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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Ludicrous_Lunpis.
Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 03:24 (9 Years ago)
Awesome, thank you! Also I have a question. I can't seem to understand how to see the explame animation. Help?

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 03:02 (9 Years ago)
Yuki! My Pokemon went in the rainbow!
Username: Ludicrous_Lunpis
Pokemon: Houndoom
Base: Hmm.. Itw up to you either white or light gray, Which ever you think looks good.
Others: Lots. Of Rainbows. This is a character with a serious personialty, go wild.
Password: Eevee

Yuki! My Pokemon has been possessed!!
Username: Ludicrous_Lunpis
Base Pokemon: Eevee
Style: 1 or 2?: 2
If 1 what ghost Pokemon's colors?: For the eyes back black part red, slightly dark red if you can.
Others: Could you put a white scarf on him??

When done please PM me if you can.

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 02:27 (9 Years ago)
Hey Meep! My Pokémon are in love!!
Size: Fun sized!! ((Mini))
Pokémon: Houndoom on left, Eevee on right
Animation: Pulsing heart, and moving diagonally
Payment: 50, or 500 PDs?
Sprite: I wasn't 100% what this mean((I did read it)) But if you could I'd like for there to be a white scarf on the Eevee. If you can't can I 100% misunderstood this INGORE ME!! xDD
Background: transparent
Anything else?: Speed it up to you, either they look better with slow or fast. ^^ And the heart color would like to be red with a white glare((In the example you provided))


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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 02:07 (9 Years ago)
Awesome, good luck! And thanks for replying fast. And could PM the result to me?

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 02:03 (9 Years ago)
My Pokémon Are Shipped!
Username: Ludicrous_Lunpis
Payment: How about 2000 PDs?
Pokémon On Left: Houndoom
Pokémon On Right: Eevee

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 01:24 (9 Years ago)
Oddy, my Pokemon doesn't have lines!
Which Pokemon do you want?: Shiny Lilligant
User: Ludicrous_Lunpis

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 01:12 (9 Years ago)
=^^= Danke!!!

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 00:24 (9 Years ago)
Aww, thank you. Oh! I almost forgot to pay x^x

Though you'll be getting 10,000 PDs because I'd like another licking animation. I love them much, as well I love my character! This character is very special to me and I have had him for quite a few years now and I'd love to see his cute face action.. Licking... ANYWAYS!!

-Base tan brown, color like an eevee

-On his right ear he has a silver, metal lopped earring

-eyes are a jade green

-He has silver at the ends of his bangs, but if unable to make them than silver at his chest. Whicch ever you think looks nicer

-light gray/ or white which ever you like underbelly

-white scarf that hangs around his neck

(Optional) Long fluffy tan tail that ends in white

-for the paws I' like it if there was a silver/ metal plain bracelet

-slight torn left ear

;v; Thank you again very much~
(( ^^^^ That sounds weird... hnng my grammar))

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 00:01 (9 Years ago)
Fixed? ;v;

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 23:55 (9 Years ago)

Dark my pokemon does not have any lines

username: Ludicrous_Lunpis
Pokémon: Lilligant
Shiny pokemon:

Dark I have a team

Pokemon 1: Shiny Tailow
Pokemon 2: Latios
Pokemon 3: sceptile

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 23:26 (9 Years ago)
If that's alright with you than I would love that!

((By the way after some thinking I may make another order. ^^ Your animations, and your friend's is just that awesome.))

;v; And I already know my next order when you are ready.

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 23:21 (9 Years ago)
My Pokemon Is A Lolipop!

Pokemon: Shiny Lilligant
Username: Ludicrous_Lunpis


((Sorry about that..))

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 23:13 (9 Years ago)
Thank you very much! This is actually for a friend of mine, she is going to love this!! You are doing an awesome job and I can already tell that I will be coming here a lot for my sprites.

Though, please don't take this as me trying to rush you but, the kissing Houndoom and Eevee is still a go?

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 20:24 (9 Years ago)
^^ Awesome!! Thank you.

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 19:43 (9 Years ago)
;v; I meant licking sorry that it said kicking. But that's understandable. Do you know someone that does characters other than pokemon?

And yes I'd still would like the kissing mini of the houndoom and eevee

Never mind the "do you know some..." I've been miss reading things all day ^^;;

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 19:27 (9 Years ago)
Hello!! I'd like to get a Kicking animation of this character: https://charahub.com/character/636340/Pix#


Those are two ref sheets of the character.

Also I'd like another, a kissing animation of a Houndoom and Eevee. If you are able do I'd like it if the eevee had a dark green scarf. If not than that 100% okay.
Its up to you if you want the heart to be either black, or white~

In return you'll receive 7,000 PDs. ((If that's correct))

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 17:57 (9 Years ago)
Oh my god thank you so very much!!

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 17:47 (9 Years ago)

Title: OMG

Thank you so very much!!! I love him, I'm smiling like a fool right now, absolutely perfect!

<3 the background

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 16:44 (9 Years ago)
I have a request. I'd like cat licking animation.

-light brown, ever so slightly red though cat base

-light purple eyes

-If able to than a lighter color than the base, jacket with peach fluffs at the end of the hood.
The jacket looks like this---> http://www.webcosplay.com/product_images/p/176/0120404155848__45556_zoom.jpg

But jacket unzipped.

-Yellow, pink and light blue streaks on its ears

-a white circle on the right eye

-Peach colored chest

-Pink under belly

-Purple and light blue paws

-yellow back ground?

;w; I know its a huge request but if you are able to do this you be very much advertised on your AWESOME work. I like what your doing here and I think you guys are amazing, thank you!

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 13:48 (9 Years ago)
Hey ender! I'd like some art ♥[/b]
Username: Ludicrous_Lunpis
What would you like drawn?: Well, I see that you to draw animals/characters((AJ4life)) well I have a request. There is a character that I'd like for to draw that is a wolf. It is a very old and loved character of mine. He is a tanish brown wolf with emerald green eyes. This wolf indeed does have bangs that has silver at the tips. He is very happy go lucky, and little shy((Just a random)). In the right ear there is a metal, thick, silver earring right that loops around. His muzzle somewhat fades into a slightly darker shade of tan but you don't have to add that~
Ref (picture highly recommended);; Here are a few just in case ^^
- http://thumb101.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1206416/239825713/stock-vector-stylized-cartoon-gray-wolf-head-howling-wolf-239825713.jpg

- http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/346/c/9/wolf_head_thing_by_taytotott-d5ntrdg.png

- http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/009/c/3/cartoon_wolf_by_kyrawolfpup-d5qzed5.png

Background or Transparent? (Note Headshots look better with Backgrounds);; Why yes please. If its okay with you I'd like a dark, but not to dark, green background
Payment?;; I'm sorry to say but I'm not very informed on how much pokedollars are important n this game. I'm new you see. But Please tell me but would be the best choice, how does 1,000 to 2,000 PDs sound?
Are you aware of all the rules?;; Yes I am.

~By the way you seem really cool. Would like to roleplay sometime? I'm a.. um.. Obsessed roleplayer and I have been looking for someone new to RP with. ;w; Wondering if you would like to some time.
Aside from that, if you are able to draw this juts know that I am extremely grateful. I know I am asking for a lot, but I know you'll do great!! Thank you very much~!!~


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