY. Sbavo. Da tutte e due le parti. *Faccia da pervertita* uvu

Ti do una medaglia per "Story: Totally orphan" e "Room: 666" XD

Accepted! Puoi scrivere quando vuoi, poi ti spiego le cose man mano =w=
Daje, impariam st'inglese! *3*)

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Posted: Wed, 30/09/2015 14:35 (9 Years ago)
Alexane took the stone in her hand and she started to bite one of the strips.
She looked at Nathana and smiled.

"You surely are hungry" she continued to finish her meal, chewing quielty.

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Posted: Wed, 30/09/2015 13:51 (9 Years ago)
Alexane turned around her glance toward Nathana and slightly smiled.

"Yes, my stomach is kicking for the hungry" she giggled "I'll go to bed once finished"
She standed up and walked toward her pile of furs and sat on them.

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Posted: Wed, 30/09/2015 12:50 (9 Years ago)
(owo! Well Ace, Thats a lot better! *3*
I'll leave you the immortality at one condition...You're character must have a...weak point that if someone hurts that point he can die , like Achilles .3.
Accepted anyway =w=

owo! Ooooh Eznorb I like that little cutie congrats!! >w<)

Axel sighed. "Not again" she shaked her head.
She patted her hands on her thighs waving at Khaalid to sit on her legs.

Everyone laughed when Zeph exclaimed his answer. Malarica was the one who laughed loudly, and patted fiercely Zeph's shoulder.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAH THIS ASWER WAS BETTER THAN THE QUESTION!" She continued to laugh and then she dried her tears with the ribbon of one of The Jokers member.

Jaque sighed very deep. "Such a mess everytime we have dinner" He took another sip of tea from his favourite cup.

"I would like to know the culprit too. But there are so many Jokers around here" he answered to Atticus patiently. The fact made him laugh too, but he tried to hide it tightening his mouth but reveal a slightly smile too.

Felix's face became more red and he puffed out his cheeks to hold the scream.

Everyone then fell silent.

(I would like to wait that everyone have posted after this =w=
Aaaand I wanted to say that I have bad habit to forgot things and write them later. So check the main post sometime, I can update something =w=)

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Posted: Tue, 29/09/2015 17:07 (9 Years ago)
(owo! Gnahahhaha you too Ace? XD

o3o! Calm down with the powers and the weapon buddy, you're too powerful ovo
Or the super speed or his special power, try to remove something and we'll see uvu
And...You're character is...too normal XD
Try to find something that fits the pastel goths...would you? QWQ
sorry If I am too mean QWWWWQ)

Axel stretched her arms and she headed for the canteen. In front of the wooden door she heard already Felix's screams. She sighed.
"Oh no, not again" She pushed the heavy door.

The canteen was pretty huge. On the left there were twenty large tables in dark wood, the chairs were in the same materials with a soft red pillows. All of the hunters were reunited in that room, the groups had their own table with the leaders that sat at the head, the companions were at the sides of their hunters and the other who didn't have one were just reunited near the kitchen door to wait the chef to come out with delicious meals. In the center was a big red carpet.
To the right was the white door kitchen, and a few counters with black marble surfaces. On the wall a large variety of glasses and wine bottles hung on a wooden support decorated with carved little demons.
Axel walked toward the Steampunks table and took the sit farthest from others. on the other side the leader, Carrie, drunk in one gulp a huge glass of beer and laughed loudly with the other members.
Suddenly from the door a scream penetrated in her ears. Felix, dressed in a white chef uniform slammed strong the door, with red face.


(Try to interact with the leaders too, make everything be melted perfectly! *3*)

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Posted: Tue, 29/09/2015 12:28 (9 Years ago)
(owo! Oh Hi! >w<
OOOHHH YOU CHOSE ROBERT! AWWW *A* (he is a character of the story too, but I don't want to put him in this rp XD
gnahahha sorry, my author-fangirl run away for a sec xD okay then! ACCEPTED! And thank you QWQ
You can start when you want~)

Axel smiled at Khaalida and patted her head soflty.
"Hold on strong, this time we'll jump from the roof." she said and quickly she jumped into the void, swooping down on the willow. She opened her titanium gloves and clung the thick ranch of the tree before crashing on the ground, causing a strong swing. She laughed.
"Well, that was fun, hope Frey won't get mad, hehe"

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 21:27 (9 Years ago)
(owo! OOOOH COOL~ wow the steampunks are recruiting so much members XD!
Accepted! You can start when you want! >w<)

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 18:59 (9 Years ago)
Axel lost the balance for a bit, she turned around her glace and saw her cute companion.

"There you are Khaalida, I was wondering where you were" she reached the animal's ear and began to rub it, then she kissed the tip.
Suddenly the ring of the bell filled her ears and her eyes laid on the other hunters that were slowly walking toward the canteen.

