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Posted: Mon, 02/07/2018 17:53 (6 Years ago)
Skittish, done with her preparations, climbed on top of Thorax' back. Needle was just about to follow her, when she signed him to stop.
"You'll stay with your squad, Stripes. Remember that I need two patrols, and your mother insists on you learning more about Lead-Sting-Responsebilities.", she reminded.
The small Speedstinger looked confused, but walked away with a disappointed chirp anyway.
"I'm off volks... Good luck.", Skittish stated and Thorax started into the air with a mighty roar.

"Take care of yourselves!", Beat called after them. He checked his bagpack one last time, before turning around with a smile.
"I'm ready as well!"

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Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 20:57 (6 Years ago)
Skittish shot a meaningful look at Beat, who just snorted and Cleaned the kitchen.
He checked his bagback one last time, before he Made his Way to the docks. His sister was already busy with loading bags and trinkets onto Thorax's saddle, while the old Dragon was napping a little.

"Make sure to Take extra care when you Fly around, we don't know where those ships went. I'd hate having to save you from a bunch of dragon-killers.", Beat requested.
"And I'd hate it having to save you from a girl.", was the snarky answer, which Made the young man Roll his eyes.
"Just be careful. I'm positive that Oakley And I will bring some light into the matter. For the dragons."

[Plan? Check. Firehoney-pouch? Check. Skit's list of special islands? Check. What could go wrong?]

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Posted: Tue, 26/06/2018 22:00 (6 Years ago)
Beat grinned, already excited for the Flight. "Sure, I already packed my stuff ages ago!", he answered, holding a small Paper towards Oakley. "Here's a smaller and simpler Version of the map for you, just in Case."

"Good luck! I Trust in you not to get eaten.", Skittish said, while waveing Goodbye. "See you around."

Thorax, who had stuck his head into One of the Windows, bellowed a Good-bye as well.
Needle chirped contently, head-butting the Nightfury's paw lightly, before going back to Skittish.

[Time to head into Adventure!]

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Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 21:18 (6 Years ago)
"If you still want to set a trap there, yes. I'd say we check upon all the isles first and afterwards think of how and where to build the traps in our Darkyard-base, when you have a better look upon things.", Beat suggested, obviously relieved that he didn't have to go by boat.

Squeaking, Needle rolled a little around from the gust, being quite the lightweight. He quickly stood up, puffing his chest out and cleaning his scales as if the incident had never happened.

[And the Oscar goes to Needle Alphasson, best actor in "Gone with the Wind" :'D]

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Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 20:12 (6 Years ago)

Title: Dragon-Form

Saferock Sanctuary Dragon

Name: Bummer
Class: Tidal
Species: Shellfire
Age: around 30
Gender: Female
Looks: A big Shellfire of carmesine colour, with grey horns and brown eyes
Length: around 170 ft
Wingspan: -
Weight: unknown
Fire power: Cannonball-sized plasma charges
Character: A calm Shellfire that likes dragons and humans alike, especially young ones. However, she can be very defensive and territorial, if it comes to intruders or other big tidal-class dragons (especially submarippers)

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Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 20:01 (6 Years ago)
Needle wagged his tail, feigning a fighting stance. He barked challenging, duckeing away under the paw.

Beat nodded satisfied, showing his small version of the Darkyard-map. Most islands were circled in some sort of colour.
"I thought, that it would be a good idea to check on the dragons first, from Red to Orange over to Yellow and Purple. The purple coloured islands are still not completely explored, but might contain rare dragons. The black circled ones are the dangerous ones with what we call the 'Angry wild dragons'. Those are the troublesome ones we told you about.", he started to explain. With a shy glance to the side, he asked: "Would you and Whisp mind taking me on a ride with you? I know I'm not exactly the lightest, but since Skittish needs Thorax to get the D.R.O.P., I hoped that I could fly with you two..."

Skittish hummed. "I intend to strengthen the water, as well as the beach defence. We have to relocate Bummer our Shellfire, because he hates Submarippers... That's why I need Thorax's help. He also carries a few of the landbound dragons.", she added.

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Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 19:43 (6 Years ago)
Skittish just waved tiredly as a greeting, still nomming on her slice of bread.
Beat looked up, tapping on his Map.
"Good timing! We just finished the plans and which steps to take next. I can tell you while you eat, if you want me to?", he greeted.

Needle screeched enthusiastically, running around the Nightfury playfully, sliding under her belly or quickly jumping over her back from time to time.

