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Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 15:33 (9 Years ago) |
Bout you see, I wonder if every interaction you give to pokemon gets recorded whether it's your pokemon or other trainer's pokemon. You see, every time I train one of my pokemon under the storage box selection, I hold the back button and return to my storage box to interact with the rest of my pokemon. Does that reset my interaction count or lose record of that? If it does, should I avoid clicking the back button on my internet OS and click my user account again, then go to your box, and select another pokemon and interact with it that way? [Read more] |
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 05:43 (9 Years ago) |
Title: My first time with her[
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2015 16:57 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Day 6: Excessive Shinxes[
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 13:49 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Day 5: Filipino Vivillon?[
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2015 16:51 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Day 4: Fried Phione?You see, I remember having an order of frozen sliced tentacool for me to cook into fried octopus. And you know, just after playing that colorful game with my minccino, she began questioning me if I really want to eat one. What sucks is that the boys Plusle and Minun join along to stop me from cooking it. With no other seafood left to cook, I quickly checked online for meals while I'm studying as to how these squiddy things grow by this source. Finally, I get to find one order from an exquisite restaurant. I ask the owner as to what their special seafood for the night may be. They told me, "We have fried Phione as our exquisite meal." The moment I looked at it on my PC, I couldn't help but just feel bad for the poor little thing ending up as food for us to eat. It's too late to save it. Thus, I ordered it for about 2500 Pokedollars. Just as I wait for the deliveryman to come, I saw this joke poster. I feel such a horrible person for eating a Phione that I couldn't save. [Read more] |
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 08:57 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Day 3: Add and SubtractBut I have two boys so far. Perhaps I could trade one of the for a female and start my own little breeding study if Plusles could get more dominant on sexual mating compared to Minuns. For the miltaks or combees though, I want of my own one day. But they can wait. [Read more] |
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Sat, 25/04/2015 16:23 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Day 2: Nursing a long Forgotten MateBut what sets one particular day different from the other days was the day I finally received my own Celebi from a FTS trade. This trader told me as to how it's currently lacking time to take care of her due to the massive populace of pokemon he had to manage. With a bit of convincing and giving him one of my hard earned keys, I finally felt like meeting with a long forgotten mate. Yes I had 6 legendary pokemon acting both as my mates and children. Though Jirachi is my special one, Celebi is one of my closest mates too. Though it may take time for me to bond with her, I'll get it done eventually. Perhaps she could have fun with my floette and the newly hatched Flabebe I'm raising soon. [Read more] |
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Thu, 16/04/2015 14:58 (9 Years ago) |
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Tue, 07/04/2015 15:58 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Day 1: Minccino AbsenceSpeaking of money, ever since I let my male cinccino go with its chosen mate within the wilderness of Kalos, I honestly miss having one. With any minccino on my side, house cleaning becomes a breeze. But alone, I can manage, but not feels the same way with that cute pokemon. Hence, I check at the auctions for now, there is none that are female. Just males. Hence, I hope I could get my own female minccino one day. Or if someone is willing to give me an excess female minccino due to males being harder to find than females. But as I end this writing, looks like I gave a Gothita to raise along with my female gardevoir. [Read more] |
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 17:04 (9 Years ago) |
As a retired Unova trainer, I look at what are the opportunities that I may be able to look for. And so far, after reading a couple newspapers in Unova, I read about this mysterious Emera town where pokemon battles are less of a necessity. Rather, breeding and species repopulation had been highly valued in that place. Hence, keeping my promise to Jirachi years ago, perhaps going in here may help on a new goal with learning more about social factors between humans and pokemon. He may be helping the planet now, but I might have had Jirachi as a mate if its female. Who knows? Maybe I can find my potential female Jirachi there and perhaps build a relationship above ... friendship. Thus, perhaps now, Operation Repopulate begins [Read more] |
Tanabatama OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 25 |
Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 06:10 (9 Years ago) |
Title: A brief meeting[