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Posted: Fri, 18/11/2016 21:47 (8 Years ago)
Iki Town

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First off, the game was started in a different city, but nothing happened there. I chose a Male character with Black hair and named myself Duo.

Special encounter- Litten. Nicknamed it Mitts.

A boss battle (Rival Hau) occured, and I won with ease against his Rowlet, only taking 3 damage in the process.

Team Recap-
Mitts (Level Six)

Route 1

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First encounter- Pikipek. Caught it and nicknamed it "birb." out of ideas already

Battled a few trainers along the way.

The thing that tells you what moves are effective on the opponent is already irritating and I can't shut it off...

Team Recap

Mitts (Litten, Level Seven)

Iki Town - Part Two

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No encounters for this area.

A boss battle (Hau again) occured, and I won again with ease.

I got a Z-Ring...? This early? Bet you don't get any Crystals for it until later.

Team Recap

Mitts (Litten, Level Nine)

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Posted: Wed, 16/11/2016 14:58 (8 Years ago)
decided to put how I'll format this here. All of the Pokemon below are examples.

Route Name

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First encounter- Tentacool.
Second encounter- Bruxish. I caught it and nicknamed it "Luvdisc."
Third encounter- Bruxish.

Special encounter- Shiny Tentacool. I caught it and nicknamed it "hi there." I replaced Bruxish with the Tentacool.

Battled a few trainers along the way. Gyarados died from a Critical Stone Edge from a Golem. Mimikyu barely survived with 1 HP left from a Bisharp's Iron Head.

A boss battle occured, and I won with ease.

Team Recap

Lycanroc Lv. 33
Incineroar Lv. 36
Sableye Lv. 34
Cosmog (Special Encounter) Lv. 33
Mimikyu Lv. 32
Tentacool (Shiny) Lv. 20

Note that I will do a team recap after every route. If there's a Legendary Pokemon in a temple off of a certain route or a special encounter near that route, I'll just say I got it when I'll add it to my team to prevent spoiling where it is.

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Posted: Wed, 16/11/2016 00:39 (8 Years ago)
The city was indeed big, which was really impressivd for a new, small island. Duo and his Lycanroc stared straight up in awe. "So this is exactly how many people came here, huh?"

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 01:01 (8 Years ago)
(It's fine, see you soon.)

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:58 (8 Years ago)
Lycanroc was very social, so he tried to play with Mudbray and Turtonator.

"Are you okay...?" Duo was in shock yet again.

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:54 (8 Years ago)
This will be the thread where I log my Pokemon Sun Nuzlocke. I'll be starting playing and logging it the day it comes out at about 21:00 server time, if all goes as planned.

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Instead of having a first encounter, I will have three possible encounters per route. The first one I find that is a new or Shiny Pokemon is my encounter (my only catchable Pokemon) for that area. If the first two aren't Shiny or new Pokemon, the third one is my encounter. If I were to fail to catch it, I would be unable to catch antrhing else.

If I find a Shiny Pokemon in that route after getting my encounter, I will choose to either catch it and use the encounter I caught or use it and not use the encounter at all. If I get multiple shinies on one route, only the first one caught applies to this rule and the rest must be put in a PC and not used until I have won or lost.

If you get a scripted encounter, like a Legendary Pokemon, it doesn't count as a possible encounter and counts as if it were on a new route and I can catch it regardless. If I haven't caught anything else on that route beforehand, though, that is my only encounter for the route. I can only use one on my team at a time, though.

All Pokemon must be nicknamed for closer emotional bonds with the Pokemon.

If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and cannot be used anymore. No exceptions for this rule.

Why am I doing this?
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First off, I sadly can't livestream anymore due to computer issues, and I want to do the closest thing to that. Second off, my Nuzlocke challenges are generally pretty interesting. In three of my four completed Nuzlockes, I've had massacres where almost my entire team has died, with the closest being me surviving with only a Tentacruel at half HP left and having to go through rock tunnel in those conditions. I wish I had logged my past Nuzlockes, and I can't promise that this will be challenging, but it probably will be.

