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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from RoyalGecko.
Posted: Sun, 25/09/2022 04:14 (2 Years ago)
Shicken! Please fuse these Pokemon!

Pokemon: Grimmsnarl
Base Pokemon (Will use other Pokemon's color): Dusk Lycanroc
Which parts of the second Poke do you want on the base? (Blank if yes to next option):
Do you want me to choose the features myself? I have good taste, lol sure
How I want to pay: sending PD in a gift

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 22:37 (2 Years ago)
*Tani shook her head in Luke's shoulders. The two continued to embrace eachother until Tani slowly let go of Luke. Her eyes were red and looked almost dry. Her nose had been leaking, causing her to wipe her nose with her sleeve* Thank you Luke

*Maddy heard a knock on the door, however, she didnt care. She just wanted to be left alone. She turned onto her right shoulder and pulled her blanket up to her neck*

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 16:19 (2 Years ago)
*Tani buried her head into Luke's shoulder and started shaking her head. She spoke with a slightly muffled voice through Lukes clothing* She hasnt even asked how I have been, Luke. Not even the faintest of whispers. I know she is going through alot but she could've at least spoken to me about it so I could've known what to do

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 15:53 (2 Years ago)
*Tani help Luke close to her as she tried to calm down. Through her tears, she spoke in staggered sentences as she almost panted to breath* Maddy- hasn't- asked- about- me- Luke. Its- been- weeks- and- she- hasnt- even- asked

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 15:18 (2 Years ago)
*Tani rushed through town with tears in her eyes. She bumped into people, tripped over things, she even almost got run over by someones wagon, but she didnt care. All she wanted to do was go home. But she honestly didnt know what home was anymore. For years it had been Maddy but since Maddy had grown more distant, she was lost. She ran to Lukes home and pounded on the door. Through her tears she tried to speak. Her voice fluctuated as she spoke* L- Luke ple- please open the door

*As the day drew on, Maddy continued to lay in her bed. Her eyes were bloodshot and the area around her face was soaked. She turned from her side to her back and looked at the window. The blinds were slightly open from when Sage left in the morning, causing Maddy to lean over and grab a nearby broom. She struggled lifting it with her right and before eventually swatting the blinds closed with it. She didnt want to see the sun. Not today..*

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 00:48 (2 Years ago)
*Sage's words stabbed Tani like knives. Tani tried her hardest to keep herself from crying and could feel as her eyes began to water up. She knew what Maddy was dealing with. The pain both physically and mentally. But Tani couldn't help but blame herself for everything. She opened her mouth to speak but her throat croaked slightly before she cleared it as she slowly began to stand up.* I'll- *Tani cleared her throat* I've got to go Sage *Tani sped up slightly and suddenly felt like she couldnt hold it in anymore as she rished towards the door* I'll see you later *Tani opened the door and rushed out of the room.*

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 00:30 (2 Years ago)
*Tani watched as Sage's body grew stiff while talking about Maddy's struggles. Tani had witnessed them firsthand. Things she had seen. Things she had heard. They horrified Tani. She nodded her head slightly and began to speak.* Has she uh- *She choked up slightly and cleared her throat before continuing* Has she asked about me?

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 23:43 (2 Years ago)
*Tani watched as Sage moved around the room. She heard as Sage talked about Gwen and what has happened to her since Dylans death. However then she remembered Maddy. She remembered Gwen bringing Maddy back into Telmar, bloodied and broken. Neither of them had been the same since that day. Tani looked towards Sage and casually spoke* How has Maddy been?

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 23:14 (2 Years ago)
*As Derek spoke of his country, Tani slowly lessened her grup on her sword. Had he truely been a Cloak spy, he would've killed them all already. However, she was still weary. Tani made mental notes of everything he said, and once both him and Gwen left the room, Sage turned towards Tani and asked about what she thought. Tani shifted her weight in the chair and began speaking* Personally, I dont know what to think about him.

*Tani heard a door close farther down the hallway outside of the room, causing her to look over her shoulder before looking back to Sage.* While something about him seems trustworthy and maybe even harmless to us, you can't tell me that he didn't remind you of a Cloak. Especially with that Ballisti- *Tani began to stumble over her words* Ballistcattlea or whatever it was called. The thought that instantly came to mind was the Cloaks Warmachines and I don't know how I feel about him knowing that he not only looks like a Cloak, but also possesses similar technology to them. *Tani felt her heart pounding as her mind went to memories of the Cloaks and the atrocities they committed. Finally she took a deep breathe in and finished* Am I making any sense?

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 19:08 (2 Years ago)
*Tani reopened the door and slowly walked in. Her left hand laid on her sword as she walked cautiously past Derek to her seat. As she sat down, she examined Derek. He reminded her of a Cloak, but at the same time he was much bigger and his armor was significantly different*

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 14:36 (2 Years ago)
*As Tani walk through the halls, her footsteps echoed through the halls. She continued walking through the halls until she reached Sage's office but upon opening the door, she was dismayed to see Gwen and a much larger man talking. Upon openingthe door however, she heard something that peaked her interest: a nation overseas* Oh damnit, I'm sorry, I didnt realize anyone else was in here *She started closing the door but before she fully closed it, Sage called her name*

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2022 02:41 (2 Years ago)
*As the morning sun rose in the sky, Tani's room slowly lit up as she began to wake up. She slowly sat up and moved her feet out of the bed. Out of instinct, she looked behind her to look at Maddy but didn't see her there as she was at Sage's home since their fight. She stood up and began to get dressed for the day. Since the fire, her skin had healed up nicely leaving very few scars and reminders of what had happened to her. As she finished getting ready, she heard a knock on the door and shouted out* Coming!

