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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 08/02/2019 13:29 (5 Years ago)
Drazil: "..." (Maybe There are some Healing Properties at the Church...)

{Go to the church}


Regita: {Fight}

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Posted: Thu, 07/02/2019 19:13 (5 Years ago)
Drazil: "..." [Looks around]

{Exlore Town}


Regita: "Ooofff, battling is different than expected! But If you guys don't flee... I won't either!"
[Makes up a spontaneous warcry]


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Posted: Wed, 06/02/2019 20:16 (5 Years ago)
Drazil: [mumbling] "Urgh, I Hope there is someone around who can help me..."

{Continue on}


Regita: "Oh-hoh! Bring it! You better are not the guys that captured my Brother!"


[AN: She just got separated from him and assumes he must've already gotten himself caught... True sibling-trust :'D]

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Posted: Sun, 03/02/2019 20:19 (5 Years ago)
Drazil: Surpressing a whimper, he decides to just continue on.

{Pick a direction}


Regita: Strikes a Pose she considers heroic. After putting the sword away, she Picks up the Rest of the items.

{Pick up other items}

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Posted: Sun, 03/02/2019 17:33 (5 Years ago)
Drazil: "Urgh."

{Climb a tree}


Regita: "Oh boy, it's Shiny!"

{Take Sword}

({Keep Items})
({Leave Lake})

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Posted: Sun, 03/02/2019 15:57 (5 Years ago)
Drazil: "Nope, not going to do that! ...I'm Sure Regita is somewhere else."

{Leave Cave}


Regita: "Hmmm... Nice!"

{Adventure around the swallow parts}

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 05:52 (5 Years ago)
Drazil: "Hm, Let's have a look around..."
{Forge for items}


Regita: Stares at empty jar, then at lake and shrugs.
{Fill Jar up}

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 21:40 (5 Years ago)


{F.f.I} (Forge For items)

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 20:52 (5 Years ago)
Navy Blue



[Those are their Nicknames :'D]

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 20:25 (5 Years ago)
Name: Drazil Live
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: This young man mostly keeps to himself and is very observant. He seems to have a thing for fashion.


Name: Regita Live
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Although being the younger sister to Drae, she shows a lot more audacity and fight. Has a thing for comics and plants.

[Please choose a warrior]

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Posted: Sat, 29/12/2018 09:58 (5 Years ago)
Lance-a let out a content Rumble, trotting towards the shore, while avoiding the bigger boulders that are lying around. From time to Time, she would look If the guests followed her.
The Environment was grey, rocky and showed some molten rocks now and then, probably from training of younger Armorwings.

In the meantime, B-Iron picked up Beat, flying over to the spikey Mountain in the Heart of the Island, until they suddenly vanished into its depts.
Hidden from sight, the dragon managed its flight through a Labyrinth of Tunnels, the deeper he got, the more metallic they shone. The Sound of dragons got Louder, just like the humming of a bee swarm - a dangerous, fire-breathing bee swarm.
B-Irons destination however, was the middle of a silvery shining lake, in which what looks like a golden island sat.
He roared, letting its inhabitant know, that he has a visitor from outside.

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Posted: Sat, 29/12/2018 09:42 (5 Years ago)
(FennFenn does :D)

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Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 16:46 (6 Years ago)
Moonfeather nodded, following the scent slowly. He still stayed aware to his surroundings, just in Case...


Goldstripe sighed. "I'll go for a little walk around the hideout.", she told Poppycharm, who happened to stand outside the den.

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Posted: Mon, 01/10/2018 11:50 (6 Years ago)
Beat's nervous expression changed into a relieved one.
"I don't think that should be a problem.", he said. "Lance-A-Lot can go with you... just in case you need protection."

He looked to the mountain. "I'll go with the others... I'm sure it won't take long."


Skittish scrunched up her nose. She had found the dragons she was looking for, but there are three more to gather around... Although she would need to endure their awful smell during the process.
She hummed, guiding Thorax through the fog, while strange currents in the ocean under her followed as well.

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Posted: Mon, 01/10/2018 11:44 (6 Years ago)
"Actually... I think I can faintly smell him.", Moonfeather answered, still trying to make the scent out through his mud-covered fur. "I think... it's this way?"