"Well, this candies didn't fill me. Want to eat something good, Khaalida?"
She smiled at her companion.

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 17:53 (9 Years ago)
(owo! Accepted!

Yes! Okay then, we CAN STAAART!)

Axel sat on the roof, with her usual candies in the hands. She looked at the tall willow in the courtard and a line of memories passed through her head.

"How many years I've been here? I really can't remember" she giggled.
She then layed her eyes of the black silhouette that was flapping toward her.

The bird continued to fly but suddenly it changed direction, heading toward the battered bench under the willow.

"Whats wrong with that bird?" She raised an eyebrow. So she shrugged and ate one of the candies.
The sun was setting, the bell of the dinner rang.

(WOW! Looks cool! Congrats! *3*)

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 16:56 (9 Years ago)
( o3o! Gnahahah okay then! *3*

Yup Yup!
Accepted anyway! >w<)

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 16:53 (9 Years ago)
owo! HI! >w<
Accepted! *3*


I'm calm =w=

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 16:49 (9 Years ago)
o3o! Oh hi! >w<

I give you a medal for "A bicycle" XD

Woa so cool! *3*
-Jaque =w=)

o3o! Oh yes! You're right, I created too much females, Its my fault u-u
You can do that! *3*

Oh don't worry, the images are just examples, you can change the age ;)

P.S. Its my fault again, Can you edit your form? I edited it in the post a little late I know....

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 15:49 (9 Years ago)
o3o! AWWWWW >w<

Accepted! *3* (I wanted to say that so bad XD)

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2015 15:06 (9 Years ago)

Hi all!

So! I wanted to start this rp for a specific reason. I'm an aspiring comic writer, aaand I'm writing some stories for the publishing at the end of the comic school that I'm attending. I have some stories that I wrote some years ago, that are important to me. One of those is the plot of this rp~
I created so many characters, It's a little mess now xD
So! I want you all to take part of this story, so when in the future this comic will be...in...other countries than mine (hope over +900000), I want YOU to feel part of it =w=
If you're wondering "Why you create this rp with complicated characters?" You know why?
Lets start! Hope you'll find this interesting QWQ

P.S. Photos or art that are below AREN'T mine. =w=

In a castle, situated in another dimension, a large group of people from around the world, combine their force to fight monstruosities generated by the human hatred, envy, and other dark feelings that eat the souls of mortals. They are normal people, taken from their world and brought in that castle because they have powers inside their heart. Most of them live in there becase of their life in the normal world; they didn't like their lives so they wanted a new ones and the castle was a perfect choice to restart everything. Stangely, all of them dresses as gothic style. They're not confined in here, they can move between the castle and their world through portals.
One day, the human hatred seemed to grow, and grow generating giant and evil monsters, which they call "Forsaken". ( Like this guy ) and the world's balance was suddenly broken.
So they called new fighters to abolish those monsters.
P.S. I'll reveal other characters and parts of the plot later on =w=
P.P.S. Guys, read the plot. You CAN move between the castle and the normal world, don't act like you're confined in there xD

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Well, you all know RPs rules right? Do I have to re-write them? I don't think so. You all have a brain, USE THAT. =w=
I'll start with my rules now =w=
-Ph rules apply.
-No godmodding-
-Only I can accept people
-Don't be rude
-No perfect characters
-The password is "Snake bites"
-Don't go out of the character
-Romance is allowed, but not to much please °3°
- This is not obligatory, but I prefer that your characters have at least a slightly ghotic style (P.S. With gothic I don't mean only "Total black" characters!!!) , just to follow the plot °3°
Again, It's your choice =w=
-Referring to the section below, all of these groups have leaders. They're not main character or other, so they'll appear rarely in the story. I'll take control of them when needed.
-I'm open to any suggestion or change =w=
-Mutant power are allowed~

PSSS...The REAL password is the name of the leader of "The Victorians"

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The Monster Hunters are divided in sub-cultural gothic groups (And other that I created xD)! So yes, You can choose the style and the group!:
-There are The Victorians :
People who have a gothic-Victorian style.They like drink tea. A lot. =w= Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Jaque Beaumont

- The CyberGoths :
They like to fight, and try new shoes in front of a mirror XD Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Well...call her Peggy ~

- The Steampunks
They have their own lab, where they can create weapons and other combat stuff. They're very useful, but be careful, they bite =w= Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Carrie Waldgrave

- The Pastel Goths . Awww they're so cute ~ They can kill as fast as a bullet, and as brutal as a chainsaw, aaawww ~ Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Karine Bloodbath

- The Gothics-Lolita
If you see girls that throws candies out of the window, RUN. THAT THINGS ARE EXPLOSIVE. And tasty too o3o!
Example Female! And male!

Leader: Lenore Banner

- The Jokers!
They like to laugh, clean the skulls on the shelf, Paint their faces and do jokes....AND RIP EVERYTHING, MUHAHAUHAHAHAHAH ~~ Example Female! And Male!

