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Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 17:41 (9 Years ago)
(Ditto has already been mentioned - it's possible that one might be involved more at some point, but not immediately.)

Section Six: Answers and Purpose

"Okay, first I'm gonna assume you wouldn't know a Pokemon if one danced a jig in fronta you - no worries. A Pokemon is a creature with neat powers - like you an' me - only most can't speak like humans do. Got our own languages - might as well be gibberish t'most humans, but any Pokemon can understand 'em easily. Battlin' is when Pokemon use their powers t'fight, rather'n just scrappin'. Lotsa humanfolk like catchin' Pokemon t'raise as battle teams. Some are decent folks an' friends t'their team, others're awful. Amadia's Trainer - that's the human raisin' her team - dumped her by the roadside without s'much as a 'so long', 'cause he thought she was too slow, an' wanted somemon faster. Anything else, kit?"

After this piece of exposition, Pardus thought for a moment, digesting what he'd just been told. So, they were creatures that sounded like they were right out of Dudley's videogames - why wouldn't there be people who'd get them to fight? It wasn't as though he could call much 'too strange' any more. "Well... Do we have a, well, a purpose?" He asked cautiously, tilting his head a little. "The science creatures from Dudley's movies almost always have one."

Truth to tell, he was both hopeful and anxious about this prospect. On the one hand, he'd never really had a sense of purpose before, and he desperately wanted to prove himself worthy of their founder's love and protection. On the other hand, what if his purpose was helping to take over the world like the movie monsters? His aunt and uncle had always called him an evil brat, but he didn't think he was quite up to facing down heroes just yet, and he didn't want to let anyone down. He'd try, because he had little enough reason to favour the world over Grimalkin, but he thought he'd probably mess it up.

"Sure we do," Usco replied amiably, draping an arm across the other cub's shoulders and steadfastly ignoring his slight flinch. "We're the future of our kind, Pard. The big guy is counting on us t'look after an' protect ourselves an' the liddle ones who come after us - an' t'be his family. Like most've us, he didn't have one before - he's the very first. 'Til us, the only one of his kind. So here's the deal - we gotta be good big brothers an' sisters for th'kittens, we gotta make sure we don't let anyone get too sad an' lonely, an' we gotta grow up t'be our own selves an' nobody else's. The big guy's real emphatic 'bout us 'twosies bein' a law unto ourselves."

Wide-eyed, Pardus stared blankly for a moment, before giving Usco his widest grin: he had a purpose that didn't seem impossible, and it sounded perfect! He'd thought he'd be fulfilling his purpose in exchange for a family, but now he knew that his purpose was to be a part of a family! "Took me that way too, kid." A new voice cut in, alto and honey-thick in tone. Whirling around, Pardus saw that it was Amadia, with Paka wrapped in her tail. "What's your name, kid? Bet Usco's told you ours."

Nodding, Pardus introduced himself, watching warily as the once-Raichu extended her kit-carrying tail towards him. "Here, consider lesson one begun." She stated, depositing the cooing babymind matter-of-factly into Pardus' arms. It was then, as he watched her adjust his arms to better cradle Paka, that he thought of another question. "How come we can see what we all look like? We're sleeping, aren't we?" He asked, perplexed. He'd been vaguely aware of his own changes for a while now, but how? And how could he know what the others looked like? "Simple." Amadia stated, "Your body's been letting your subconscious know as you've changed, and that gets projected in here - we're all telling each other how we look and sound automatically. How exactly that works, I couldn't say, but you get the idea."

Pardus didn't think it was quite as simple as Amadia claimed, but he guessed that it'd be safer to just nod along at this point. It seemed to satisfy her, anyway. The kitten in his arms wriggled, her tail getting in his face, and he thought he was about to drop her - when he found himself floating with the giggling Paka. Of course - Mewtwo could fly, and the dreaming would certainly allow it. Focusing, Pardus gained control of their flight path, not willing to leave it in the paws of a baby who could lose focus at any moment.

It seemed as though he'd passed some kind of test, for the moment he took control was the same moment he was joined by the other two. "Not too shabby, kit." Usco grinned, coming up alongside him. "Howsabout a liddle trip down my memory skyway? Lemme show you the route the big guy flew me." The cheery whiskered cub suggested, causing his dreamscape to morph beneath them. "From what I've seen, he likes t'take the scenic route with all of us." Pardus, treated to his first glimpse of the Pokemon world from above, had to agree. It'd been fun - he supposed rollercoasters might be almost as good, but he'd never tried one.