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Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 15:17 (6 Years ago)
In the kitchen, Beat was scribbleing down notes in his small poket-book, while Skittish nibbled on her bread, halfheartedly giving commands.
"And check up on this small island too... I think there might be rare dragons. I'm sure it's even safe to build a trap there.", she said, looking away unobtrusively.
"Huh... Alright.", Beat answered a little surprised, marking the island on the paper. He looked at his sister, or rather the big shadows under her eyes.
"Don't worry too much about it. With Oakley's and Whisp's help I'll defend the Darkyard dragons. And I'm sure, your plan for Saferock's defence will work just as fine!", he tried to reassure her.
"... Sure.", was her answer.

In the meantime, Needle was jumping around in the kitchen, hoping to find some leftover meat.

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Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 14:32 (6 Years ago)
[Aye!] [<- Le Me, after searching decades for my last mystery-entry]

This night, a swarm of Whispering Deaths was met with a shadow. Nervously, they circled the intruder, to find out what it might be. There was rattleing and whispering, and they calmed down. But as the creature came closer, a bright beam came from across, blocking its way. Faceing towards the dragon over it, it was met with the spikey fury of the spirit of redemption.

The same night, many many miles away, Beat was softly snoring in his bed, a small plush dragon in his arms.

His sister however, was sitting on her desk with a very tired and desperate expression. Beneath her, Needle the Speedstinger fought with the end of the pencil she was holding. This earned him a small smile from his favourite human.
"What should I do? I can't just tell him.", she murmured towards the small dragon. "Especially not, since our Sanctuaries might be in danger with this new girl around..."
She groaned, bumping her head onto the surface of the desk.
"Let's head to bed.", she mumbled.

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Posted: Sat, 23/06/2018 17:39 (6 Years ago)
Beat shook his head. "You girls should head to bed, you had an exhausting day after all.", he said. With a glance at Whisp, he added: "ALL of you girls."

Skittish snorted, making clear that she would head to her room, but most certainly not for sleep. "I want to have a word with you first... Alone.", she said, leaving the room.

Beat smiled apologetic at Oakley, following his sister.


~"You need to take care Beat. I get it that you want to protect the Leaders, but make sure she doesn't meet either Aurumes or Aroma. From all what we know, she could be one of the bad guys. We've never been attacked before, but as soon as she's here, we get a visit from dragon hunters? You can't tell me that's not suspicious."
-"Come on... I know you have a hard time trusting people. Just think about what would've happened if she hasn't been here when they attacked!"
~"Like I said. We probably wouldn't have been attacked at all."
- (Sigh)"If you can't trust her, then trust the dragon. Whisp is a Nightfury! You can't tell me she would befriend a bad human."
~"We'll see about that... tomorrow. Good Night."

(My, My. Smells like trust issues D:)

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Posted: Sat, 23/06/2018 16:58 (6 Years ago)

Title: Dragon-Form

Name: Scorchblade
Class: Stoker
Race: Typhoomerang
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Looks: A young male Typhoomerang of dark, blood-red colour and wine-red markings, with yellow eyes
Length: around 28 ft
Wingspan: 56 ft
Weight: unknown
Fire power: Cyclonic jets of flames
Character: A very impulsive dragon, that likes to fight. Has more control over his temper since Beat and Skittish took care of him on Saferock.


Name: Scorchblade's girlfriend alias "Scorchmaiden"
Class: Stoker
Race: Typhoomerang
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Looks: A female Typhoomerang of pinkish-red colour and wine-red markings, with a white head and pink eyes
Length: around 25 ft
Wingspan: 50 ft
Weight: unknown
Fire power: Cyclonic jets of flames
Character: Seemingly calm and loyal, not as aggressive as most Typhoomerangs

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Posted: Sat, 23/06/2018 16:46 (6 Years ago)
Back in the Main building, Beat put a Map on the table. It showed the islands around a huge dragongraveyard, marked with all different kinds of symbols.
"The most difficult dragons are the Smothering Smokebreaths and the Slitherwings. We found a way to communicate with the Whispering Deaths, but on those islands (He showed at the upper right of the map) are too many to take under control.", he said.
"That's probably because there's a Screaming Death there, but we haven't seen it yet. So that's just a theory", Skittish added.

Beat sighed. "On our good side are a huge swarm of Fireworms and their Queen, we call her Aroma. The sentinels are no problem either, neither are the sharp horrors or the armor wings.", he continued. "This strange mountain here (he points to the left down of the map) is called 'The Watch'. Here do the Armorwings and their Alpha live... we call him Goldwing. There are a few isles we didn't set food on as well, because it's very dangerous there (he, again, points to the right side of the map, traceing a lot of !-marked islands)."

Skittish nodded, scribbleing down on a piece of paper. "If you want to set traps, you can get help from Our Deathsong Lulania, or our Sandbuster Trapfall. They kind of love Beat, I'm sure they help him with anything he asks them!", she stated loudly towards Oakley, making Beat look away in embarassement.

