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Searching for: Posts from loketoke.
Posted: Thu, 01/09/2022 19:13 (2 Years ago)
Hi, I've asked a couple users with the same issue (me included) and if I'm right this is not exactly "a bug", but that there's a max amount of plays per day in that minigame.

That would mean that, after reset (the time your cool down is showing), you'll be able to play again your daily plays.

No idea how many daily plays we've got, as I wasn't paying attention

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 20:57 (2 Years ago)


0001 Bulbasaur (Retro)

0003 Venusaur (Retro)

0004 Charmander (Retro)

0006 Charizard (Retro)

0007 Squirtle (Retro)

0009 Blastoise (Retro)

0019 Rattata (Retro)

0025 Pikachu (Retro)

0041 Zubat (Retro)

0072 Tentacool (Retro)

0092 Gastly (Retro)

0093 Haunter (Retro)

0094 Gengar (Retro)

0109 Koffing (Retro)

0129 Magikarp (Retro)

0144 Articuno (Retro)

0145 Zapdos (Retro)

0146 Moltres (Retro)

0151 Mew (Retro)

0152 Chikorita (Retro)

0154 Meganium (Retro)

0155 Cyndaquil (Retro)

0157 Typhlosion (Retro)

0158 Totodile (Retro)

0160 Feraligatr (Retro)

0161 Sentret (Retro)

0163 Hoothoot (Retro)

0175 Togepi (Retro)

0182 Bellossom (Retro)

0183 Marill (Retro)

0203 Girafarig (Retro)

0216 Teddiursa (Retro)

0222 Corsola (Retro)

0225 Delibird (Retro)

0234 Stantler (Retro)

0238 Smoochum (Retro)

0243 Raikou (Retro)

0244 Entei (Retro)

0245 Suicune (Retro)

0249 Lugia (Retro)

0250 Ho-Oh (Retro)

0251 Celebi (Retro)

0261 Poochyena (Retro)

0263 Zigzagoon (Retro)

0276 Taillow (Retro)

0580 Ducklett (Retro)

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2022 09:24 (2 Years ago)
As far as I know, it is not "exactly" that you are not getting the notifications.

I've noticed that happens when someone sets an item at higher price than your filter but later the price is changed to a cheaper price by the user who set it.

In your example, if someone has their flying gems at 2000 pds each on the item market then you won't get any notification as it doesn't match your filter.
But if that user decides to lower the flying gem price to 500 PDs, then you won't get a notification either as it is not a "new item trade adition" but a "modification" of the original one

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 19:07 (2 Years ago)
Riako, a couple small details:

The percentage should be fixed somehow:

If the shiny part of the quest is already started, what is that button for?? does it restart the quest??

Besides that, the fact of not being luck related is great!

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 18:19 (2 Years ago)
8 years later they are finally here!!!! YAY!

and there goes my full suggestion for these shinies X'DDDD

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2022 20:56 (2 Years ago)
The issue that happened in last sale is happening again with the Twosday Sale.

The sale offers are not giving the retro Kanto egg vouchers.

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 15:41 (2 Years ago)
Full support for the interaction re-balancing. Anything balancing gameplay for all users all over the globe will always have my approval (there's life after reset guys). Sometimes getting click backs after certain hour becomes impossible, specially in certain time zones like @Zellane stated.

Not that much into the exp. share/orbs, is not something I think I'll use frequently.
For people who already interacts to get click backs it won't be a huge difference (maybe excluding 30k EHP hunts), and people who don't use to interact probably will keep not doing anything.
But hey! If this helps to encourage the lazy people to interact more then it will be welcome.

Joke: what about giving those orbs retrospectively? (loketoke's Total interactions: 45,264,352) XDDD

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Posted: Mon, 31/01/2022 17:28 (3 Years ago)
@iN_A_Jam, that's not the topic of this thread. We are not talking if they can or they can't evolve, but about their availability.

As special event pokemon, they are supposed to be not evolvable on purpose, if you want them to evolve make a suggestion about that

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Posted: Mon, 31/01/2022 12:01 (3 Years ago)
Let me say I like this being discussed. Though I gave the basic idea I'm aware it needs to be polished. Said that, here come some thoughts regarding what I've read so far:

1) First of all I want to clarify something. There's a huge difference between saying "all of them must be in rumble areas" and saying "in case that they go all to rumble areas how it could be done."
At least that's how I see it.

