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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from eunoia.
Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 20:09 (5 Years ago)
Joshua opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but the double doors opened before he could say anything. "I can't believe you, Joshua." The girl with brown hair that had asked for Chae earlier was now pulling him along by the wrist, an angry look on her face. Two other girls trailed after them, both with the similar features to Chae, soft and androgynous. "Linny just mentioned a poem from a book I explicitly told him he could read during tomorrow's library privileges. Do you having anything to say for yourself?"

"Hello to you, too, Cocoa," Joshua said, smiling at her. "Why are you assuming it was me?"

"Because you're the only one who would convince him to steal against my wishes! Stop corrupting my subjects!" She said, stopping her foot for effect, making Chae flinch. "Sorry, Chae, sorry," she said, letting go of his wrist.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 18:43 (5 Years ago)
Joshua sat down with his back to the wall, letting his wings relax and unfold around him. If they were using the gym, it either meant fighting or a very large number of people, and he didn't particularly like either of those ideas right now. He sighed, twitching his feathers in thought.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 18:21 (5 Years ago)
"So, what's going on, Gray? How many new subjects do we have?" Joshua asked, speeding up so he could walk with her. A guard started to move toward him, but she motioned and the guard stepped back.

"A couple hundred or so in good condition," she replied, "Quite a few weren't deemed worth it, so we're terminating most of the rejects tomorrow. I can't imagine where they're gonna put all the bodies." Joshua didn't answer, just nodded and kept the charming expression on his face. Gray stopped in front of a large set of double doors, pulling out a keycard to open them, revealing a room that looked similar to a school gymnasium. "You guys are the first here, so try not to break anything," she said, letting them all file in before leaving and closing the doors.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 17:19 (5 Years ago)
"Yeah," Joshua said. There was a knock at the door again, and Joshua stood up just as there was the signature beep and it opened. It was the girl with gray hair again, this time with a bunch of guards behind her. Joshua smiled pleasantly at her, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, freaks," she said, making a motion with her hands and walking out of the room. Joshua followed behind her quickly, with no complaint.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 12:25 (5 Years ago)
"I don't know, honestly," Joshua said, "I know some of it is just genetics and medicine and stuff like that. Some of us are more suited to be assassins or stealth operatives, while others are more likely to be bioweapons. Others still are intelligence-inclined and aren't meant for fighting. The results are so varied and unexpected that I'm unsure if they're adding our purposes intentionally or not sometimes."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 10:00 (5 Years ago)
in the original purpose of this roleplay, no, people weren't exactly supposed to have supernatural abilities. however, that's kinda gone down the drain, so you can definitely have powers!! and, yes, your second character can have a demonic form. thank you for asking.
with that out of the way, your forms look good, so you're accepted!! please remove the password and advertise!!

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 09:54 (5 Years ago)
"Yeah, the Yuu family were the first ten successful experiments," Joshua said, "Chae's the youngest and the tenth, which is why his middle name is 'Decem.' They're, well, the scientists had very mixed results. Some side effects were small, like vision, hearing, or speech loss, while others were a little more severe, like heart problems or schizophrenia. Over thirty members of the Yuu family died in childhood between the successes. It's kind of a miracle some of them are alive with how screwed their bodies are."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 01:58 (5 Years ago)
"Yeah, I guess it's good they could never replicate it," Joshua sighed and frowned. "It doesn't stop them from trying, though. Chae, and the Yuu family in general, has gone through hell in this place. More than usual."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 00:59 (5 Years ago)
"For him, it was sorta soothing, I guess. He's so mild in everyday life, he had to get his anger out some way," Joshua shrugged, his wings shifting. "At first, the scientists were afraid he was going to hurt himself. The walls here aren't exactly easy to mark. But apparently his tail is, like, basically indestructible or something. They have no idea what gene causes it, and haven't been able to replicate it sense."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 00:22 (5 Years ago)
"Yeah, with his tail," Joshua said, pulling out the book from where he'd hidden it under the covers and tucking it between the side of the bed and the wall. "When he used to get scared and started panicking, one of the scientists told him to do something repetitive to calm himself down, so he started doing tally marks. It didn't work, and he eventually gave up, but not before basically covering the walls of at least four cells. This one is the least damaged out of all of them."

(actually, lucky was right. i'd appreciate it if you waited)

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 23:09 (5 Years ago)
"Nah, they probably won't care if you break things unless you really destroy it," Joshua said, "Chae's done the exact same thing you've done ten thousand times. How do you think all those scratches got on the wall." He nodded towards the opposite end of the room, where the tally marks were scattered across the metal.

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 22:17 (5 Years ago)
"Depends," Joshua replied. He balled up the empty granola bar package and threw it in the bag. "Most of the time, they take us out one by one and do something specific to what they need from you. When they take large numbers of us out, it's hard to say what exactly will happen or where we'll be going."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 21:39 (5 Years ago)
The was a harsh knock on the door. "Ten minute warning," someone yelled through the thick metal. Joshua nodded. "Alright," he said, "Everyone finish up their food and place your trash in the bag."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 20:28 (5 Years ago)
accepted!! please edit out the password and advertise!! also no you don't need a lab number.

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 20:26 (5 Years ago)
"Woah, woah, woah," Joshua said, "Blowing up the room is the worst idea you could've possibly ever had. You won't damage the door, and you'll just kill all of us in the process. And I quite like staying alive."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 19:19 (5 Years ago)
"Look, I can't guarantee anything because I just don't know, but there's a strong chance those that don't pass the test will be killed," Joshua said to Lizzy, taking another bite of his granola bar. "I'm not sure. They might want to use natural angel or demon blood for genetic altercations on living organisms, or comparisons, so they could potentially keep around those who fail. Just don't act out and you'll probably be fine. Fighting is the easiest and quickest way to die here."

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 18:54 (5 Years ago)
Joshua shrugged. "Dunno. Probably eliminated from testing, if I had to take a guess. Although they might use your genes for growing and alterations." He picked up a granola bar and took a bite of it, seemingly nonchalant about the whole thing.

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 18:50 (5 Years ago)
(how about all ya'll just,, be calm for a second. just because i'm on doesn't mean i'm totally available.)

There was a soft beep once again, and the door swung open. Another girl poked her head inside, this time she had short, wavy brown hair and thick black glasses. "10-CE," she said, "it's time for your weekly checkup." Chae nodded silently, unfolding his long legs and standing up. He looked even thinner and frailer when he wasn't curled in a dark corner. The girl glanced at Joshua. "We'll be having evaluations for the 1119 lines within the next hour. Keep them calm in the meantime," she added, before shoving Chae out the door and slamming it closed.

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 18:40 (5 Years ago)
how did i know you were gonna make a oneus reference?? accepted!! please edit out the password and advertise!!

accepted!! please advertise and remove the password!!

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 18:25 (5 Years ago)
Joshua retrieved said crackers and brought them over to Chae. "You're just feeling sick because you haven't eaten anything," he said, taking one of Chae's bony hands and placing the snack into it. "Be slow, you don't want to upset your stomach again." Chae stared at him for a few long moments, defiance replacing fear in his silver eyes. Joshua's voice turned colder. "If you don't eat, Gray will yell at you," he added, and Chae's brief determination crumbled. He carefully ripped open the packaging and took a bite, obviously not happy with the situation.

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