There was so much countryside, he couldn't help but be amazed - it was a huge and spectacular view. At first, he simply marvelled at it all and played, revelling in the freedom of the sky. After a while, though he began to ask questions about the things and places he was seeing. Fascinated, he allowed his new friends to regale him with tales of their world and what lay within it. Usco showed him urban life, letting him in on some of the tricks he'd used to stay alive, while Amadia shared details of battles and training - explaining moves, abilities, strategies and items as best she could. She even demonstrated by showing some of her memories.

Eventually, Pardus felt comfortable with telling them about his own life with the Dursleys, and how he'd learnt to work hard on little food. To his relief, they were on his side, and didn't seem to think any less of him for what he'd told them. As Amadia had put it: "You're one of us now - it doesn't matter where you come from, or what was wrong with your life - unless, of course, you'd like to get even. Then, we'd help." Over time, he met more awoken cubs, and made more friends than he'd ever thought of having, but Usco, Amadia and Paka were still the closest to him. He even learnt to communicate with the babymind through images and emotions. As unfamiliar as the concept was to the post-human child, life was wonderful.

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Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 15:02 (9 Years ago)
Pleased that his partner seemed to be well-mannered, Arashi filled the cauldron, before trying to line up the rest of the ingredients in order - so as to avert similar confusion. It startled him quite considerably when the Professor appeared before them, and he was just wondering what Lacroma could have spotted that would draw him to them when he realised that Mia's hair was auburn. Why is that important? It was like that at breakfast. He mused, suspicious. Something was definitely off, but he wasn't sure what. He'd give her the benefit of the doubt, for now, but his curiosity had been piqued. The sudden rapidity of ingredient-shifting was also a little odd, but he didn't mind the change in pace - having taken the opportunity to skin the lizard tails.

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Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 09:30 (9 Years ago)
Rather taken aback, Arashi noticed that his partner had also crushed snake fangs - it appeared that they had both been waiting for each other to fill the cauldron. "It appears we've had a failure in communication." He sighed, embarrassed, as he showed Mia what he'd been doing. At least they would have spare if any was dropped, he supposed. "If I fill the cauldron, will you deal with the nettles?" He suggested, tilting his head to one side. It would be rather a pity, he felt, if they were to fail at this potion due to the pair of them doing the same thing. Wondering just how bad it could have been if they had added both lots of snake fangs, he carefully put his own fang dust into a little jar so that it wouldn't get mixed in with anything else.

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 20:42 (9 Years ago)
When I find out who designed these clothes, heads will roll...

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 17:16 (9 Years ago)
Thanks~ I just thought it best to ask first, seeing as I couldn't find a precedent in the thread.

Username: Woodwings
Category: Pokemon
Number of characters: One
References: He's a young Mewtwo, at the same stage as the one on the left in this image. His belly/tail and eyes are forest green, his main fur is black, his hands and feet are patriarch purple (preferably fading into the colour from black, but it isn't necessary if it's too complicated), and he has hair a bit like these Harrys - but with a few streaks of patriarch purple near the front.
Background*: None required
PASSWORD: Pretty please?

I really hope this isn't too weird or complicated... Assuming you accept this, when would you like the PD sent?

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 16:44 (9 Years ago)
Hi, I've got a question.
In the part of the form where it asks for references, would a detailed description of the specifics combined with a link to the base species be sufficient in the case of Pokemon fan characters without pre-existing artwork?

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 16:34 (9 Years ago)
Thanks~ I may just drop by if I notice it reopen.
I'm not sure I know what else to say, except that one specific thing about your art that I quite like is the way you draw non-human ears.

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 16:19 (9 Years ago)
I must say that I really like your art style - the shading, the line-art and the colour balances all blend to make each of your subjects appear full of life and personality~ You say you have an art shop? Where is it, if I may ask?

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 15:34 (9 Years ago)
Feeling much refreshed after a good breakfast, Arashi sat contentedly in Potions, waiting to see what would happen. He had no idea who his partner was, but he figured that it would be alright - he was a smart cookie. Well, perhaps he was a little prone to tweaking, but it would be rather foolhardy of him to do so on the first day. He hadn't memorised the textbook, but his family had a history with Potions, so he felt fairly confident - despite the physical evidence provided by his unusually coloured eyes that Potions and Zadkiels could become... interesting.