2) Regarding retro price drop and retros becoming worthless:
Sorry but I disagree with people giving more importance to this point. I truly believe it is more important to give a chance to obtain those pokemon to people who didn't had the chance to play events like the retro radar game because they registered after it was over.
And for the other retros, those not obtained in that disappeared game, I don't think the price will change that much. Let's be honest, aside the first year of their release, none of the retro events have a high value with the pass of the years (if not try to sell one retro gastly at high price... and it has be available just twice!)

3) Regarding retro radar pokes:
I think most of the people who commented agreed that they need to be redistributed somehow, aside those who were more worried about their price drop, thing I already answered in previous point.

4) Regarding event retros:
The main idea had 2 possible purposes:
a) Give a chance to renew the rewards.
Maybe I've been playing for too long here, but I'm not excited at all to get again the same retros over and over, year after year.
But if suddenly (another example), in the appricorn battle "retro marill" is not distributed anymore but it is replaced by "retro weedle", sending the discarded retro to rumble would be a great idea.
b) Rewards not being renewed and keeping them as they are
What I'm proposing here doesn't pretend to decrease the motivation to play the event, on the contrary, to improve the interest.
Playing events with doubled shiny ratio than in the rumble areas (if it were implemented) would make old players be more interested in playing the official events than they are now.

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Posted: Sat, 25/12/2021 19:25 (3 Years ago)


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/139 [136M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/51 [48]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain #1: 2/276 [149M][276F]
Shiny Chain #2: 1/90 [85M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 2805
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 10x + 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/73 [69M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 10x + 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/101 [58F][71F][99F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 10x + 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/65 [45F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/317 [115F][280F][289F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 4080
Egg rarity: Easy
Gem Cost: 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain #1: 5/312 [70F][88F][132F][184F][312F]
Shiny Chain #2: 5/170 [56F][74F][131F][133M][160M][169M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Event
Gem Cost: N/A
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/79 [44M][47F][63M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 4/162 [46M][132F][149M][159F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/79 [37F][74F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Alolan
Gem Cost: 30x + 30x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/110 [85F][92F][96F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/79 [75F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Rare
Gem Cost: 60x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 4/251 [77M][125M][248M][249M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/80 [43M][49F][78M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 4080
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 5/148 [78F][103F][121F][144F][147M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/180 [61F][170M][178F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Event
Gem Cost: N/A
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/55 [47F][55F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 3840
Egg rarity: Event
Gem Cost: N/A
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/215 [171M][193F][215F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Rare
Gem Cost: 30x + 30x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 5/144 [49M][83F][87M][125F][135M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 4/167 [93F][127M][151M][162F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 10x + 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/110 [44F][55M][77F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/194 [114F][188F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 37/1565 [44F][98M][120M][137M][141M][177F][197M][223F][232M][282M][301F][348F][386F][402M][465M] [497F][513M][557M][636M][691M][693M][740F][800F][862M][891M][923F][1054F][1106F][1196M][1234F][1289M][1290F][1300F][1445M][1489F][1524M][1534F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 7/362 [14M][161F][168M][220M][253M][332M][351F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Galarian
Gem Cost: 60x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/74 [67F][71F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Galarian
Gem Cost: 30x + 30x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/98 [45F][49M][88F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 10455
Egg rarity: Rare
Gem Cost: 60x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/77 [46F][48F][75F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 6/136 [51F][91F][114F][116F][118F][125F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Galarian
Gem Cost: 60x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/141 [22M][80M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/121 [91M][116F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Rare
Gem Cost: 60x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/75 [71F][75F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Galarian
Gem Cost: 60x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/78 [25F][39F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 7905
Egg rarity: Special
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/111 [53M][107M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/141 [34F][134M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 30855
Egg rarity: Legendary
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/94 [37F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Alolan
Gem Cost: 60x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/97 [38F][49M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Alolan
Gem Cost: 30x + 30x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/98 [50M][82F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 6/173 [45F][60M][117M][125M][142M][171F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 10x + 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/106 [61M][97M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 10x + 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/179 [153F][169M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain #1: 5/172 [102M][114M][115M][155M][161F]
Shiny Chain #2: 1/149 [90M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 3/146 [80F][114M][144M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 4/140 [73F][123F][126M][133M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain #1: 2/114 [98M][109F]
Shiny Chain #2: 2/103 [80M][81F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 7905
Egg rarity: Special
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/88 [85]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/100 [45M][56F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 30855
Egg rarity: Legendary
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/18 [14]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 30855
Egg rarity: Legendary
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain #1: 1/52 [49]
Shiny Chain #2: 2/108 [75][87]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 7905
Egg rarity: Special
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/102 [102]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/205 [110M][196F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 7905
Egg rarity: Special
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/164 [160]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 10455
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain #1: 4/190 [66M][123F][185M][188F]
Shiny Chain #2: 2/127 [94M][106F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Event
Gem Cost: N/A
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/157 [157F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Event
Gem Cost: N/A
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/96 [61][90][96]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 7905
Egg rarity: Special
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 1/40 [38]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/81 [46M][52M][61F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/69 [60M][67M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Easy
Gem Cost: 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain #1: 2/79 [46F][79F]
Shiny Chain #2: 1/50 [48F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Special
Gem Cost: N/A
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/171 [67][167]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 30855
Egg rarity: Special
Summoning Requirements: 1x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/166 [104][120][164]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain #1: 3/184 [148M][165F][184M]
Shiny Chain #2: 40/1436 [66M][103M][104M][166M][172M][232M][245M][254M][283M][294M][468M][524M][542M][555M][640M][682M][756M][776M][778M][870M][879M][902M][910M][991M][1007M][1034M][1108M][1115M][1141F][1163M][1173M][1205M][1210F][1228F][1229M][1260M][1290M][1356M][1397M][1433M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 41/1158 [68M][77F][100F][115F][191F][206F][226M][235F][296M][308F][347F][372M][411M][417F][475M][502F][534M][540M][564M][574M][584F][610M][619F][666M][674M][715M][719F][816F][826M][893M][897F][930M][943F][1008M][1016F][1020M][1033F][1036F][1078F][1084F][1107M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 9180
Egg rarity: Rare
Gem Cost: 30x + 30x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 5/123 [43F][50M][70F][71M][97F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Starter
Gem Cost: 50x + 50x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 16/520 [40M][95F][98M][108M][139M][142F][154M][186M][202M][221M][305M][338M][396M][406M][416F][461F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 6630
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 10x + 10x
Gender Differences Obtained: YES
Shiny Chain: 24/1444 [154M][183M][234M] [297F][342F][369F][383F][427F][511M][678F][711M][811F][812M][851F][1049F][1059F][1073M][1086M][1108M][1119M][1142M][1297F][1363F][1441F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 3/142 [98M][116F][133F]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Medium
Gem Cost: 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 4/186 [70M][71M][137F][164M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 4080
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 20x + 20x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain: 2/86 [60M][66M]
Evoline: Complete


