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Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 11:47 (4 Years ago)
As you've said yourself, the "missing plushies" are already listed at the bottom of the page, therefore there's no need for it. All you save is a scroll-down motion, which is arguably not slower than moving your mouse over a link and clicking it.

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Posted: Sun, 25/10/2020 20:53 (4 Years ago)
Quote from C0FFeewe might accidentally even release those pokemon we want for dex, but were placed in the wrong box due to mistake

How would you know which of your Pokemon you released when you did it on accident? And if you do realise it right away, then why not just search through the most recent pages manually? I believe that takes just as long as scrolling through a list looking for a name/dex number...

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Posted: Sat, 24/10/2020 08:28 (4 Years ago)

Everyone who already made interactions before this fix received their candy & experience points now as well.

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Posted: Fri, 23/10/2020 15:25 (4 Years ago)
The rewards have now been distributed!

Thanks everyone for participating - it was a great pleasure and a true delight reading all of your creations! c:

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2020 17:38 (4 Years ago)
Unfortunately I have to reject this idea. LethalLulu perfectly explained the reason why this can't be implemented.

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2020 11:58 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 16/10/2020 21:29 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 13/10/2020 09:42 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2020 14:21 (4 Years ago)
There's no space in the userbar for such an addition. It's already pretty full when there is a multiplier icon and an SCS countdown.
It may look pretty large on desktop view, but we need to consider mobile devices as well.

The only place where it could be added is on the weather page. I mean, it also shows the moon phase there so it would kinda make sense.

Though I would like to point out that the day/nighttime system is not super complex on PokeHeroes. Night starts at 6PM and ends at 6AM. And the current time can be found at the bottom of every page.

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Posted: Wed, 07/10/2020 14:44 (4 Years ago)

In the past four years, over 13.6 Million Pokémon have been released in Emera Town. 3,171 of them mega-able, 2,311 of them shiny, and even 18 of them shiny mega! Most of them have been released accidentally.

That's why today we are introducing the Pokémon Recovery tool! It is now available at Bill's House.
For a fee of 10,000 PokéDollars (in order to prevent possible abuse), you can recover your released Pokémon (dating back to September of 2016). You can finally get back your loved ones! (... But please still pay attention when performing critical operations like mass-releasing!)

... By the way, the shiny/mega-able/shadow status of a Pokémon is indicated next to its icon like this:

Enjoy ~

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Posted: Fri, 02/10/2020 13:00 (4 Years ago)

The Higher or Lower gamecenter game has received an update. You'll now receive your chip reward even if you lose (depending on how many correct answers you've given so far). This way, you no longer have to manually "End" the game.
As this obviously makes the game much easier, the payout per round has been slightly decreased and the minimum amount of correct answers you need for a reward has been set to 6.

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2020 10:55 (4 Years ago)
Thank you for your feedback! We always try to take in every opinion when making decisions in order to create the best game experience for our community. Before I answer your individual points, I want to point out that (despite all criticism being voiced at the moment) I firmly believe that Magearna's Raffle is a great addition to the game center and that it will be a fun challenge in the long run. But let me explain in detail why:

Quote from My_IRENE[the numbers of tickets] will drop, but it won't drop much, and i go into my next point.

I will start with this argument first because I've seen it mentioned a few times - and I feel like most criticism is strongly based on this assumption. And I want to point out that this argument will most likely not hold true - and just in a few days (maybe one or two weeks) you will clearly notice it.
Today is Day one - the day of its release. Everyone is crazy about this new feature. Everyone is participating - and most people are throwing their entire reserves of game chips on it (probably didn't listen to the wise pro tip given by Mewton M. Meowth in the news post). Yes, today, the raffle is basically 100% based on luck and it's pretty much pointless to spend a single game chip today.
Right now (10 hours after its release), people already spent almost 100 Million Game Chips on it. But you have to keep in mind that those are game chips which have been accumulated for years!

To give you an important statistic here: Our "Game Chip Common Wealth" (for the lack of a better word) is currently around 1 Billion Game Chips among all active users. And this amount has - like I said - partly been collected over many many years. Users have been sitting on them forever.
And today they've used up 100 Million - meaning 10% of it! Just like this, the common wealth decreased by 10%. So if people continue this behaviour, their entire reserves would be used up in basically 4 days (100 hours). You can see why it is very unlikely that we'll see 1 Million tickets being bought every day, can you?

So in the long run, in order to keep up the current behaviour of buying 1 Million tickets per day, our community would also have to earn 100 Million GC per day (otherwise they wouldn't be able to spend this amount on a daily basis). And that is something completely unrealistic and almost impossible.
Maybe that's hard to imagine at the moment, but I promise you that you will very very soon see that the total amount of raffle tickets bought per day will be far less than 100 Thousand. Perhaps even less than 10 Thousand in a few months. And then it will actually be rather easy to buy enough tickets yourself for a "guaranteed chance".

