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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Mon, 04/12/2017 05:40 (6 Years ago)
dec 3, sun

i got my betta, but i'm really worried for it. i was gifted 3 baby bettas along with nix, and i named them coal, shrimp and dust. nix is rather sluggish and dosen't move much, while the three are zooming around in their own poop. i want to change their water but i don't have any dechlorinator. i wasn't prepared to get more than one fish, so coal, dust and shrimp are in the same tiny container. coal is also getting pretty feisty and occasionally chasing shrimp and dust around, i might have to separate them soon. dust is the smallest but they're still eating well, shrimp's coloration makes them look so much like a shrimp i had to name them that. coal is the largest and is probably going to be blue with red fins when they get bigger, i can see the blue tint starting to appear on their scales. i'm really excited to see what color dust turns out to be, they have greenish-blue tinted scales and i think they'll be the prettiest.

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Posted: Sat, 02/12/2017 13:04 (6 Years ago)
dec 2, sat

my father doesn't mind me getting a betta, but he said that he doesn't want it to have a big tank as he felt the water changes were a hassle. unfortunately for you, dear parent, there's no way i'm getting a betta just to watch it suffer in a small half gallon tank.

i haven't been posting much but i've been doing a lot of soul searching because that's something to do when you have nothing else to do except play animal crossing pocket camp. my fursona has officially evolved from a small cream-furred cat to a creepy ink monster. the cream cat is still my fursona though, just not my main one. both share the same name.

i've been playing pocket camp a lot and this is only the third day since i first got it and i'm already level 18, i feel really purroud but I'm not sure if it's an achievement.

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Posted: Thu, 30/11/2017 03:57 (6 Years ago)

dawn the butterfly doggo for heckcake/flamey at the draw for the user above you thread

coca the nimbei (closed species by rhunes) for crystalcat for the same thread, i'm really satisfied with this one

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Posted: Wed, 29/11/2017 12:44 (6 Years ago)

@next person draw a floating cat

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 06:42 (6 Years ago)

next person please draw a cat hugging a snake

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 05:08 (6 Years ago)
nov 27, tues

gonna try and work on some art for my fr dergs, i plan on getting rid of 90% of them and i hope that they're less likely to get exalted with art.

i finished a piece of art that i'm purroud of but i have no motivation to post it. oh well.

i think i'm gonna make an art dump here and/or sell cheap art and post that with credit to the characters' owners. i'm having alot of trouble designing my characters so i only have one thing to draw, that being the only character i have successfully created. all my other characters don't have color schemes for me to work with. i'm currently agonizing over my fursona's exact colors. i kinda gave up on their design.

oh yeah, i forgot to say, my computer was fixed! i can draw again.

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 15:00 (6 Years ago)
nov 22, wed

there's nothing for me to do except watch youtube videos, sleep, lie on the floor and draw on my sketchbook. i don't know what to draw anymore.

yet again i wish i have artist friends. there's so much cool stuff you could do with them, like collabs or just messing around. i'm so bored.

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2017 13:12 (6 Years ago)
nov 21, tues

my computer died on monday and it's terrible. i might have lost all my stuff and brushes and artwork and i'm scared of that, i don't want to have to redo everything especially finding the brushes again, it took a long time to get all the ones i use. otherwise, i'd have set up my art dump here by now.

so i've been watching a lot of exotic pet videos and i want a snake. they're just so cute and beautiful. i don't think they're legal where i live though. i've also wanted a betta since i was ten. even then i knew that bettas aren't what everyone says they are: they don't thrive in small places, betta vases are cruel, betta bowls (and goldfish bowls) are cruel, bettas are insectivores and bettas don't like dirty water. bettas are living things too me their lives matter. every living thing's life matters. bettas and goldfish can live for a long time. goldfish, if taken care of properly, can live for five to ten years. bettas can live for three to five years. but there are so many irresponsible people out there with their fish lightbulbs and bowls and vases and it's hurting me physically to know there are such ignorant people abusing living beings without even knowing it.

okay, so besides fawning over snakes and fish and other reptiles, i've also been looking into tarantulas! they're such beautiful creatures. i've always been scared of arachnids, but i can appreciate their beauty. i don't think tarantulas are allowed to be kept as pets in here either, since they're poisonous and could possibly escape with their spidery ninja skills and harm other people. it's kinda sad, i kind of want one and try to get over my fear. i do love them.

hopefully my computer will get fixed soon and none of my stuff were lost, that'd be terrible.

