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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from MMX2.
Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 16:03 (8 Years ago)
(For the most part, I'd only trust things seen on Serebii.net. But there was a full Pokedex leak that Sun and Moon data miners got that deconfirms those.)

Duo decided to send out his Silvally to relax with him. He wanted one of his partners to be with him, and Lycanroc hates the ocean, so Silvally was fine. He got up, sniffed around, and stretched out before sitting down on the seat next to Duo.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 15:58 (8 Years ago)
Duo walked outside, and the first thing he noticed wssn't the amazing view of the ocean, but the Mudbray making quite a bit of noice as it circled around two trainers. He didn't like how loud it was, and he didn't want the Mudbray to circle around him, so he didn't want to get any closer. He just sat down against a wall, watching the two people interact.

(There aren't. Those are fake.)

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 15:32 (8 Years ago)
There was a pretty nice cruise from the Kanto region to the Johto Region to Sinnoh, then Hoenn, Unova, Kalos, Alola...then some unknown islands. Duo was from the Johto region, so he was sick of traveling, but he did have two Pokemon he got while visiting Alola to keep him company. One was a Lycanroc in its Midday form, a very loyal and playful Pokemon. The other was a Silvally he got from a shelter that had a pretty bad past, so it didn't like people very much, but it was thankful that Duo had adopted it as a Type: Null. Duo was pretty antisocial, so he sat in his room, waiting for the long trip to end, until he thought: the people on this trip would be the only ones he'd meet. He decided to go outside of his room and into a social area to meet more people.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 15:28 (8 Years ago)
I am a part of Spectrum!
My name is: Duo
I am: 14 Years Old.
Appearance: Just a very typical, teenage kid. He has black hair, glasses, wears a gray and white hexagon-pattern shirt and black track pants. He's six feet tall.
I have the: Toxic Plate...I think? I forgot what it's called.
My Pokemon Team is: Tentacruel, Gastly, Zubat, Weedle (can mega evolve when it grows up), Skorupi, Skrelp.
Other: Nothing to see here.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 15:24 (8 Years ago)
(Do we start on a boat/plane to go to the islands or at the islands themselves?)

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 15:02 (8 Years ago)
Yeah, but...for hype purposes, I want to mainly use those two.

When are we starting?

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 14:49 (8 Years ago)
Name: Duo
Gender: Male
Any current Pokemon: Lycanroc, Silvally
Other: Nothing to see here.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 01:17 (8 Years ago)

Toon lead the group into the cave, where the smallest amount of light went through the ceiling, so anyone who walked in could see perfectly. "You first. I'll just be here to make sure nobody dies or gets kidnapped or anything."

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 01:11 (8 Years ago)
Leurcatner or Elivaew. Can't decide.

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Posted: Tue, 08/11/2016 23:40 (8 Years ago)
username/nickname(s): Tentacruel/Duo
favorite SU character Peridot.
why do you like steven universe? Mainly the plot the characters, but I like almost everything about this show.

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Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 18:19 (8 Years ago)
(Lapras can float. It's canon.)

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Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 21:49 (8 Years ago)
"Trust me. It won't be terribly hard. I know this place better than anyone else here does." Tentacruel was behind them, watching over them to make sure nobody dies.

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Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)
"It's never too late, thanks for joining." Toon said.

"So, now, it's time I told you this... Most leaders would directly train with their comrades. I am not like that. It's best for you to go out and do fieldwork in various dungeons. You'll get various things like money, EXP, food, and of course, training. You'll be able to adapt to any situation as well. So, why not go to that cave over there for your first session?" Toon pointed over towards a nearby cave.

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Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 20:57 (8 Years ago)
"That's great, glad to have you. As you may know, my name is Toon. I'll wait to tell you what we're gonna do until a few other members join." Toon was getting more and more patient as time went on, though he wanted to see all of his recruits.

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Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 20:42 (8 Years ago)
The Tentacruel saw a Larvesta in the field. "Hey, Larvesta. I'm guessing you're one of my new recruits?"

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2016 22:55 (8 Years ago)
The Tentacruel noticed his new recruits were outside...somewhere. One of many sensors sounded, telling him someone was out there, and chances are theives or rebels wouldn't come to the front door, so he looked and saw...nobody. He was going to have to look for them himself, so he began to go down a stairway to the front door, where he began to search for the recruits.

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2016 22:07 (8 Years ago)
(Why did this start when I was asleep, then come back when I was at school....


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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 20:51 (8 Years ago)
Atop a tower sat a very quiet and patient Tentacruel. He was the ruler of the town he was living in, and he knew his ideas were quite unpopular among many of the smarter Pokemon in his town. But, today was probably one of the best days of his career- he was finally gaining a small army of Pokemon to train and fight by his side. He turned around and decided to sit a little bit closer to the door so he could begin talking to his new recruits as soon as possible.

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 20:44 (8 Years ago)
Accepted, let's start whenever you're ready.

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 20:35 (8 Years ago)
rip me

For anyone who reads this- your character can have ONE egg move of choice. It can only have it if Serebii.net says that it can learn the move only by breeding, so no TM-only moves.

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