(I make Profiles for the dragons as soon, as Oakley meets them :D Since she's kind of the main character through the adventure [story-teller wise])

(Maybe we can make a link on the first page for the dragon forms? I also make one for Scorchblade)

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Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 17:46 (6 Years ago)
Skittish grumbled, looking at Thorax in a thinking position.
Beat greatfully patted Whisp. "Observing is a must, this dragon is dangerous and we must protect the other dragons! Plus... I'm kind of curious. I mean: A rare dragon? Nice!", he said.

Skittish snorted. "We can put up traps around the dragon-herds we know, but there are a lot of wild dragons, that won't accept our presence. But I like the plan. Let's hope the bad boy isn't too clever for that.", she replied.
Giving a side-glance to the female Nightfury, she added: "And I want to increase this island's defence. I mean, it won't be longer than needed, just until we caught that troublemaker?"

Her brother looked worried at that suggestion, but nodded anyway.
"Then let's head to main and make a plan!"

(The D.R.O.P. [dragonic reinforcement of protection] consists mostly of dragons that bring some kind of disadvantage for the island, that's why Beat looked worried :D)

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 19:59 (6 Years ago)
Beat still seemed horrified. "What about...?", he asked.

Skittish, who huffed irritated from being nudged by Whisp, answered while giving the dragoness a few pats on the head. "Gold is fine, but I'm worried about a few other things. It seems, another dragon got attacked too, but I can't really tell what kind of dragon. Maybe a new one? And who is in danger? Only the alphas? Or is this 'Predator' hunting the other dragons as well?"

Beat groaned. "Even if it's the alphas alone, that means we have to check on at least 6 islands around darkyard...", he started, looking at Oak with a helpseeking expression.
"Darkyard is half a day worth of flight away from here, if you know the shortcuts. What should we do? This island was under attack already, we can't just leave it. And Thorax is already tired from today's flight..."

The siblings looked at each other helplessly. First attacks from strangers, now an alpha-dragon-killing beast...

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Posted: Sun, 27/05/2018 13:36 (6 Years ago)
"Darkyard is another of our Sanctuaries, a bunch of islands further up the strait of Fog and Shadows.", Beat quickly explained. "Sorry we're late, we've had an incident with Torchblade... he's back at the island.", he answered.

Skittish shot them an irritated frown, before she started explaining.
"I was checking on the dragons of the islands around the sanctuary... remember the horde of slitherwings around the swarm isles?", she asked, receiving a nod as an answer. "I was just flying by, when I heard their fights. They were slithering around in a chaotic way, some even hurting themselves or each other... All of my attemps to calm them failed."

Beat walked over, rubbing his sister's back calmingly. She looked at him with a small smile, but the guilt and disturbance were still evident.
"Did someone attack them?", he asked.

Skittish took a deep breath. "Worse.", she said. "Something killed their chief-slitherwing. And I'm afraid, it wasn't a hunter."

(Boom, I'm back! Also, Boom, Plottwist!) :D

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Posted: Sun, 27/05/2018 13:09 (6 Years ago)
The girl looked at her with big eyes. "Oh, of course, excuse me!", she said with another bow.
"My name is Nymeria from the Khoko family!"

Kesh, noticing the leopard only now, purred surprised. As soon as he caught himself, he crawled closer, looking at the bigger cat from below in a playful manner.

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Posted: Wed, 09/05/2018 05:43 (6 Years ago)
[Travel Skip?]

Skittish was paceing around, her Face telling that she was Deep in grim thoughts. Her mimic only lightened up, when she heard the arriving Nightfury.
"Oakley! Beat! Where WERE you?", she asked. "I have News from Darkyard, als They're Not Good."

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Posted: Wed, 09/05/2018 05:36 (6 Years ago)
The young girl looked surprised, stumbling up to her feet.
"Yes M'am, it always is!", she said, bowing as a greeting. She looked at the Lady with curiosity. "Have we met before?", she carefully asked.

Kesh the Serval was less polite, he walked around The Elder Woman and sniffed curiously. Then he barked a Happy greeting.

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Posted: Sun, 01/04/2018 08:49 (6 Years ago)
Easter Sunday + 1st of April = One heck of a pranking Chance!

Jumping Eggs and Infinity Egg? I'd say, you Used that opportunity well! And I can prove it:
-Surprise? +40 P
-Satisfaction? +50 P
-SURPRISE! ×100 for Trollness
-The knowledge, that we'll still get something out of it: priceless (still, have +1 P)


Best prank ever :'D

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 19:48 (6 Years ago)
Jeanne followed them, watching her map with a frown.
"But... what IF we find them? Do we only Spy on them? Fight them?", she wondered aloud.
Pixie waddled by her side, making swanna-noises of agreement.

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