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Posted: Sat, 12/01/2019 04:35 (6 Years ago)
I understand this is something small, but it really does intensely bother me too. I'd love for this little change to be implemented.

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Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 23:20 (6 Years ago)

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If you understand, please make Liepard with a blue collar.

Basic Fusion:
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If you understand, please make Charmander [base] as Oddish.

Basic Recolor:
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If you understand, please make Zubat [base] as Litwick.

Accepted. I don't think you can make transparent backgrounds with MS Paint [I could be wrong], but I know some friends who use other sites to do so.

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If you understand, please make Vulpix with a yellow flower on the head.

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First off, go to ezimba.com.

Click frame animation, as shown below.

Save the selected sprites, and upload them onto Ezimba in the correct order as shown below.

Scroll down, and you should see these options.

Speed | Loop | Auto Resize

Here is a screenshot showing what to use for your animations.

Once you are down, click convert.

Now scroll back up, and click View Full Image shown in the image below.

Now you should see this:

Right click that, and save it to your computer. Make sure to upload it onto another site, such as Imgur, or whatever you may use, as Ezimba deletes the sprite after 90 days.

And here is the finished product!

Please try a 2 frame Seel.

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If you understand, please make a Rattata ball.

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Posted: Thu, 20/12/2018 07:27 (6 Years ago)

Dai, please?

Feel free to resize.

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Posted: Thu, 20/12/2018 06:59 (6 Years ago)
Wow. The ones on the left side are so baller. I love Scizor, Moltres and Deoxys. You're good at fusions. :o You did great! You pass!

Relicanth is looking smooth. I also like the Augislash. @w@ I think the only one that looks awkward is the Seedot ball, as in layering and shading. There are more black outlines in shaded areas and more dark shade outlines in lighter areas. Otherwise, lovely~

Barbaracle, Infernape, Seviper, Krookodile & Emboar.

The Barboach line, Girafarig, Stunky & Swoobat.

Cotton Candies:
Pink and blue Pinsir,
Blue and pink Doduo,
Blue and pink Exeggutor,
Pink and blue Gengar,
Blue Mothim.

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Posted: Mon, 26/11/2018 02:07 (6 Years ago)
I think it looks great! just the little black cracks near the face are a bit awkward, but fine otherwise. I think you did well! I'll give you one more, and then exam? [I will do that unless you prefer another assignment after this.]

Gold Milotic, seafoam green Rampardos, grey Exploud, mauve Escavalier & periwinkle Noivern.

Haunter, Flaaffy, Gloom, Nidowueen & Xatu.

Better on the Zoroark, just slightly messy around the fluff and edges. An improvement though! I tried to do the Zoroark and it is really confusing. xD I don't wanna show my own stuff unless it's necessary, just wanted to see how difficult it was. I really like the Zebstrika and Dodrio, they look nice with a mix cotton candy. @w@ Mankey ball is cute. <3 Looking good!

Abra line [including mega] & Relicanth.

Huntail, Gorebyss, Persian, Roselia & Seedot.

Cotton Candies:
Aegislash, Crustle, Aurorus, Muk & Heliolisk.

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Posted: Tue, 20/11/2018 05:10 (6 Years ago)
Yeah, I think you just got confused with Zoroark. It's a bit of a confusing Mon, I've done it too with Zoroark to be honest. You could try again if you'd like? The other three are great! I like the second Venonat ball more, however no fluff? The rest are looking fly!

Cotton Candies:
Pink Boldore, blue Accelgor, blue [main color] with pink Dodrio & pink [main color] with blue Zebstrika.

Chatot, Golbat, Mankey & Feebas.

Swirlix, Seviper, Nidoking & Pangoro.

I mean, it's still in the category. I think Nidoqueen is the best one, too. xD Alright, here it is!

Mega Scizor [base] as Mega Latias.
Sceptile [base] as Tornadus (Incarnate form).
Deoxys (Attack) [base] as Giratina (Altered).
Moltres [base] as Zweilous.
Ho-oh as Lugia and vice versa.

Mega Ampharos as Simipour and vice versa.
Dewgong as Darkrai and vice versa.
Regigigas as Mega Camerupt and vice versa.