EHP: 5355
Egg rarity: Hard
Gem Cost: 40x
Gender Differences Obtained: N/A
Shiny Chain #1: 3/247 [78M][140M][237F]
Shiny Chain #2: 2/82 [47M][59M]
Evoline: Complete

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 14:42 (3 Years ago)
I forgot to say that, the slight increase of gem encounters would also positively affect those who don't play the tunnel, as there would be more of them in the market to be bought.

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 30/11/2021 17:51 (3 Years ago)
One year and a half has passed since the Royal Tunnel had to be rebalanced because of some users cheating.
This, along with the addition of the gem gain for exchanging plushies, has made the Royal Tunnel end in oblivion (even for the bigger players of the tunnel) mostly because of the gem limit that it was implemented.
In all this time I've been thinking A LOT how could we recover the old Tunnel Gem System without harming again the global economy because of another possible cheating attack...
...And I think I found one possible solution.

Initial analysis:
Old tunnel situation:
- Unlimited gem appearances.
- Cheaters exploiting the tunnel resources with external software.
- Significant harm to the game's economy due to the flood of gems obtained from cheating.
Current tunnel situation:
- Gems limited to 100 per day.
- Fair players getting all 100 gems in less than an hour.
- No motivation/achievements to keep playing without any kind of reward after reaching the gem limit.
- Lack of tools for big gem hunters aside the plushie exchange and rumbling.

- Give usual tunnel players a tool to gain gems during all day.
- Make the amount of gained gems unattractive to cheaters.

Possible solution:
Implement, in the same way that it is made in Emera Beach, an energy bar that is filled with time.
That bar filled (100%) would mean you are able to find up to 100 gems in the tunnel.
With every gem found the percentage will drop 1% till you go to zero. After that you'll able to keep playing tunnel but with no more gem earnings.
Refilling the bar:
- The bar could be refilled by 5% every 30 minutes, letting you get some gems always but not unlimited like in the past.
That would mean users were able to get another 100 gems every 10 hours.
- Other option could be, using the same time lapses used in most of the game features (lapses of 15 minutes like in daycare, honey tree, etc.), refill the energy bar by 3% every 15 minutes.
That would mean users were able to get another 100 gems every 8 hours and a half.