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2017 13:27 (6 Years ago)
nov 19, sun

i've gone miles since where i've first started. not so much on pokeheroes, ha. but i have a name, i have a goal, i know what i want to do and how to get where i want to go and i finally have a direction. but everything's fogged over but there's a path and i'll just settle for inching my way there and drag myself through the mud in the general direction of where i want to be.

i just wish i weren't here.

here, as in here, this island so far away from where i wish i were and maybe i wouldn't be who i am but maybe i'd be closer to where i belong.

at least everyone i care about here on pokeheroes seems to be doing fine. i don't think they've changed much, really. they still have their friends. all of mine are nonexistent.

that last bit was kinda salty, but i don't really care.

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Posted: Wed, 30/08/2017 14:27 (7 Years ago)

Title: 30/08/2017 (wed)

i'm freeeeeeeee *flies into oblivion*

the september holidays have started and i'm happy

i got into bnha fanfiction and i'm addicted now send help

i think i have a general idea of what i want my fursona to look like! it's gonna be relatively simple and unique and amazing. my fursona will have either fire or wind powers, and though one is far more flashier than the other wind is potentially more useful. with wind powers you could create and/or summon rain and lightning. it's really cool. though it might not fit my fursona's aesthetic. that's what i'm worried about, really. everything's got to fit nicely or not i'll beat myself up ofur it and that's why i'm delaying posting anything.

if i efur had to kill a superhero in the dark of the night and leave their body and a message for people to find, i would write in their blood the words "how does one laugh evilly in text". people will be dumbfounded. they won't know whether to laugh at the message or cry at the hero's demise (though i expect most would just hiss in disgust), and i will be a legend. those words will be imprinted upon society. but seriously though, how does one laugh evilly in text? do they just type 'muahahahaha!' or something? you can't type that and expect people not to laugh at that. great starclan.

i'm quite purroud of my special way of formulating words. though it takes a while to work and leaves me with nothing to say at times and i end up just saying 'the, the, the what was it again' until the words come to me. i'm purroud of my snark even though i'm the only one who hears it beclaws it's for a story i'm writing in my head or saying it would aggravate the situation or my throat won't form the words. i'm purroud of myself, even though i'm a hopeless cat fanatic who can't speak, hates the world, wants nothing but peace, art skill and a moirail, and who can't and won't efur draw humans beclaws of a mental block and instinctive aversion.

i just hope i'll just be able to dig up the inspiration to just write one oneshot for my dearest cat ocs. it's taking way longer than it should for something so short.

also! i'm gonna reformat my front page and diary entries! it'll look really cool when i'm done.

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Posted: Sun, 27/08/2017 10:21 (7 Years ago)

Title: 27/08/2017 (sun)

my memory is failing me. i can't remember if i had any homework or not, and since i can't remember i don't do my homework. and then i get scolded at school, and then my teachers call my parents, and then i get in trouble. great StarClan this is stupid.

on a more cheerful note, i just got into boku no hero academia! it's a very nice anime, those who haven't seen it should totally check it out.

i think i'm gonna get back into FR. i miss my dergs. though i expect that i'll be cleaning at least half of them out, my taste in color has changed quite a bit..

in this period of around twenty days i have discovered the amazing world of warrior cat maps. these multiple animator projects are really interesting to watch and i've learnt a lot about what i want my cat style to look like. all these maps have also changed my song taste. and i'm considering checking out Steven Universe, though it seems rather long and i don't really have the patience or time to devote myself to watching that, i already have a lot of things to do..

like homework.

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Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 10:27 (7 Years ago)

Title: 11/08/2017 (fri)

heya, i doubt anyone noticed i was gone, but i'm back!

i'm going to make an art shop. i'm not interested in pokeheroes currency anymore and although shinies are nice i have no use for them. so i'm wondering what i'll accept as payment. an art trade shop would be new and thus fun, but i don't have refs of my characters. and there's the possibility that less people would buy from me then due to them thinking their style or skill isn't good or they don't have the time to draw for me.

i still need a nice avatar. mine's old and outdated. maybe i'll draw my sassy cat oc with pixels? what will i sign my name as? i've nefur had much of a fixed name. first it was frostfang, then prismafang, then pikaialeafeon, then nightfury312, then wolfdragonkitsune, then drasune, then springcataegis, then taciturncataegis (i still like it but not that much), then sedgegecko, then slice of reality but only wolfdragonkitsune, taciturncataegis, sedgegecko and slice feel like my name, especially slice but it's already taken.

all the names i like are already taken, and i can nefur seem to decide on one. great starclan, i wish i could just find myself already. not having a name isn't fun.

