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Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Tue, 05/11/2013 01:11 (11 Years ago) |
Anyways, here's the list of Pokemon: Xerneas Charizard (With Charzardinite X) Greninja Blaziken (With Blazikenite) Japanese Frogadier (Special ability Protean) Togepi So not much...It used to be a bit longer, but I was like, "Nah, I don't need that many." I'm also giving these away if anyone wants them: Hidden ability Ditto JPN Lampent GER Florges (White) FRE Ducklett JPN Froakie Fennekin Chespin EDIT: I need to go for now, I probably won't be back for a while, maybe not anytime today, so the trades might have to wait. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2013 22:18 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2013 22:14 (11 Years ago) |
"I'll just have the steak, medium rare if you don't mind," he simply said. The Absol put the menu down on the table for her to collect. Leaning back in his chair, he took a few seconds to get a good look at the gijinka, not in a stalker way, but just trying to get an understanding of her. Glaceon... One of his friends had been a Glaceon, although where he was now, Shadras could not tell. Flip, run, jump, flip, roll, run, flip... Saria's mind raced through all he techniques, and the best ones to use in the areas. She was so absorbed with her running that she didn't see someone coming up until it was too late. She crashed full force into a passerby, knocking him down. Groceries flew through the air, and Saria was so off-guard, her hair flashed green for a second, until she remembered. Saria shook her head and brushed herself off. "I am so sorry," she said, mumbling slightly. "I was just running through here, you see, uh, let's see, uh, here's your noodles, and um, tuna." She shoved his things at him, and then got a clear look at his face. "Are you...?" She started. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2013 23:58 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2013 23:23 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2013 18:18 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2013 18:12 (11 Years ago) |
![]() ^Here's an image from my (Old picture I don't like anymore, I'm not worried about anyone seeing it.) Can everyone see it? [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2013 17:13 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2013 16:50 (11 Years ago) |
"I saw one of the Fletchinders hover over in that area for a while," Saria pointed out an area of the battlefield to Omega, who nodded and dashed off. This was the way they searched, usually. The Jolteon, with his speed, would run to where they thought that an injured Pokemon or person would be, and run back to Saria to report. With his grounded view, he could spot things that most aerial scouts could miss, such as small Pokemon taking shelter under something, or a human stuck under debris. Meanwhile, Saria meandered around the area, scanning for anything unusual herself. She kept her bow over her shoulder, just in case of an attack. It was never safe to go anywhere unarmed, nowadays. She hadn't gotten far when Omega came rushing back, panting slightly. He had obviously been sprinting. "What, is there something there?!" asked Saria. Omega nodded. He turned around, motioning for her to follow. He led the way as Saria ran behind him, keeping up as best as she could. When they reached the spot, Saria was out of breath, and slowed to a walk, holding the stitch in her side. Omega stopped in front of a badly injured Talonflame. Saria knelt down beside it, and unrolled one of her bandages. She started to bandage up the more serious cuts and wounds, but the Pokemon kept trying to bite her with its beak. "Omega, can you hold him down?" Saria asked, and Omega held the bird Pokemon down with his paws, trying to be gentle. Saria kept wrapping bandages, and she was mostly done, when she realized something. "You've got a dislocated wing bone," she said. "We're going to have to pop it back in place. Now, this is going to hurt a lot, but it will feel better when it's done." Omega held the Talonflame down a bit harder, and Saria put the bone back in place. The Talonflame let out a loud screech, but once it was over he went silent, except for some hard breathing. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sat, 02/11/2013 15:40 (11 Years ago) |
I'm cryinggg. T_T My bad luck finally turned around. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 31/10/2013 22:04 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 31/10/2013 22:00 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 31/10/2013 21:56 (11 Years ago) |
I'm still probably going to make a new article though, once I get on a decent computer. My iPod hates me. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 31/10/2013 21:52 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 31/10/2013 02:22 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 31/10/2013 02:14 (11 Years ago) |