- It won’t affect at all to occasional tunnel players but it positively will to usual ones.
- Even if you used all your energy before, in every starting hour you can get gems when you make your hourly DP tasks.
- The increase of available gems is still not profitable for possible cheaters as they are slowly refilled.
- It gives an extended way to obtain gems for gem hunters.
- It gives additional motivation for tunnel players to play along the whole day, not discouraging them to stop after reaching the gem limit.

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 28/11/2021 14:54 (3 Years ago)
LOL, my fault, I don't know why I was seeing Servine and that's what happen when you play and write a post right after awaking

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 28/11/2021 13:21 (3 Years ago)
I had this question today, where both snivy and servine have the same egggroup (mostly cos they are from the same evo-line).

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 19:42 (3 Years ago)
This is just my personal opinion and I don't want to complain, it should just be a loud thought about the sale part of the Sinnoh Event.
I think older sales were better developed when the packages were differenced in "Main gaming tools sales" (premium + flutes + cuff) and "pokemon sales" (event vouchers), than the current one in where tools and pokemon packages are mixed.

Regardless there are no flutes in this sale at all (which I imagine a lot of users run out if already/soon).
I'm trying to have perspective and think how a marketing campaign could work better and I think the old one worked better than this one due to:

- Order of priorities: Once people fills their gaming tools needs, they were using their spare nuggets in the event passes, not the other way around.

- Surplus of premium: many users (me included) have an excedent of premium weeks due to old events giving weeks of premium as rewards (like in Black Friday).
In the old sales it was easier to manage what you were really needing (if you had a lot of premium membership you spend nuggets in vouchers, if you were out of premium membership you were using the nuggets in more premium membership).
With the current sale if you have that surplus of premium membership and you want an event voucher you'll double that excedent instead of balance it.

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 10/09/2021 18:43 (3 Years ago)
All alcremie sprites in the general pokedex seems to be broken, both normal and shinies (maybe because of the different toppings?)

Besides that, the only one that is not broken but wrong is the sprite for Alcremie (Ruby Swirl), it is showing the sprite of giga alcremie instead

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 25/08/2021 18:49 (3 Years ago)