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Posted: Fri, 30/06/2017 14:13 (7 Years ago)

Title: 30/06/2017 (fri)

i'm currently in the purrocess of reading the entire The King's Avatar (全职高手)novel. the translated version of claws, i can't read chinese to save my life. that would make it the third time i read the story, having watched the anime, read the manga and now the novel.

my parents never fail to amaze me with their ability to argue about anything and everything. they argued about my phone making me wake up very early and disrupting my sleep through stress. my father said it was low battery anxiety while me and my mother said it was just the alarm ringtone sounding creepy. gods why won't they stop shouting. i literally have a migraine and it hurts.

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2017 02:49 (7 Years ago)

Title: 22/06/2017 (thurs)

ahahaha i bid on a shiny mareep and i won. still wondering what to name my vulpix and my mareep.

finally getting back into FR and writing some lore and coming up with outfits for my dragons who have been naked for so long. im thinking of writing a story about creatures with powers or something like that, or cat d&d. cat d&d sounds really fun to write but i can't seem to find an appropriate plot for it that isn't cliche. im already writing another cat story anyway but im having trouble with plot and names and making cat subspecies.

i think my drawing style has improved.

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Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 13:48 (7 Years ago)

Title: 15/06/2017 (thurs)

my family always shouts so much. would it kill them not to scream? they'd purrobably win a guiness world record for most screaming if they kept this up. i always fantasize about them finally stopping their screaming and letting me have some peace and quiet. now that would purrobably nefur come true.

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Posted: Wed, 14/06/2017 08:01 (7 Years ago)

Title: 14/06/2017 (wed)

to those who think their art is bad- your art is often better than you think. do not follow every piece of advice you get unless it makes sense to you. try looking at the art of those you admire, and pick out the reasons you like their art. draw how you like- the opinions of others do not matter as long as you like your art.

whenever i draw something i like, i immediately show it off to my family to seek out their opinions. this isn't always good. it led to my low confidence about showing my art to people, and drawing in general. my brother once told me to make one of my character's arm shorter and it ended up looking disproportional.

it's not bad to learn from others. some may call it copying and hate you for it. but copying is one of the best ways of learning to draw. as far as i know, all realistic artists learnt by copying pictures. i learnt by tracing others' art. if you do trace someone's art, don't post it online. this will only lead to salt. lots and lots of salt. we already have enough of that. now don't call mew bad names for tracing. its not like i posted it online and claimed it as my own.

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Posted: Mon, 12/06/2017 13:12 (7 Years ago)

Title: 12/06/2017 (mon)

ah, ships. i wish my dad would let us watch more anime so i can ship more characters. s getting boring sticking to the same ships, as fun and rewarding as it is to watch them sail.

dear family, my eardrums would greatly appreciate it if you would please exercise some volume control. s a miracle im not deaf yet.

another dire wolf i made

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Posted: Sat, 10/06/2017 13:08 (7 Years ago)
Username: Pyralspite
Pokemon: Dratini
Payment Type: Boxes and Keys
If you are paying now or later: When the shiny hatches

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Posted: Sat, 10/06/2017 07:23 (7 Years ago)

Title: 10/06/2017 (sat)

i made a outfit fur hashmal on fr. i wonder who thought up the idea fur a dressing room? it's great.

pulling an all nighter sounds like a great idea to mew but im certain that mew parents won't let mew.
meow is thinking of switching entirely to mew/mewself purrnouns. not like galaxy did as a joke a long long time ago. like fur real. mew is certain mew is a catkin otherkin. its nefur felt so right.

its okay not to fit in one category. you are you and that's it.

evosaur smilodon

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Posted: Thu, 08/06/2017 13:09 (7 Years ago)

Title: 08/06/2017 (thurs)

i feel alive again. i feel alive again. this is amazing. well, it was, until it stopped and i went back to being dead. im gonna revamp my tumblr with nothing on it and maybe start posting stuff. and i got a great idea for a story. kind of? cat d&d. maybe ill turn it into a webcomic of some sort. fur some reason i feel absolutely salty today. bluh. i want to draw stuff fur flamey so i can obtain shinies. i already put it down for a long time and lost the opportunity to get a pink furret that i still dream about (no i don't) but i think the shiny totodile is still there? one can hope.

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