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Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 22:41 (9 Years ago)
One character only please.

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Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 05:15 (9 Years ago)
Dcasom: I don't really see that as a problem since that already happens. The only thing this will do is ensure that scammers can't use "completing my dex" as a way to trick people to steal their pokemon. However, there can be a limit placed on how many pokemon are borrowed by a user at a time.

I hope this is possible to implement. It would make this site so much better, imo.

User: I like your idea. I think that could work out quite nicely.

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Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 04:23 (9 Years ago)
Book: Hm, you bringing up rumble areas is pretty important. Maybe there can be an option for rumbling, but that would have to be a completely separate thing.

I'll add a new idea to reflect that in the first post.

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Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 04:14 (9 Years ago)
Thanks for the support, everyone! I feel like this suggestion would be great for everyone involved (well, except scammers maybe) whether they be lenders or borrowers. I'll use myself as an example. Me, I never let people borrow valuable pokemon unless I trust them very, very, VERY much --and even then I might not let them borrow a pokemon. It's not because I'm selfish and don't want to help people, it's because I'm afraid I'll never get my pokemon back. However, if this suggestion were to be implemented I would be helping people out left and right since there's no risk in it for me.

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Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 03:42 (9 Years ago)
Ok, so I came up with an idea that I imagine would look like the Auction House.

Basically, what it is is a place where you can "ask" to borrow a certain pokemon. This would be a risk free way to let people borrow pokemon, because the pokemon will be safe and returned no matter what. Here's how it'd work:

Let's say Person A wants to borrow a Ditto for a week to breed Genesect. What they'd do is go to the borrow center and put that they want to borrow Ditto for one week. Now Person B who wants to let them borrow it won't have to worry about losing their valuable pokemon for good. An option could be to add money to your request. So it'd look like this: Person A would like to borrow Ditto. Time: 1 week. Return: Tuesday 3:00. Payment: 10,000 Pokedollars.
The person can also choose to return it early.

A pokemon that is borrowed is locked onto the account of the borrower until the time is up when it'll be automatically returned. In other words, it cannot be traded or released. I came up with this idea a while back, but seeing how common scamming is and how much trust is dwindling on this site, it'd be nice to have a way to let people borrow pokemon and let the person who let them borrow them have a clear mind and not worry that they'll never get their pokemon back because of scamming or a person getting their account locked.

New idea from Book's post: There could also be an option to borrow a pokemon for the rumble Maps. Basically, once a pokemon has return from the Map mission, it'll automatically be returned to its original user.

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Posted: Tue, 07/04/2015 12:09 (9 Years ago)
Accepted, I'll add you to the first post.

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Posted: Tue, 07/04/2015 02:36 (9 Years ago)
Accepted, Sylvia. I'll add your form to the first page ^^

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Posted: Tue, 07/04/2015 02:25 (9 Years ago)
"This is a guild designed specifically designated to accommodate pokemon that can mega evolve. In order to be allowed to join this guild, you must be a pokemon with a Mega evolution. It is difficult to be accepted if you do not already have a Mega Stone of your kind already in your possession, but it is possible to be accepted if one can prove they are worthy by passing a test."

You read the catalog describing the Mega Guild that was sent to you. You decide whether you're interested or not.
Are you interested in joining the guild?

Then continue on.

You obtain a sign-up form from the Guild and proceed to sign it. The form has a few rules in it.
Show hidden content
-Follow all Pokeheroes rules
-No godmodding
-Each post must have at least 10 words
-Don't make other RPers' characters do things they don't want them to do

You flip to the next page where you see the actual form and proceed to fill it out
[b]Do you have your respective Mega Stone?[/b]:

Users' Forms:
Show hidden content
Username: Diana
Name: Crystal
Pokemon: Onix
Do you have your respective Mega Stone?: Yes; Steelixite
Ability: Rock Head
Current Moveset: Curse, Rock Tomb, Tackle, and Stealth Rock
Gender: Female
Other: Nature is Brave

Show hidden content
Username: Sylvia
Name: Coal
Pokemon: Numel
Do you have your respective Mega Stone?: Yes; Cameruptite
Ability: Oblivious
Moveset: Flame Burst, Magnitude, Amnesia and Tackle
Gender: Female
Other: -tackles rp- Nature is Lonely

Show hidden content
Username: edwardkenway
Name: husk
Pokemon: gible
Do you have your respective Mega Stone?: yes.
Ability: Sand Veil
Moveset: Dragon Rush , Dig, Flamethrower , Dragon Claw
Gender: male
Other: He got a TM which his trainer gave him but after his trainer's father was dead his trainer released all his pokemon but he forgot to take back his TM.

Show hidden content
Username: MooMooMalk
Name: Clear
Pokemon: Lucario
Do you have your respective Mega Stone?: Yes, Lucarioite
Ability: Inner Focus
Moveset: Aura sphere, Bullet punch, Stone edge, Close combat
Gender: Male
Other: Nature is Calm

Show hidden content
Username: Amara
Name: Cotton
Pokemon: Lopunny
Do you have your respective Mega Stone?: Yes, Lopunnite
Ability: Cute Charm
Moveset: High Jump Kick, Bounce, Dizzy Punch, Agility
Gender: Female
Other: Nature is gentle

Show hidden content
Username: Ninja-Myuu
Name: Akujeru
Pokemon: Absol
Do you have your respective Mega Stone?: Yes, Absolite
Ability: Super Luck
Moveset: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Magic Coat, Taunt
Gender: Female
Other: She has a Naughty Nature. Akujeru can't stand loosing a battle or a bet.

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Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 18:30 (9 Years ago)
What Navuso said. This would give the site more of a personal feel and diversity, so I support.

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Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 01:15 (9 Years ago)
The prize is a Retro Ducklett.

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Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 00:19 (9 Years ago)
Mobile users can't play this birthday game.

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 20:32 (9 Years ago)

(Please send one I don't have or a Mega Absol plushie)

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 18:42 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 18:38 (9 Years ago)

(Please send me a plushie I don't have or a Mega Absol plushie)

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 16:41 (9 Years ago)
If the other person lets them win, all that'll do is make them look bad when people see the amount of loses they have on their profile.

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 16:11 (9 Years ago)

(Please send me one I don't have or a Mega Absol plushie)

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Posted: Thu, 02/04/2015 21:50 (9 Years ago)
Navuso, it could just be taken off the front page as soon as it's placed in the Egg Storage and replaced by another as if it was hatched.

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Posted: Thu, 02/04/2015 00:47 (9 Years ago)
This should probably be in the Bugs forum since they aren't supposed to, but I support anyway.

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Posted: Thu, 02/04/2015 00:36 (9 Years ago)
Lawl I knew it. There were too many stupid threads there for it to be believable. xD

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Posted: Wed, 01/04/2015 07:58 (9 Years ago)
Quote from LiirahFunny how (pretty much) everyone says they wouldn't look.. the 'Clicks' counters say otherwise. :b
Hey, I for one am an honest person.

And besides, it's nice that us boring ol' normal people can see what goes on there for once. :3

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