0003 Giga Venusaur

0003 Mega Venusaur

0006 Giga Charizard

0006 Mega Charizard X

0006 Mega Charizard Y

0009 Giga Blastoise

0009 Mega Blastoise

0012 Giga Butterfree

0015 Mega Beedrill

0018 Mega Pidgeot

0025 Giga Pikachu

0052 Giga Meowth

0059 Mega Arcanine

0065 Mega Autumn Alakazam

0065 Mega Alakazam

0068 Giga Machamp

0078 Mega Rapidash

0078 Mega Rapidash (Galarian)

0078 Mega Cursed Rapidash

0080 Mega Slowbro

0080 Mega Slowbro (Galarian)

0080 Mega Yorebro

0094 Giga Gengar

0094 Mega Gengar

0099 Giga Kingler

0115 Mega Kangaskhan

0122 Mega Mr. Mime

0127 Mega Pinsir

0130 Mega Gyarados

0131 Giga Lapras

0133 Giga Eevee

0142 Mega Aerodactyl

0143 Giga Snorlax

0150 Mega Mewtwo X

0150 Mega Mewtwo Y

0154 Mega Meganium

0157 Mega Typhlosion

0169 Mega Crobat

0181 Mega Autumn Ampharos

0181 Mega Ampharos

0181 Mega Winter Ampharos

0181 Mega Summer Ampharos

0181 Mega Spring Ampharos

0206 Mega Dunsparce

0208 Mega Steelix

0208 Mega Obsidialix

0212 Mega Scizor

0214 Mega Heracross

0227 Mega Skarmory

0227 Mega Skarigami

0229 Mega Houndoom

0248 Mega Mecha Tyranitar

0248 Mega Tyranitar

0254 Mega Sceptile

0257 Mega Blaziken

0257 Mega Robin Blaze

0260 Mega Swampert

0282 Mega Festival Gardevoir

0282 Mega Gardevoir

0302 Mega Sableye

0303 Mega Mawile

0306 Mega Crystal Aggron

0306 Mega Aggron

0308 Mega Medicham

0310 Mega Manectric

0319 Mega Sharpedo

0323 Mega Camerupt

0323 Mega Winter Camerupt

0330 Mega Flygon

0334 Mega Altaria

0334 Mega Candaria

0344 Mega Claydol

0350 Mega Milotic

0354 Mega Banette

0354 Mega Banettenstein

0359 Mega Absol

0362 Mega Glalie

0373 Mega Salamence

0373 Mega Sala da Menci

0373 Mega Lord Salamence

0376 Mega Metagross

0380 Mega Latias

0381 Mega Latios

0382 Primal Kyogre

0383 Primal Groudon

0384 Mega Rayquaza

0405 Mega Luxray

0428 Mega Lopunny

0428 Mega Easter Lopunny

0445 Mega Garchomp

0448 Mega Lucario

0448 Mega Lucario-sensei

0460 Mega Abomasnow

0466 Mega Electivire

0475 Mega Gallade

0478 Mega Froslass

0487 Mega Giratina

0531 Mega Audino

0569 Giga Garbodor

0571 Mega Zoroark

0576 Mega Gothitelle

0628 Mega Braviary

0719 Mega Diancie

0719 Mega Diancie (Emera)

0809 Giga Melmetal

0812 Giga Rillaboom

0815 Giga Cinderace

0818 Giga Inteleon

0823 Giga Corviknight

0826 Giga Orbeetle

0834 Giga Drednaw

0839 Giga Coalossal

0841 Giga Flapple

0842 Giga Appletun

0844 Giga Sandaconda

0849 Giga Toxtricity

0851 Giga Centiskorch

0858 Giga Hatterene

0861 Giga Grimmsnarl

0869 Giga Alcremie

0873 Mega Frosmoth

0879 Giga Copperajah

0884 Giga Duraludon

0890 Eternamax Eternatus

0892 Giga Urshifu (R. Strike)

0892 Giga Urshifu (S. Strike)

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 18/03/2021 15:38 (3 Years ago)


0128 Tauros (Paldea Aqua)

0128 Tauros (Paldea Blaze)

0128 Tauros (Paldea Combat)

0194 Wooper (Paldea)

0906 Sprigatito

0907 Floragato

0908 Meowscarada

0909 Fuecoco

0910 Crocalor

0911 Skeledirge

0912 Quaxly

0913 Quaxwell

0914 Quaquaval

0915 Lechonk

0916 Oinkologne

0917 Tarountula

0918 Spidops

0921 Pawmi

0922 Pawmo

0923 Pawmot

0924 Tandemaus

0925 Maushold

0925 Maushold (Three)

0926 Fidough

0927 Dachsbun

0938 Tadbulb

0939 Bellibolt

0942 Maschiff

0943 Mabosstiff

0946 Bramblin

0947 Brambleghast

0962 Bombirdier

0967 Cyclizar

0971 Greavard

0972 Houndstone

0973 Flamigo

0974 Cetoddle

0975 Cetitan

0979 Annihilape

0980 Clodsire

0981 Farigiraf

0982 Dudunsparce

0982 Dududunsparce

0983 Kingambit

0984 Great Tusk

0985 Scream Tail

0986 Brute Bonnet

0990 Iron Treads

0991 Iron Bundle

0992 Iron Hands

0996 Frigibax

0997 Arctibax

0998 Baxcalibur

0999 Gimmighoul

0999 Gimmighoul (Chest)

1000 Gholdengo

1001 Wo-Chien

1007 Koraidon

1008 Miraidon

1017 Ogerpon

1017 Ogerpon (Teal)

1017 Ogerpon (Wellspring)

1017 Ogerpon (Hearthflame)

1017 Ogerpon (Cornerstone)

1018 Archaludon

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 16/03/2021 11:05 (3 Years ago)


0058 Growlithe (Hisuian)

0059 Arcanine (Hisuian)

0100 Voltorb (Hisuian)

0101 Electrode (Hisuian)

0157 Typhlosion (Hisuian)

0211 Qwilfish (Hisuian)

0215 Sneasel (Hisuian)

0483 Dialga (Origin)

0484 Palkia (Origin)

0503 Samurott (Hisuian)

0549 Lilligant (Hisuian)

0550 Basculin (White)

0570 Zorua (Hisuian)

0571 Zoroark (Hisuian)

0628 Braviary (Hisuian)

0705 Sliggoo (Hisuian)

0706 Goodra (Hisuian)

0713 Avalugg (Hisuian)

0724 Decidueye (Hisuian)

0899 Wyrdeer

0900 Kleavor

0901 Ursaluna

0902 Basculegion

0903 Sneasler

0904 Overqwil

0905 Enamorus

0905 Enamorus (Therian Forme)

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 15/03/2021 12:30 (3 Years ago)