He was rather pleased to see that he wasn't the only one in the castle with an eccentric appearance, figuring that, if a Professor was dyeing their hair, they could hardly complain about his. Besides, gold eyes were fairly cool. Noticing that someone else was already crushing snake fangs, and that the list on the board did call for such, he decided to do the same - his partner could do something else. I wonder what would happen if our potion were to have a different species of snake's fangs added? Would there be a difference?

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 15:01 (9 Years ago)
Section Five: A Meeting of Minds

After being left to his thoughts, Pardus spent a while contemplating his near miss. It was frightening to think that he could have been killed by something he hadn't even known was there, but his new daddy had come to protect him. He couldn't remember anyone thinking he was worth protecting before - it was a good feeling, and one that made him all the more determined to be useful. Come to think of it, hadn't he just been told that he had power? He'd even used it a bit, though clumsily. He'd long seen odd things happening around him - usually causing him to get in trouble - but this felt different.

Perhaps, if he practised with this new power, he could impress Grimalkin? He'd been told to be proud of what he'd already achieved, but the little changeling was afraid that it might have been a fluke. Now that he had felt what it was like to be praised, he yearned to be worthy of more. With this in mind, he set about feeling for the power he'd touched before, plunging his focus into it as he sought to understand it. He spent a while doing this, gradually becoming accustomed to it, before he was unexpectedly interrupted by a change of scene he'd somehow triggered.

Rather than the familiar, comforting darkness that reminded him of his cupboard sanctum, he found himself in a wildflower meadow - something he'd never seen before. He could have stared at the colourful blooms for hours, if an unanticipated voice hadn't made him flinch and whirl around. "Howdy, new kit, this your first time in someone else's dreaming?" The voice, which seemed friendly enough, was coming from a cream Mewtwo around his own height - though fuller in face and flesh.

The stranger had short fur and thick haunches, and solid black earhorns that seemed thicker at the base. His belly was pale brown, deepening to a warm fudge colour as his tail neared its curled-in tip - a hue shared by his toes and his rounded eyes. His face bore long, thick whiskers - two on each cheek and two either side of an odd golden ovoid on his forehead. "No need to worry, I'll help you out. I'm Usco, by the way." The pale cub continued, revealing pointed teeth as he spoke.

"I'm Pardus... Er, Cub 42 as well." The changeling replied, deciding to let Usco explain things. "42, huh? I got number 39. Don't sweat the numbers, they're mostly so the big guy can keep his records in order. Now, I bet you wanna know how come this place ain't all dark, an' how you got here, right?" Pardus nodded, wondering how the pale-coated newtwo knew what was on his mind. "Well, we all get funky mind powers, right? Basically, when those start working, we get t'make stuff appear in our dreaming place - an' visit other ones too. Usually it's an accident the first time 'round. Wanna see? Try thinkin' real hard 'bout a flower, go on."

In the face of this urging, Pardus concentrated on Aunt Petunia's roses. To his delight, they appeared. "Pretty good first go." Usco approved, grinning. "We won't be able t'do this outta dreaming, but it's great for learning t'focus th'new mind skills. It's also good for show'n'tell - I know a baby 'two whose mind woke up early, an' she loves it when me an' Amadia show her outside stuff." Curious, Pardus asked who the people he'd mentioned were. "Hm? Well, Amadia's a translated 'two like you an' me. She started out as a Raichu. Know what they look like? No? Well, here's what she looks like now."

An illusory Mewtwo appeared, taller and more thickset than Usco, while retaining a childish cast to her features. She was clearly female, though Pardus couldn't say for certain how he could tell. Perhaps part of it lay in the softer-than-typical set of her chest-plates? Most of her upper body fur was orange, including her short and curly forelock, while her paws were a dark wood-brown. Her ears were the same brown, with yellow insides, being earhorn rigid while Raichu-typical in shape and proportion. Two horizontal brown stripes rested just above the base of her tail, which started thick and black as her eyes, before becoming slim and whippy - tipped with a yellow lightning bolt in place of a ball. Her belly and chest, where not tail-black, were white, and she had circular yellow patches on her cheeks.