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Posted: Sat, 17/11/2018 11:11 (6 Years ago)

So sorry for making you wait! I had a bit of an art block legitimately the day after I claimed. Hopefully you like it! You may resize if you'd like.

Anyone ^u^

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Posted: Thu, 15/11/2018 01:27 (6 Years ago)
I think it looks better shiny, too. I like the Lopunny and Gyarados a lot. Grovyle as well. @-@

This is the last one before the assignment, [unless you want more assignments, in that case just say so,] so this one is a bit more open.

Any last stage evolution as another last stage. [must be a line of at least 3.]
Any dragon type [base] as ghost type.
Any Mega form as another mega form.
Any steel type [base] as a fairy type.
Any dark type [base] as an ice type.

Any baby Pokemon [base] as a pseudo-legend.
Any starter {first stage} [base] as a fossil mon.
Any Pokemon that doesn't evolve [base] as a bug type.
Any water type [base] as a legendary.
Any cat-like Pokemon [base] as a dog-like Pokemon.

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Posted: Wed, 14/11/2018 12:52 (6 Years ago)
Whip me up a pixel, Furret!
Username: CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen
Type of pixel [Stagnant, Simple, Complicated]: Stagnant, please.
Character reference: Victor?

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Posted: Mon, 12/11/2018 01:39 (6 Years ago)
I think the only thing about the Pangoro is the left paw [our left] is lighter, when it's supposed to be darker like the right one. I like the Staryu a lot~

Cotton Candies:
Pink Marowak, pink Marshtomp, blue Zoroark & blue Alakazam.

Venonat line & Shellos [west] line.

Slaking, Ludicolo, Trevenant & Tyranitar.

Lol, it's alright. I think you did well with the lineless'. :o I was looking for the sparkle with Volcarona before I read that it blended in for longer than I'd rather admit. x,D

The Clamperl line, Klefki & Aerodactyl.

Exploud, Bronzong, Octillery, Beautifly & Florges (white).

Gigalith, Electrode, Whiscash, Electivire & Houndoom, all with pastel colored sparkles.

Alright, send me a PM to get your exam. ^w^b

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Posted: Thu, 01/11/2018 04:16 (6 Years ago)

Feel free to resize it if you want.

Any of them, please ouob

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Posted: Sun, 21/10/2018 02:33 (6 Years ago)
It's alright~ Did you throw in an extra fusion? x'D Oml, I love them all. They're all so cute. ♥ The outlined dorsal fin on Sharpedo I think is backwards/not dark enough. I feel like you just missed the detail though.

Grovyle [base] as Ledian.
Toxicroak [base] as Ambipom.
Bayleef [base] as Heracross.
Bellossom [base] as Ariados.
Lopunny [base] as Mienshao.

Sandshrew [base] as Armaldo.
Lapras [base] as Probopass.
Primeape [base] as Clamperl.
Butterfree [base] as Volcarona.
Gyarados [base] as Delphox.

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Posted: Thu, 18/10/2018 04:36 (6 Years ago)
This batch looks very nice! I especially like Leafeon.

Cotton Candies:
Pink and blue Pangoro, blue Swanna & pink Staryu.

Shiny Bagon, Slowpoke & Finneon.

Musharna, Aromatisse & Audino.

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Posted: Sun, 30/09/2018 06:44 (6 Years ago)
Yikesss, I was away, sorry~ Datas are great! Omanyte is pleasing to look at. I think you did well with the black revamps. Can't even tell honestly.

Pale yellow Stountland, tan Mismagius, dark grey Drapion & orange red Rotom [Heat].

Cyndaquil :'D, Furret, Golem & Sunflora

I don't think this counts as spam. But thanks! =D

Accepted! Since I just never saw the finished test stuff. Go me I'll add you to the list in a sec! Welcome, and apologies for me being a forgetful dingus. 8)

Accepted! I'll PM you shortly. I had to update the first post, and lickies is no longer an option. [Teachers were inactive.] I've made a few, but I can't say I'm good enough to teach them. But gijinkas and Kirbymon are available! ^u^b

Kricketot ball is messy. Outlines are thinner, as not to stand out. Here's an example: I love the Zigzagoon. *w* The rest of them look lovely~

Cotton Candies:
Mightyena, Floette & Tauros. Pick any type you want for each sprite.