Yes, right now it's gambling - but eventually you will be able to earn it through "hard work" instead of pure luck.

Quote from My_IRENE- the bias towards users with more game chips, money, and time (aka too much stuff needed)

To be honest, I don't have much to say to that. All I can say is that I personally believe that it's a good thing that a feature requires you to spend time on this game - or the game center in particular. Collecting game chips was quite pointless in the past for most users who already bought all the available prizes. Thanks to this update, you finally have an incentive to play Coinflip, Hangman, etc. - the games which don't give you any prizes besides Game Chips.

Quote from My_IRENE- the number of magearna given out isn't nearly enough.

and similarly:
Quote from My_IRENE- they're going to be worth more than shiny legends

This is something that we could discuss in the future. I would prefer waiting a little before jumping to conclusions, though.
Yes, maybe it will be a little too rare (when compared to the amount of active users we have) - but it's always a little hard to judge how market prices will evolve in the long run. I'd prefer making it too rare first and then maybe make it more accessible in the future (making something too common right away can have fatal consequences - because "suddenly setting something to be rarer" is an unpopular thing to make. And sometimes even impossible.)
But as you've maybe seen in the most recent past, we constantly analyze our already existing features and try to implement Quality-of-Life updates whenever necessary. For example, most recently we've implemented a gem discount - making gem hunts a little easier - and we've added gems to the Dream World Shop. We've also added the "Every 50th is a shiny" to many Pokémon which would normally be incredibly tedious to hunt. So what I'm saying is: Rest assured that we will monitor the situation closely and see if a chance would be beneficial :)

Quote from My_IRENE- it's unoriginal, and we were expecting better. [...] it could've been [...] something do to with hangman, etc

It does have something to do with the hangman, though? You use the hangman to get chips which you then spend on the raffle.
I think it's actually much better than just adding it to the hangman - because the way it's implemented now, you can decide how you want to gather the Game Chips; whether you prefer playing the Hangman, the Coinflip, the Treasure Chests etc. ... I'm pretty sure every user has their personal favorite and we're including everyone.

Also regarding the "unoriginality": I'm afraid that not every Pokémon on PokeHeroes can have its own super-duper-great-three-dimensional-interactive-roleplay-quest-minigame-feature. We already have so many features - and I think it's good to sometimes give incentive to spend more time on features that already exist (i.e. the game center games)

Quote from My_IRENE- people need to finish our alola dexes

It's a tradeable Pokémon, so I don't see the problem.
And if you are a completionist, then I guess you'll have to take the challenge. But that's what completionism is about - isn't it? Trying to achieve the impossible.
I'm pretty sure that for all of our completionists on PH, there are many much harder challenges at the moment. I doubt anyone who's serious about completing their dex will fail at getting a Magearna in one way or another. People have achieved much harder here.

I hope my point of view described in this post gives you a better insight into the decisions made by me during the development of this new feature. I understand your concerns perfectly well and I do see how it can be frustrating not to have a good chance of getting Magearna in the near future. That's unfortunately "how it is" with this kind of feature. It takes time to balance itself. And my main point is that we all need to wait a little and see how this feature evolves. And then we're always open for improvements when necessary :)

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2020 18:07 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2020 18:06 (4 Years ago)

Added "My hearted feeds" to the notification wall (suggested here, 98.4% support votes).

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Posted: Mon, 14/09/2020 11:00 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 12/09/2020 17:27 (4 Years ago)
Have you already checked out the PokeHeroes Wiki? It's an incredibly useful resource which should answer all of your questions. Just use the search bar to search for topics you are interested in learning about - for example "Trainerlevel" or "Berry garden". You can also just browse the various topics that are listed in the side bar to get a general overview of all the different aspects of the game.

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Posted: Fri, 11/09/2020 12:23 (4 Years ago)

Slugua has been added to the Event Shop. This Event Pokémon has been created by MetalHeadKendra as part of our previous Event Spriting Contest.

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Posted: Tue, 08/09/2020 15:28 (4 Years ago)
Implemented. Multiples of the same recipe are now combined into one.

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Posted: Tue, 08/09/2020 10:38 (4 Years ago)

The new item Leek is now available at the Emera Square (prize exchange). This item triggers the evolution of Farfetch'd (Galarian) into Sirfetch'd.

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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2020 14:33 (4 Years ago)
Thank you all very much for participating - it was really a tough decision picking a winner as all of your entries have been most marvellous!

Your rewards (3 month premium to the winner; 1 week premium to all other participants) have just been awarded.

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