Gonna update this as I go. Please palpad me if you have subscribed to this so you can read my journey, but please, do not post in between my posts. Thank you!

Just noting I'm also gonna keep things as spoiler-free as possible. I will say route names, but I won't say boss names, special Legendary Pokemon locations etc.

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:41 (8 Years ago)
"How is there a big city here already...? This economy is booming..." Duo was confused. But, he had other things to think about. He sent Lycanroc out to socialize a little bit.

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:37 (8 Years ago)
"Alright." Duo grabbed a box, headed inside, then put it in a corner of the room and repeated that for the boxes he could carry.

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:34 (8 Years ago)
Duo decided to talk to Colt, since he didn't know what happened to the other person. "Where should I start...? Y'know, with the boxes."

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:24 (8 Years ago)
"I understand why you're excited, and I'd be glad to help you unpack when I'm done with Colt's house." Duo was really glad he was getting to know more people. But, it was a bit awkward for him, not knowing what to say some of the time...

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:18 (8 Years ago)
"Oh- uh, hi. I'm Duo." Duo was a bit shocked by the quick action, but nonetheless happy he was meeting more people.

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:08 (8 Years ago)
"Alright, sounds good." Duo put Lycanroc and Silvally back in their Poke Balls so Lycanroc wouldn't mess with his stuff and Silvally would feel a bit more comfortable.

(You describing your house or nah? Wonderin)

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:04 (8 Years ago)
Duo was glad he had found someone to hang out with. "Alright! Want me to help you unpack?" No reason not to help your new neighbor, right? (Short post :b)

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 00:01 (8 Years ago)
Duo was impressed by how big and powerful the Pokemon in front of him was. "Wow, cool!" Duo said. He didn't really know how to carry the conversation after that, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a house with a big "for sale" sign in front of it.

"By the way, if you haven't got a house yet, there's one right behind you for sale. We'd be neighbors if you got that one." He pointed at it, and Lycanroc looked straight at it.

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Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 23:54 (8 Years ago)
Duo got a bit nervous and jumped, hoping it would calm down soon. "It's fine. I'm Duo, and these two are my partners." He gestured Colt at Silvally and Lycanroc. "If Silvally seems grumpy, don't worry, he just gets a bit scared around people."

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Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 23:49 (8 Years ago)
Duo looked outside from in his living room and saw a person awkwardly walking around, obviously not used to being off of a boat yet. It's the one with the crazy Mudbray, he thought, but he knew that he was probably a neighbor since there was no other reason to stroll in someone else's neighborhood, so he went out to talk to him.

"Hey. I'm assuming you're one of my neighbors?" Silvally and Lycanroc followed him, Silvally with a deep glare in his eyes.

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Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 22:18 (8 Years ago)
Duo walked off of the boat with his two companions at his side. It felt odd, but nice to not have a swaying feeling under your feet after having that feeling for days. Eventually, after walking around for thirty minutes, he thought the best idea would be to buy somewhere to stay, so he got a house, conveniantly next to Knight's. It was very small and had a living space, a kitchen, a bathroom, and three small bedrooms, so there was one bedroom for him and each of his partners,

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 16:37 (8 Years ago)
Duo and his two Pokemon quickly ran off of the boat and onto the island, pushing through many people in the process. Lycanroc was glad to get off because he hated the ocean waves, and Silvally and Duo were tired of sitting on the boat with not much to do.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 16:14 (8 Years ago)
(Oh shoot Otomachi_Una just gave me an idea for another roleplay.)

(I'll make it if this one dies so I can focus on one at a time)

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 16:12 (8 Years ago)
Upon hearing someone shout "we're here," Duo, Lycanroc, and Silvally all got excited. Both Duo and Silvally looked out to see that there was in fact land and it wouldn't take too long to reach there. Duo rushed back to his room, with Silvally following, and went to grab his messenger bag with his food and clothing inside to get ready to get off. He sent out Lycanroc to give him and Silvally a quick lunch before getting off.

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