Username: Death Character name: Omega Species: Jolteon Gender: Male Age: 8 (Young adult in his terms, level 52) Appearance: ![]() ![]() A normal Jolteon with goggles that he usually wears. He also has two scars across his face like this: ![]() Moveset: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Dig, Shadow Ball Personality: He's quite loyal and protective to those closest to him, and will not hesitate to sacrifice himself to protect his owner. He also enjoys hunting, and this is what he does most of the time. Over the years, many have attempted to sway him to take part in either side of the war, but he remains neutral with Saria, as that is where his loyalties lie. He also tends to throw out jokes, but his sense of humor can be a bit dark at times. History: As an Eevee, he was one of Saria's family pets. when she grew up and left the house, Omega tagged along, and when the war started, he wanted to evolve, so he could better assist Saria. One day he found a Thunder Stone for sale while at the market. He stole it, unaware that it was a crime, and ran away to evolve before he could get caught. He presented his new form to Saria, who gave him a scolding for stealing, but she knew he had just been trying to please her. He helps her on hunting trips sometimes by scoping out and herding prey to the best spot for the kill. Fighting alongside men or creating havoc in Tyranitar's troops: Neutral with Saria, but I suppose that would count as on the men's side, since she is a human. Password: You know me by now... Other: He used to have a collar, but he and Saria decided it made too much noise, so she took it off for him. She still puts it on sometimes when they go into the city, so he won't be mistaken for a stray. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 04:23 (11 Years ago) |
Username: Death Character name: Saria (Just can't help I'm not really creative at the moment.) Gender: Female Age: 23 Appearance: Personality: She's rather blunt and to-the-point for the most part, since she's spent most of her time recently with no human interaction. However, she does like to talk about her favorite subjects a lot once you get her going. She loves Pokemon, but also enjoys hunting, which some find a bit ironic. At seemingly random times, she may suddenly become sad for no reason, because she's currently going through a bit of depression, but the feelings come off and on, and sometimes it's hard to tell when to give her some space or alone time. History: When she was young, she always wanted to be an archer. At a very young age she got her first bow, and has been shooting ever since. Her father also ran a gun store, so she also grew up knowing how to use a gun. She was always somewhat of a tomboy around her more girlish friends, and was a bit more of an outsider to them. She mainly grew up hanging out with boys, playing rough, and talking about video games and such. She was the kind of girl that would yell "Kill him!" when her boyfriend was playing video games, instead of whining about not spending time with her. Because of her type of childhood, she's not the delicate angel everyone thinks she is, and delights in proving them wrong. Fighting against the pokemon revolution or in hiding: A little bit of both, honestly. Although if it were black and white, she would be in hiding. She currently has a little outpost sort of hideout in the forest, and tries not to take part in the war, although if met by a hostile Pokemon or even human, she will not hesitate to kill. Weapon of choice: A Hoyt Carbon Element RTK compound bow (google it) is her main weapon, but she also possesses a few other compound bows, as well as a ton of arrows. She also knows how to make recurve bows by herself out of wood, and sometimes uses her own arrows, but she usually uses her fancy carbon arrows. She also keeps her AR 24 (handgun) with her at all times in case of emergency, but she prefers not to waste the bullets. This is why she sticks to archery, since she can use the arrows again and again until they break. Password: Psyduck This form is done, and I will probably make a Pokemon companion for her tomorrow. Thinking Jolteon... [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 03:59 (11 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2013 03:59 (11 Years ago) |
"Come back when you've got some real skill," he said to them. He turned and left, without another word. As he left, he felt the air shift as a teenage girl zoomed past him. No doubt that was Saria. I've seen her running around the city lately, working on her flips and tumbles. He glanced up at the sky. It was a partly cloudy day, and the sun kept getting blocked by clouds off and on. He decided to serve himself lunch at a nearby cafe, since he had taken the pleasure of pinching a bit of cash from the two thugs he had just beaten up. He hadn't completely robbed them, though. He had only taken enough to get him food for the next few days, maybe a week at the mose. Besides, he had tons of prize money at his home. He could always get Underground and get some, the city guards knew him well enough he was granted permission in and out. He slipped into a small diner, and sat down at a table, slowly looking over the menu. He noticed a Glaceon gijinka out of the corner of his eye, but didn't give her much notice. Or anybody, for that matter. [Read more] |