"She's pretty tough - she was a battler before she was abandoned for somemon faster." Usco added, confusing Pardus a bit. "Me, I was a street kitty, a stray Meowth eatin' scraps in the city. There were too many of us in the troop t'feed us all, an' I was the clumsiest. Now, lil' Paka's a dif'rent kettle o'fish - a Lil' Sis grown from scratch. Here, take a look." The image shrank to the size of a baby - a pastel pink kit with dainty paws and second neck, her chest-plates vestigial and her tail (though clearly 'two) slender. This tail, like her wide almond eyes, was sky blue - and the colour reached further up her belly than his or Usco's. Her earhorns were stout-based, slightly forward-curling cones set like cat ears, giving her a rather impish air and kittenish seeming.

"You'll get t'meet them soon enough." Usco promised, dismissing the image. "They're my buddies. For now, though, best t'keep practisin'. Any questions?" After mulling over what he'd been told, and guessing from context that a translated 'two was a changeling, Pardus nodded again. "Um, what did you mean earlier, about battlers?" He asked softly, to Usco's obvious surprise. "You don't know 'bout battlin'? Wow, Pard, where'd y'live thatcha hadn't heard of it?" The bewhiskered former Meowth queried, startled.

Pardus hung his head, ashamed, wondering desperately what to tell his new friend. As he thought furiously, though, his cramped little cupboard swum into view - to his horror. "Ah, bit if a shut-in... Sorry kit." Usco responded carefully, noting the shamed and fearful posture with some concern. He wouldn't have minded kipping in a cupboard, but for it to appear in answer - and cause such a reaction - the kit had to have been shut in there a lot, and maybe not allowed to talk about it. He'd heard that some of the newtwo were rescue cases, and the way this tomkit flinched when Usco put a paw on his shoulder and dispelled the illusion spoke volumes.

"Relax, buddy, most all of us translates've had more than our share of hard luck - it's why we're picked, I think. Heck, even the big guy got treated harsh - real harsh. No shame in it with us." Pardus lifted his head to regard the other tom, cautiously brightening. "... Really?" He hadn't realised that others might have been treated like he was - it was hard to imagine someone like Usco or his protector and kind new daddy deserving harshness. Then again, maybe everyone normal treated freaks bad. He knew he wasn't Freak anymore, but he'd hardly got less freaky... Maybe it was okay to be a freak if everyone else was? Maybe, if there were enough, it'd count as a new kind of normal? He liked that idea. He'd always wanted to be normal. "You bet, kit, so don't sweat it." Usco nodded, before realising belatedly that he had yet to explain battles.

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 14:15 (9 Years ago)
(Thanks~ I'll just slot him in near Mia, as she seems to be an available Ravenclaw to interact with.)

Arashi yawned as he ambled along amidst the other new Ravenclaws, trying to wake up. His bleary purple eyes fixed upon a girl just ahead of him so that he wouldn't be tempted to try figuring out a short cut - which would be ill-advised - he absent-mindedly straightened his glasses. Isaac, his ball-tailed kneazle, padded along behind him, glancing around with interest, while the young wizard was distracted by the ceiling. He couldn't help it - it was just too interesting. Thankfully, he'd managed to reach the table before his focus slipped, so he wasn't lost this time. Tearing his gaze away from the sky, Arashi took a seat. He hoped that the food would present itself soon, as he didn't really feel awake until he'd had breakfast, and he didn't want to make too much of a fool out of himself.

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Posted: Sat, 27/12/2014 12:41 (9 Years ago)
(Is there room for one more? I know the books don't really tend to focus on many of the sortings, so it might not matter that the sorting's over.)