*She quickly strapped her boots to her feet before standing up and grabbing her sword, fastening it to her left side and began making her way towards the door. As she walked towards it, she deeply desired it to be Maddy, however was disappointed when she opened the door and saw two of the town guards outside. She then uttered something.* When do we stand? *One of the guards answered Tani's code* We stand against the falling sun and the growing shadow. *Tani sighed and nodded her head. She stepped outside, locking the door behind her, and began to walk down the muddy roads with the guards in tow towards the capital building. Once reaching it, she turned towards the guards and motioned that they were at ease before continuing into the building.*

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 15:20 (2 Years ago)
*Maddy put her hand on the chair and began to lift herself onto the bed. Since her fight with Talla, she had slowly began to feel her strength wither away to the point where it was hard for her to even lift herself up. However after a minute of struggling, she finally managed to lift herself on to the beg, she turned her body around and looked down at her legs for a few seconds. She quietly muttered something to herself* Please, move

*There was nothing. Not even a jolt of nerves. Defeated, she grabbed her legs and lifted them up onto the bed before getting under the blanket and watching as Sage told her to talk to Tani. Maddy gazed at Sage for a few moments before silently letting out a breath of air through her nose and nodding her head subtly before shifting to her side to go back to sleep. As Sage left the room, Maddy continued to hear the voices of Benton and Talla as she slowly began to cry herself back to sleep*

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 13:50 (2 Years ago)
*Maddy fell silent when Sage asked her what was wrong. She began to hear Bentons voice whisper to her* It will be over soon dear *Maddy shook her head and through a harsh, breaking voice she uttered out words that she knew Sage wouldn't believe, but would at least maybe cause her to back off for now* Nothing. Just a dream.. *Maddy looked at Sage and saw the skepticism of her gaze. She close her eyes and let out a deep breath* like you said. Just a dream

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 04:28 (2 Years ago)
*Maddy's heart was pounding as she held her knife out towards Sage. As she came to her senses, she saw her caring eyes and her extended arms. She felt her arm slowly go limp as she came back to reality, causing her to drop the knife. She buried her head in her hands and continued to break down, causing Sage to move closer and embrace Maddy in her arms*

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 01:42 (2 Years ago)
Sign Ups

*The sun began to rise over the kingdom of Telmar. The birds began chirping for attention as they flew through the trees and the city. The suns have landed on Maddy's eyes and she slowly began to get up. She looked around her bedroom and looked down at Tani, who slept so peacefully next to her. Tani still had scars from the fire 2 years prior, but Maddy could barely notice them as she looked at Tani, who flew in the morning sun. Maddy slowly leaned over Tani and kissed her cheek before getting out of bed and walking to her dresser to get ready. When she was dressed, she walked out of the room but then saw something. Down the hallway sat a little girl, who was curled up in a little ball, weeping into her knees. Maddy slowly walked towards her and upon reaching her, Maddy slowly began to reach down to her. But then, the girl grabbed Maddys hand and looked up. It was Talla. Her emotionless eyes looked into Maddy's soul and caused Maddy to run back to her room, where she locked the door and ran to Tani*
Tani! Wake up! We have to-! *Maddy moved Tani but saw her clothes were soaked in blood and a dagger layed in her chest. Tani looked at Maddy and spoke with Bentons voice* You could have saved them.. *Maddy screamed and fell backwards into the town. It was now night outside and the town was set ablaze. As she looked around, she saw Cloaks swarming the city, killing all in her path. Then, suddenly, she tripped over Dylan's body. He too looked at her and spoke in Bentons voice* You could have saved them..
*She stood up and began to run, with tears in her eyes until she ran into something. She looked up and saw a post, where she saw the bodies of Sage, Gwen, Luke, Star, Barry, Leaf, and Blossom hanging from it. They all then looked at her, with black eyes and Benton's face. They then all simultaneously yelled* You could have saved them!! *Maddy began to scream and she saw Talla, who grabbed her by the throat and began sucking the life out of her once again. But this time, she intended to finish the job*

*Maddy woke up screaming in the middle of the rainy night. She was drenched in sweat and both her head and heart were pounding. Sage rushed into the room and looked at Maddy, who nervously reached out for her wheelchair but instead fell out of the bed. Sage ran over to Maddy, who looked at her fearfully and began to push herself away. She began to yell with fearful tears in her eyes and she took out a knife which she held out as she distanced herself from Sage* Get away from me!!! Get away!!