Combee♀, Nidoran♂ & Kirlia.

Leafeon, Duosion & Ponyta.

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Posted: Sun, 23/09/2018 05:32 (6 Years ago)
Yes, I had that problem too, and some Pokemon are still complicated. Simple concept in theory, but once you start doing it, it gets confusing. But from what I'm seeing, they look perfect. So whatever you had issues with specifically, you got it right. xD I also feel like those were hard Mons' to lineless-fy. They can't all be easy, unfortunately. I like the Dodrio, Idk, pleasing to look at.

Aromatisse, Exploud, Toxicroak, Krokorok & Lumineon.

Empoleon, Carnivine, Victreebel, Clawitzer & Tentacruel.

Tangrowth, Noctowl, Exeggutor, Chingling & Volcarona. You can pick the colors for the sparkles, but each color must be different. [one sprite could have red, blue, yellow and green, for example.]

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Posted: Fri, 21/09/2018 09:36 (6 Years ago)
Hello! I really like your art, and I've been wanting more for my hoard. Could you draw her, maybe? {If you feel like you can't, or don't want to draw her specifically, I have other characters you could pick from.}

I have PD to offer, 150k, perhaps? I'm willing to negotiate. Rip I have shiny male Eevees', wish I had a female for you. orz

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Posted: Tue, 18/09/2018 06:54 (6 Years ago)
I really like them, but yes, I feel like more could've gone into the Sneasel/Skarmory. I can see the ideas you had, but I too feel like it could've been executed better. I like the Girafarig/Skiddo a lot.

Zangoose as Clefable and vice versa, Pancham [base] as Cherrim {Sunshine}, as well as Liepard [base] as Mismagius.

Magmortar as Sharpedo and vice versa, as well as Bisharp and Flygon and vice versa.

Nice avi aa The Flareon/Ninetales is my favorite in that batch. xD Yeah, with fire, I just leave it as is, bc with the outlines, it looks strange. I also feel it depends on the 'Mon. Meloetta feels off in the hair area, but you did nicely with the other ones. ^w^

Pelipper, Crawdaunt, Solrock & Torterra.

Forretress, Dodrio, Excadrill & Hitmonchan.

Swanna with rosy pink, Ledian with yellow, shiny Heliolisk with crimson & Kingdra as foam green.

Litleo ball is just slightly messy, but for the most part is alright. And you missed quite a bit of outlines on the Shadeless'. Okay, we don't talk about the white bits. xD Cotton candies are nice!

Kricketot & Oddish.

Cotton Candies:
Blue [main color] and pink Zigzagoon & pink Elgyem.

Phanpy & Gible.

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Posted: Wed, 12/09/2018 05:38 (6 Years ago)
It's alright. Ditto face Wooper Pokeball is terrifying, I love it. xD Cotton candy and shadeless look awesome! Pokeball is nice as well, but the feet may have been too much. Remember that important details should be fused, rather than arms and/or legs. [Unless it's something like Drifloon's strings, but that Mon doesn't have limbs regardless.]

Cotton candies:
Blue Cubchoo & pink [main color] and blue Exeggcute.

Minccino & Tentacool.

Gulpin & Litleo.

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Posted: Sat, 08/09/2018 06:14 (6 Years ago)
With the shadeless [Bidoof], all the outlines should be black. Trubbish one is cute. <3



Cotton Candy:
Blue Smoochum.

Idk, I love it. xD But the palette is my taste, so maybe I'm just bias.

Vespiquen as Vileplume and vice versa, as well as Rampardos as Sigilyph and vice versa.

Girafarig as Skiddo and vice versa, as well as a flying type of your choice as a dark type of you choice and vice versa.

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Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 08:20 (6 Years ago)
Pixlr died for three days or so. So that was great. Left me feeling unmotivated, so I'm going to keep the shop closed for a little bit longer.

I really do appreciate the patience! These would have been done a lot sooner if not for dead servers and dead motivation.

I hope it turned out alright. :'0


CUTE POTATO FISH. You did good randomizer.


The brownie. <33 I missed the brownies. [shot]


I really enjoy making these, bless.


The way you talk[/type] amuses me, made me laugh quite a bit. Anyways, I enjoyed making these ones.



Not a problem! Hopefully they look good to you. ^-^



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