First and last name: Arashi Zadkiel.
Year: First
Appearance: A lanky fellow with long, tied-back dyed-lavender hair (his natural hue a light blond), rectangular plain-glass spectacles to make himself look smart (and make people think he'd be disadvantaged if he lost them), curious purple eyes resulting from a potions experiment on the part of one of his ancestors, and an irreverent sort of half-smile.
Wand type: Cedar and Sphinx tail-tuft.
Heritage: Arashi is the result of an old Squib line merging with a long-Anglicised off-shoot of a Japanese pureblood line. Both sides of his family are prone to eccentricity and dabbling in oddities. Arashi himself is not certain whether he qualifies as a pureblood or a halfblood.
House: It was a close call between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, but the Hat made up its mind to put him with the 'claws after he asked it a number of probing questions about its level of sentience.
History: The Zadkiels, though largely composed of Squibs, retained their family enterprise through the years - that being the breeding of magical pets. Since a conditional amendment to the ban on experimental breeding - spearheaded by one Rubeus Hagrid many years ago - the Zadkiels had striven to produce engaging and innovative pets. True, not all could be sold to those living among muggles, but there were plenty that could. Arashi has helped raise these magical pets since he was small.
Blood-type: Debatable.
Love Affliction: Does 'somewhat clueless' count?
For the most part, Arashi is fairly laid back, preferring to observe the situation before he speaks up or changes variables, but he has a fondness for irreverence. He has a breezy lack of regard for arbitrary authority, and simply refuses to respect on demand. If he believes that the suggestions of an authority figure are reasonable, he is likely to go along with them, but he reserves respect for those he believes have earned it. With Arashi, no obedience is automatic save when the situation is perilous or it is so obvious as to become routine.

Occasionally prone to silly moods and flights of fancy, Arashi may sometimes attempt to approach situations in unconventional manners, and he wishes to cultivate a reputation as an eccentric. He is not quick to anger, preferring plotting to yelling in someone's face, but he never forgets an insult. He also has an interesting sense of morals, and sees no problem with vigilante action if he deems it required. His alignment, therefore, I describe as Chaotic Good verging on Chaotic Neutral. Oh, and he dislikes the colour crimson to a slightly irrational degree.

Arashi has a slight tendency to intellectual egotism, which expresses itself in terms of his inordinate fondness for using long words whenever he thinks he has sufficient excuse, wearing glasses that have no true lenses in order to emphasise his intelligence, and having a lower opinion (though not usually contempt) of those he perceives as stupid. Additionally, he is somewhat paranoid, and prefers to be as prepared as he possibly can, often taking a leaf out of whichever books he's currently reading. In the case of the start of his Hogwarts career, this means the inclusion of rope and a length of steel pipe in his belongings, for reasons best known to himself, along with the usual provisions and a set of night-vision goggles (enchanted, not muggle - acquired from a joke shop of some renown). He also has less than ideal social skills.
Pet: Isaac - a honey-blond tomcat with piercing blue eyes resulting from the breeding of kneazles with North American pygmy ball-tailed cats.

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Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 19:31 (9 Years ago)
I see you there... Oh yes, I doo~oo..

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Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 15:56 (9 Years ago)
I like pickles, lets eat pickles.

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Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 12:05 (9 Years ago)
"I am Arashi." The egg-covering teen responded, noticing that they were introducing themselves to Scarlett. He might not have usually been the most sociable of fellows, being a little reclusive when left to his own devices, but he recognised the value of being a part of a tight-knit group while apparently abandoned in a small team out in the wilderness. He was disappointed that the newly-woken girl didn't know what was up either, but he supposed that it was to be expected. Having finished covering the eggs, one of which he had placed in a satchel for extra warmth, he moved towards one of the uncovered sleepers. Ass he was festooning one with leaves, the other woke, surprising him. He was about to greet the person, when the ex-sleeper grabbed the satchel and bolted. "How peculiar... I don't suppose any of you know what that was all about?"

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Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 11:36 (9 Years ago)
Skullcrusher Mountain - Jonathan Coulton. Because I think it's funny.

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Posted: Thu, 25/12/2014 22:50 (9 Years ago)
Your dream sounds interesting, but I don't know who Freddy or Bonnie are, I'm afraid.

I dreamt that the underside of my duvet was a crystalline cavern made of softly-glowing gems of pale hues once, when I was younger, and that when I removed my head from the duvet-outside/cavern-inside, I saw a translucent lion.

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Posted: Thu, 25/12/2014 21:31 (9 Years ago)
8/10: Delightful mix of creepy and cute, and the speech bubble is a nice touch.
(My avatar is a polymer clay sculpture of a chao (Sonic creature) based on a hypothetical Tails/Cream offspring. I don't ship it, but I thought it'd look cute.)

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Posted: Thu, 25/12/2014 21:24 (9 Years ago)
We'll be adding the replacement soup's cost onto his bill, then.

Waiter, the Rum Tum Tugger is in my soup!

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Posted: Thu, 25/12/2014 21:21 (9 Years ago)
8/10, mostly for the hair - it's my favourite colour, and a rather well-done style. I'm not as sure about the eyes, but it's quite visually pleasing.

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