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2022 19:49 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2022 19:20 (2 Years ago)

Title: Gecko Reviews: The Fun Fair

After being gone for almost a year and returning, I expected fireworks and an event in my honor but to my surprise there was none.. for about a month. The Fun Fair was released alittle over a month after I returner and when it was first released, I probably brashly called it "a massive success" and "the best event in PH's history". While this was obviously veru brash of me to say less then 30 minutes after the events releases, after about 10 days of it as of me writing this, I have to say..... its kinda just ok. Allow me to explain why:

After you do the maze, the ducklett fishing, the wingull game, and the applebobbing in the first hour or so, you have to wait maybe 15 minutes before you can fish again.... then another 15 before you can fish and do the wingull... then another 15 minutes before you can fish.... you get the jist.

Now while that timer isnt a huge deal, whats bad is that after maybe 15 or 16 times of fishing and/or wingulling, the time before you can do it again begins to go up, which is almost a death sentence for the wingull game (a nearly guaranteed 15 tickets every time you do it) but not too bad for fishing because you can just interact to lower your time right?? Wellllll, bad news, while it doesnt seem to have been officially announced, from what ive noticed, the more times you do the fishing, the less tickets you are able to obtain (note, this may not be accurate but from what I've noticed im my own experience, this is what happens).

Now in addition to all of this, you may have noticed there are only 4 things u can do at the fair. This leads to it becoming really repeatative... and really boring after like, 10 days. Its the main problem that the Ducklett game for instance suffers from because interacting is very repeatative after like, 300 and you need upwards of 1k Interactions to bring the timer down even 15 minutes (and if you aren't using multiple tabs or multiple devices to do this, 1k interactions usually takes 5-7 minutes anyways).

Now again, I should reiterate, this event is by no means a bad event. It is a pretty fun idea for new content with room for it to grow. This is the first time its ever been done on the site I fully expect it to be rough and I fully expect in the future for there to be more content, however at the moment, the events just ok at best so its a 6/10 for me.

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2022 04:21 (2 Years ago)
All in

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Age: 29
Gender: Female
Weapons (max 2): Ragnarok, The Fallen, but it was shattered into many pieces ___ Her knife
Other (i.e. the backstory, password, etc.): Maddy was once a great warrior in Telmar, but 2 years prior she lost the use of her legs in a confrontation with her sister, Talla.

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Username: me again

Age: 27
Gender: Female
Weapons (max 2): Her Sword which was given to her by Maddy when they escaped the rich kingdom 7 years prior
Other (i.e. the backstory, password, etc.): Tani has been dating Maddy for the last 8 years. However, the events from 2 years prior (and the 5 years before that) have strained their relationship

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Username: its me

Age: Technically 29 but she appears to have not aged since Haven if Beasts given her "Undead" status
Gender: Female
Weapons (max 2): Elixir
Other (i.e. the backstory, password, etc.): Talla is the newly named Queen of Mountain People (aka, the Cloaks). 7 years prior, she was killed by Maddy but mysteriously reappeared 2 years ago, subsequently fighting Maddy and crippling Maddy in more ways then one

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2022 03:51 (2 Years ago)
Many years ago, two kingdoms began fighting a one sided war that resulted in the deaths of thousands. But one day the poor kingdom fought back against their oppressors on the day nicknamed "The Day the Thunderbirds Fell", defeating the army of elite soldiers known as The Cloaks and uniting the two kingdoms to create the kingdom of Telmar, restoring peace to their land once again.

Years later, when their liberty was threatened once again, they fought back against the Cloaks in a costly battle renamed "The Battle of Fallen Heroes", in which the greatest warriors of Telmar were either lost, injured, or in the case of one, broken

Two years later, the kingdom has healed its wounds and it’s army size has grown with the kingdom. But rumors have begun to spread of an invading army that has begun closing in on the kingdom, causing for all to be on high alert. And with the threat of the Cloaks still very real, the new Telmarian Council have begun to debate on whether to abandon their home or to fight once again… without their greatest warrior...

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1. All PH Rules Apply
2. Please no one-liners. If you do too many you'll receive a warning. Too many warnings and you'll be kicked
3. First come first serve. However if u were in the last roleplay, you'll instantly get in.... well, mostly.
4. I have the right to decline your forms
5. This is a collaboration with RaRaRasputin so she has as much power as I do, especially cus password is broken
6. I wanna say max of 4 characters (NPC's dont count as characters, but it depends)
7. This is the sequel to both Haven of Beasts and The Awakening so if you are a new person, please read both of those before we start

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Weapons (max 2):
Other (i.e. the backstory, password, etc.):[/i]

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Basic Plot by RaRaRasputin, The_Silvertongue, and RoyalGecko
Story by RaRaRasputin and RoyalGecko
Based on the original roleplay "Haven of Beasts" by RaRaRasputin and sequel to the roleplay "The Awakening" by RaRaRasputin and RoyalGecko

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RoyalGecko: Maddy, Tani, and Talla
RaRaRasputin: Gwen, Sage, and Irida
The_Silvertongue: Derek, Winters, Isobel, and Sylas
TGGAkane: Leaf, Blossom, Emi, and Star
LukeArch87: Barry and Luke
stamps: Thalia
Tsukoyomi: Hyolyn
Serendibite: Priya


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