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Posted: Mon, 28/07/2014 01:17 (10 Years ago)
De nada, a las órdenes ^^!

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Posted: Mon, 28/07/2014 01:03 (10 Years ago)
Para buscar pokes en el tall grass.
Necesitas tener el egg-dex (haber eclosionado un huevo del pokemon que quieres buscar) y el chip de su correspondiente rareza (los puedes comprar luego de adquirir el radar)

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Posted: Sun, 27/07/2014 23:26 (10 Years ago)
Como dijo kevin, es al azar.
Yo llegué a hacer 15000 interacciones seguidas, y no encontre a shaymin ni una vez. Luego de un rato volví y me tocó a la interacción #800. Es completamente al azar, no es que tengas un determinado numero y que tengas que llegar hasta ese número para conseguirlo, y que luego se reinicie... simplemente es al azar, puede tocar o no...

@eternallight, donde viste eso que lo hubiera dicho riako? o.o

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Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 20:54 (10 Years ago)
After moving from side to another, dodging the scientist vain attempts to catch him, rikku realized that Terrance was no longer around. Wondering if he was still able to do it after the fusion, rikku attempted to mud-shoot the scientist.
To his surprise, the mud shot was instead a discharge of some sticky and dense secretion, which he felt coming from deep his arm. The liquid went right to the scientist head, who screamed in pain while his face was slowly and painfully burning. An ammount of his skin was falling appart, while the rest of the exposed skin was crimson red, his eyes were injected in blood, and his hear was almost inexistant.

Faced with the scientist agony, rikku felt a warm, pleasent sensation overwhelming his whole body. The joy from other's suffering traveled from head to toes, filling his senses, making him realize he was still alive.

Rikku flew away while the human still had energy to scream, and as soon as his voice started fading, tears started dripping violently from rikku's face. The anger and dissapointment he felt for having enjoyed such a horrid and perturbating scene were taking over his mind, and the only thing he could think about was that shapeless face, painfully suffering. "I did this... they succeeded, I became a monster, just as they wanted me to" His consciousness had been scarred as badly as that man's face.

Rikku kept flying aimlessly, trying to erase that image from his mind

(I'll join you somwehere as soon as I get back from the gym, I hope I'm in time to make a couple dissasters :3)

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 20:01 (10 Years ago)
Back over where terrence had been left behind, rikku was flying the surroundings.
He noticed the human heading towards terrance, but rikku wasnt able to tell wether the human had already noticed terrance or not. The only thing rikku new is that terrance didnt seem to react to his signals, and that the scientist was relentlessly walking towards him.

Not sure what to do, rikku signaled terrence to run away, as he flew straight towards the scientist head, knocking him strong enough for it to fall on the ground. Then he stood at the scientist's right side, so he would face him and not notice terrence presence.

There he was, quietly staring at the human, waiting for his next movement.

*Kwyaaaa*, rikku screamed. A non-understandable scream for humans, that between pokemon meant to run away.

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 21:03 (10 Years ago)
Then I'll get going with it, sapphire. Said Rikku seconds before flying back in the direction they had came.

Nothing seemed different than the first time, but he wanted to check what had happened with that human they found a while earlier.
His smell was strong, like sulfur, and he had left a cigar in his way, so it was easy to track him.

Not too far from it, he saw the shape of the man in suit, but from Rikku's perspective he could clearly see a round greenish fusion, facing the man, clearly frightened.
Then he started vigorously moving his arms, trying to get the fusion's attention.

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 20:42 (10 Years ago)
Rikku faced star and gently patted her head:

I understand it must be hard... I dont imagine what I would do without my sight. If it helps at anything, I have a little understanding about zubat, being a cave pokemon such as me. You probabbly have been doing it unconsciously, but you should-... I dont know how the fusion went
He stopped realizing that they're not even similar to what they used to, or were supposed to be. He resumed:

You should have the ability to emit supersonic waves, like a really high pitched scream. Your brain will likely interpret it as an image to show you the shapes and distances of objets in a pretty wide range of distance... If you get to master that ability, you will get to a certain degree of "sight" again...

Then he faced sapphire and diligently said:
I could make a recognizing flight, analize our surroundings and search for other fusions, if you want me to.

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 20:25 (10 Years ago)
Rikku stood still until the man was far enough. Then guided by the traces the pokemon had left, he persued them, this time with the intention to make himself visible to them. In his way, he noticed a pokemon flying in the same way he was, but from another direction.
Once they both reached the group, rikku introduced himself:
Hello, I'm rikku... he hessitated about introducing lily, the leydba, too, but she noticed and subconsciously told him not to. Please forgive my rudeness, I've been watching your group until the human showed up. You seem trustworthy, I would like to know if you may let me join you.

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 20:10 (10 Years ago)
They seem a friendly group Rikku thought. This could be dangerous though... But they are surely right, humans are the biggest menace at the moment... I wonder if I should show myself

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 20:03 (10 Years ago)
It had been a couple of days since Rikku escaped, and he was getting used to his new form. Flying for food, as usual, he noticed a group of pokemon. Some of them were talking. Not far from them, heading from east, a small winged pokemon was slowly approaching, and a two legged red pokemon had just abruptly stopped from her run and started flying, in the opposite direction. Not noticing a fusion behind him, rikku flew to a tree and stood up there, analizing the situation.