Shadowfeather sighed when she saw the border to their territory. She still couldn't relax, but they where as good as there. Goldstripe would know, what to do.

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Posted: Thu, 05/07/2018 19:10 (6 Years ago)
Beat went Quiet, unsure about what to do.
"I want to Check on the Watch... But I'm actually not allowed to Take you there, for safety reasons... both you and the dragons that live here.", he started to explain, visibly torn.

Lance-a, who had decided that she looks way more dangerous than the nightfury, sensed the human boi's Trouble and let out a questioning, metallic purr.

(Unknown to Oak, but remember what Skit told him :D)

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Posted: Wed, 04/07/2018 22:54 (6 Years ago)
The defensive Dragon growled confused, looking in between the two, unsure about what to do. This caught Beats attention, who turned towards him.
"It's ok B-Iron, they've come with me... We wanted to check on you.", he explained, moving between the dragon and his companions.
This seemed to convince the Armorwing, he started to flap his wings and made his way back to the mountain.
The other one, Lance-a-lot, now noticed the nightfury as well, scooting closer to examine it. When it felt safe enough, it started to prance a little, showing off her spikes in some sort of boasting manner.
Beat cleared his throat. "She's a bit of a ... poser.", he excused her.

[Lance-a-lot is a young, female Armorwing, that tends to meld her metal-armor into lance-like spikes. That's why he gave her that name :'D Sir B-Iron is her father.]

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Posted: Wed, 04/07/2018 22:20 (6 Years ago)
Beat hummed nervously. "I don't know... what if they get angry? We still don't know if something happened, and strangers could rattle them...", he uttered.
As if on cue, two blindingly bright beams shoot into the air, not too far away from the place they stood, followed by bellowing roars.
Clanking sounds followed and with impatient huffs, two dragonic shadows neared from both sides of the mountain.

Just like the black-haired had predicted, the two Armorwings came closer and closer, eyeing the group cautiously.
Beat stepped carefully towards the two approaching dragons, trying to recognize them.
When they got close enough, he started to smile.
"Lance-a-lot?° Sir B-Iron?° Is that you?", he asked, making the dragons stop. The closer one, an Armorwing with very spikey ironparts, gave a metallic bark of recognition, trotting over to the boy. The other one, bigger but less spikier than the other, squinted his eyes at the newcomers, filling the space between them and the young man. With back to his collegue and Beat, it glared at the nightfury and her rider.

[Sir B-Iron tries to cut the way between Team Oakley and Beat :'D Also I'm making a list full of hillarious names Beat gave the Armorwings around Darkyard]

°How to pronounce:
(I'm sorry, if it looks weird :'D)

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Posted: Wed, 04/07/2018 21:05 (6 Years ago)
"You can land right before the mountain, but we must signal them first that we're here with some dragonfire. There will be two Armorwings that want to check who we are, but since they know me, it'll be fine. We can choose a small cave for you two to rest after that, if you want to?", the young man explained.
He looked down to search for tracks that could be unusual, but gladly he couldn't find anything.

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Posted: Wed, 04/07/2018 18:56 (6 Years ago)
Beat nodded. With a gulp, he climbed onto Whisp's saddle, still not quite used to sitting on a smaller dragon than Thorax.
During the flight, it took him some time to get over his shyness, and after half a day worth of flight, they reached a giant wall of fog, already visible from far away...

From far away, the edges of the Darkyard-Sanctuary were only visible as a huge wall of fog. With the dark clouds up in the sky, the scenery unfolding before the approaching visitor's eye might be considered more than just eerie: Traveling through the dense veil was more like entering a new dimension, with weird sharp shadows and strange noises everywhere.

If the visitor dared to come closer, most of the shadows revealed to be sharp black spikes, made out of stone. If the visitor was unlucky however, some of them might move away behind them, when passed by…

From here are two ways to go: Left, where a tall tower-like mountain points into the sky. Or right, away from the spikes and towards another bunch of islands.

Beat pointed towards the tower-like thing. "This is what we call 'The Watch'. There are many dragons in there we know, a few we even took care of. If you land there, I quickly check on them... Whisp should rest a bit, since the other islands are quite some distance away.", he called against the fog.

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