Leader: Malarica Colburn

- And The Dark Rippers
They're the traditional goth style, very fanatics of horrors, bats, pumpkins and zombies. Oh yeah. Don't bother them, if you don't want to find a knife in your skull in the night! ♥ Example Female! And Male!

Leader: Graham Krestel

P.S. I know its kinda hard to find images that fits these guys. I will point you some..sites where you can look =w=
There is VampireFreaks on Pinterest its only bad side is that you need registration to see every image, I stronlgy recommend it because you can find EVERYTHING in here =w=
Google doesn't help much, but it can give you a little help~
Also Tumblr and We Heart it will help! *3*
Try THIS too
For the Victorians female characters you can search Here~
The Steampunks are famous, so It won't be hard to fine images >w<
CyberGoths are easy to find too~
The Rippers dresses as a normal goth person, easy! >w<
For the Joker, I created them, so I know its not that easy to find an appropriate image. If you read their...very little description you know that They Like a lot to paint their faces =w=

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So, I decided to give to you a rough explaination of the castle, so you can move freely by yourself x3

The entrace is composed by a large doorway in dark wood, a talking gargoyle guards it. When you enter, you can see a large courtyard with tall willows and some benches under them. There are a lot flower bushes too, and a little space where to cultivate ingredients for everything. At the sides you can reach on the other floors by going up on a spiral staircase. On the 2nd Floor there are the important rooms, like the canteen, the director office, the library, the saloon meetings and the infirmary. On the 3rd Floor there are the rooms of the hunters. In the basement you can find the Steampunk's lab, the prison, and the training room (very hi-tech X3) AND the Companion lab.
Well, thas it =w=

There are other background characters, so I'll present them =w=
Felix takes care of the kitchen, and the food! Yummy! (Ha has a black parrot named Carrot too XD)
Frey guards the prison, and she tends the garden too~ (P.S. she's a little psycho, so be careful xD)
Ephedra leads the infirmary (because she's the only doctor XD)
Cassandra is the director, she is always in her office and she is the first who call everyone and brings them in the saloon, where she tell them the next target!
Zavaria with Ambrosia leads the training room , be careful, THEY'RE TOO SERIOUS >~<
And Alice (Frey's sister) leads the Companion lab~

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In this rp you can be an Hunter OR a companion. The companions are little cute monsters that have they're own power Like this little cutie that I found . They are created with EVERYTHING in the Companion Lab >w< (I mean: You can be a....dragon created with metal scraps or a yeti created with glass and so on! EVERYTHINNGGG) created Later on the story they will chose a partner. So think of it~! Remember, It's not obligatory =w=!

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Hunter or companion?:
(If companion) Partner?:
Country of origin (of the character):
Room n°:
Story (optional):
Image? (Its preferable .w.)
Special Power:

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Useraname: TxTiger99
Name: Axel Ash
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Hunter or Companion?: Hunter
(If companion) Partner?:
Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush: hehe, later later uvu
Country of origin: Germany
Group: The Steampunks
Room n°: 130
Description: She is solitary, doesn't like too much people around. She sit often on the castle's roof, to play with Carrot or to eat some candies that Frey give to her. She likes to train with the dummy and a bow. When Cassandra announces a new target, she jumps on her mecha and run through a portal. (Not in a fantasy mood today XD)
Veicle: Mecha
Weapon: Titanium claws armored with bullets too.
Special power: She can trasform her skin in titanium .3.

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nobody, thanks the god of the donuts =w=

Thats it! I'm sorry if I'm too suffocating, this story is really important to me =~=

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 18:59 (9 Years ago)
Alexane glanced Nathana.

"...Not the reaction that I expected." She shrugged. "Maybe It's not a good Idea to ask. I'll try tomorrow"

She sat on the ground in front of the wall and started to scratch the surface with her claws, causing sparks. Her mind went somwhere else.

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Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 14:37 (9 Years ago)
Alexane nodded and sigh. She turned around and walked toward Nathana.

"This plant is connected with my heart, or its my heart itself: Its a long story, but this plant give me the life, If it dies I die with it. Like every plant I have to feed it often."

She put both her hands on the edges of the long split and slightly pulled the sides, showing the roots of the plant inside the beating heart.

"The flower has its own life. Since I'm a human too, my other organs works with my flesh body. So yes, I have to feed my stomach too."

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Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 12:16 (9 Years ago)
Alexane opened her eyes and stared at the flower.
"It's not...eating, I guess. I have to keep this plant alive If I want to live"

When all the berries in her hand became dust, she shaked her head; the flower recoiled and she obtained a small part of her energy.

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 14:21 (9 Years ago)
Nessy and Char, Let’s Do Some Art!
Username: TxTiger99
Topic #: 2

Password:Happy Birthday Char

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