(i'm gonna take the freedom to sprite you all, so I can remember how you look and your gender xD Those who want to see it just say it :3)

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 19:52 (10 Years ago)
Username: Nacho
Character name: Rikku
Gender: Male
Level: can I really choose it? *-* ermm... 26 cuz... its a cute number (?
Base fused Pokemon: Gligar
Secondary Pokemon: Leydba
Personality: Serious, respectful, cold and calculating. Yet friendly with close ones, willing to make sacrifices for others.
History: Gligar was caught and enclosed in a glass container. After a couple hours trip, he reached a dull colorless room, full of metalic mechanical devices. An evilish looking old man left him inside a glass bubble next to a female leydba who seemed hurt and exhausted, in a same sized one. The scientist left the room laughing after pulling a small rod-like lever. The machine started rumbling, and electricity started shocking both of them. The final mix was left in another container, bigger than the initial pair. A red scorp/bat-like creature had been created. Gligar kept the nervous system control, while the girl's consciousness remained in some part of the newly created creature's brain. Leydba could now only communicate with gligar, who was the only one able to hear her.
This mix had boosted some of gligar's abilities, and weakened him in other aspects, but that modification enabled him to use his newly formed pincers to penetrate through glass, helped by some acid that gushed from the tip carving a crack in the glass. That allowed -them- to escape, flying considerably faster than any would have individually.
Password: Destiny
Other: I'm sorry for the extention of the history x3 I really got into it (?

Side note: Would any of you like me to try to make your character's sprites???

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Posted: Sun, 13/07/2014 16:34 (10 Years ago)
Woow *-* Felicitaciones!! Me gusta el nombre x3

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Posted: Sun, 13/07/2014 15:38 (10 Years ago)
Woo...*-* Vaya que ha habido actividad últimamente!
Bienvenidos a todos los miembros nuevos, espero que se sientan muy a gusto, y cuenten conmigo para cualquier duda o problema que tengan ^^

Y quiero darle una bienvenida especial a mah good furriend Agata :3!

Y... erm... hola x3! Que han hecho?

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Posted: Sat, 21/06/2014 23:57 (10 Years ago)
Claro x3! Ya esta en el GTS

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Posted: Sat, 21/06/2014 23:43 (10 Years ago)
Juras bien de hecho!

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Posted: Sat, 21/06/2014 23:30 (10 Years ago)
Por ti y por alchemist, ambos curiosamente hablaron en plural x3
Por supuesto, si tienes algún pokemon que no tenga en mi dex sería genial, si no de todos modos tengo suficientes kirlias, creo que puedo regalarte uno :P

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Posted: Sat, 21/06/2014 23:15 (10 Years ago)
Pido disculpas por haber escrito tanto... pense que iba a ser una historia larga, y me gusta bastante escribir...
Comentario a parte, si quieren hacerme notar algo a mi particularmente, como en este caso, me gustaría que lo hagan directamente, en vez de pluralizar en segunda persona. En serio, no me ofendería, de hecho me parece peor de otra forma.

Bueno, mejorate pronto alchemist

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Posted: Sat, 21/06/2014 07:32 (10 Years ago)
... Súbitamente se escuchó un intermitente ruido a sus espaldas, proveniente de un matorral que se hallaba en esa dirección. Una sombra furtiva, que presumiblemente había estado expectando sus movimientos de batalla, al verse advertida se dio a la fuga con una velocidad vertiginosa, dejando a su paso una pequeña insignia plateada con el grabado de una cruz en negro y un delgado hilo blanco perlado en medio de ambos trazos. La tensión incrementaba conforme las especulaciones respecto a dicha insignia se iban formando; quizás era el logo de una organización desconocida, algún símbolo religioso, o incluso un mensaje en clave... aunque también podría no ser nada de importancia...
Sumado a el ya insólito hecho, comenzaron a sentir una fetidez en las cercanías del lugar donde habían encontrado la insignia, una pestilencia poco usual, similar a la podredumbre de un huevo, que llamó enormemente la atención de ambos entrenadores. Lo peculiar de este hecho fue que ninguno de los dos pokemon, curiosamente de fuego, se vieron afectados por dicho aroma. Félix señaló un incidente en que su growlithe, no mucho tiempo atrás, había tenido la desgracia de embarrarse de un huevo en mal estado, y que su reacción no había tenido ni el mínimo vestigio de tranquilidad, por el contrario había corrido a revolcarse en un charco de agua, actitud sumamente desesperada para un pokemon de fuego. (...)

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Posted: Tue, 17/06/2014 00:40 (10 Years ago)
Done x3

I guess this topic is going to have quite a lot of posts x)

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Posted: Tue, 17/06/2014 00:28 (10 Years ago)
Me alegro que pienses eso :3! Y gracias por entender ^^!
Felicitaciones por el Liderazgo

Y felicitaciones a los otros miembros también!!

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