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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from FireStorm.
Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:52 (9 Years ago)
@UnknownUser - XD
??? Type. (Thanks! ^w^ You literally have all my favourite types owo omfg.)

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:49 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:48 (9 Years ago)
" Can you stahp making fun of my avatar, STAHP. "

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:47 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:47 (9 Years ago)
(x3 Dunno)
Fabulous owo Ghost

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:42 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:37 (9 Years ago)
''Dun mind me, just ridin' like a baws"

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:29 (9 Years ago)
(@Sumireko, I don't think so. :3 Sorry if I'm wrong.) "Heh, deez suckahs won't be able to know what I'm thinking" x3

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:23 (9 Years ago)

Title: Yay!

Woo! New Supporter. *gives him cake* x3
Yeah, a lot of people do get busy, like me and Chalice, and theres way too many threads for just one user, it can be overwhelming :3

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:20 (9 Years ago)
" Time to go shiny hunting!"
(you're gud. x3)

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:15 (9 Years ago)
(xD) "Time to show dah ladies how to take dah trash out" XD

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:12 (9 Years ago)
"Time to be fabulous! "

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 08:53 (9 Years ago)
"Time to take out the trash x3"

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 08:47 (9 Years ago)
" NEW EPPY OF SAO!? I'm in!"

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 06:31 (9 Years ago)
"*gasps* ITS A SHAYMIN!!"

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 06:22 (9 Years ago)
" SQUIDS! < 33"

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 06:04 (9 Years ago)

Title: Favourite Theories

I have 2 theories that I'm totally fond of.

● Garys Raticate
● If Giovanni and Ariana had a baby - Silver.

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 05:54 (9 Years ago)

Title: Support!

This is definitely something that would encourage new users to come on the site more. :3
I support.

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 05:27 (9 Years ago)
Dark < 3

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 05:09 (9 Years ago)
Ghost :3

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