0052 Meowth (Galarian)

0077 Ponyta (Galarian)

0078 Rapidash (Galarian)

0079 Slowpoke (Galarian)

0080 Slowbro (Galarian)

0083 Farfetch'd (Galarian)

0110 Weezing (Galarian)

0122 Mr. Mime (Galarian)

0144 Articuno (Galarian)

0145 Zapdos (Galarian)

0146 Moltres (Galarian)

0199 Slowking (Galarian)

0222 Corsola (Galarian)

0263 Zigzagoon (Galarian)

0264 Linoone (Galarian)

0554 Darumaka (Galarian)

0555 Darmanitan (Galarian)

0555 Darmanitan (Galarian Zen)

0562 Yamask (Galarian)

0618 Stunfisk (Galarian)

0810 Grookey

0811 Thwackey

0812 Rillaboom

0813 Scorbunny

0814 Raboot

0815 Cinderace

0816 Sobble

0817 Drizzile

0818 Inteleon

0819 Skwovet

0820 Greedent

0821 Rookidee

0822 Corvisquire

0823 Corviknight

0824 Blipbug

0825 Dottler

0826 Orbeetle

0827 Nickit

0828 Thievul

0829 Gossifleur

0830 Eldegoss

0831 Wooloo

0832 Dubwool

0833 Chewtle

0834 Drednaw

0835 Yamper

0836 Boltund

0837 Rolycoly

0838 Carkol

0839 Coalossal

0840 Applin

0841 Flapple

0842 Appletun

0843 Silicobra

0844 Sandaconda

0845 Cramorant

0845 Cramorant (Gulping)

0845 Cramorant (Shiny Gulping)

0845 Cramorant (Gorging)

0845 Cramorant (Shiny Gorging)

0846 Arrokuda

0847 Barraskewda

0848 Toxel

0849 Toxtricity (Amped)

0849 Toxtricity (Low Key)

0850 Sizzlipede

0851 Centiskorch

0852 Clobbopus

0853 Grapploct

0854 Sinistea

0855 Polteageist

0856 Hatenna

0857 Hattrem

0858 Hatterene

0859 Impidimp

0860 Morgrem

0861 Grimmsnarl

0862 Obstagoon

0863 Perrserker

0864 Cursola

0865 Sirfetch'd

0866 Mr. Rime

0867 Runerigus

0868 Milcery

0869 Alcremie (Vanilla + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Vanilla + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Vanilla + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Vanilla + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Vanilla + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Vanilla + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Vanilla + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Matcha + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Matcha + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Matcha + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Matcha + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Matcha + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Matcha + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Matcha + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Mint + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Mint + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Mint + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Mint + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Mint + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Mint + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Mint + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Lemon + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Lemon + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Lemon + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Lemon + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Lemon + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Lemon + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Lemon + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Salted + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Salted + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Salted + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Salted + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Salted + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Salted + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Salted + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby Swirl + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby Swirl + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby Swirl + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby Swirl + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby Swirl + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby Swirl + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Ruby Swirl + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Caramel Swirl + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Caramel Swirl + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Caramel Swirl + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Caramel Swirl + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Caramel Swirl + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Caramel Swirl + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Caramel Swirl + Ribbon Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl + Strawberry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl + Love Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl + Flower Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl + Star Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl + Clover Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl + Berry Sweet)

0869 Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl + Ribbon Sweet)

0870 Falinks

0871 Pincurchin

0872 Snom

0873 Frosmoth

0874 Stonjourner

0875 Eiscue

0875 Eiscue (Noice)

0876 Indeedee

0877 Morpeko

0877 Morpeko (Hangry)

0878 Cufant

0879 Copperajah

0880 Dracozolt

0881 Arctozolt

0882 Dracovish

0883 Arctovish

0884 Duraludon

0885 Dreepy

0886 Drakloak

0887 Dragapult

0888 Zacian

0888 Zacian (Crowned Sword)

0889 Zamazenta

0889 Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)

0890 Eternatus

0891 Kubfu

0892 Urshifu (Rapid Strike)

0892 Urshifu (Single Strike)

0893 Zarude

0894 Regieleki

0895 Regidrago

0896 Glastrier

0897 Spectrier

0898 Calyrex

0898 Calyrex (Ice Rider)

0898 Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

[Read more]

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