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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 22/10/2015 00:56 (9 Years ago)
Riku sighs and rubs his temples. He knew that he should go back to sleep to regain some of his strength but his drowsiness had suddenly disappeared. At least I feel better. He thought while crossing his legs. He sat silently as he began to wonder of what the Hunter's planned for him. We're both aiding one another but I won't be surprised if Draco tries to slaughter me... Riku smirked, his gaze settling on Hinami's sleeping figure. But her, she has a kind soul. I can use that for my advantage... Riku turned to where Draco was sitting. "Oi," He says to catch his attention. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you plan on doing with me? After I show you where the vampire's base is in?" He asked, curious on how the Hunter would respond.

Axel swallowed, not knowing how to reply. After a few moments he cautiously replied. "I passed out, my King. She probably left." He raised his head to meet the other vampire's hard gaze. "But she didn't go far, she couldn't have." Axel reassured him.

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Posted: Wed, 21/10/2015 22:21 (9 Years ago)
Riku begins to stir, his mind was groggy with sleep. He lifts his head to see that Hinami had switched places with Draco. Great... He thought sarcastically with a grunt. The Hunter was looking at the sleeping boy, not realizing that he had woken up. Or I think he hasn't. Riku shrugged it off and shifted himself so his back pressed against the chair.

Axel's eyes widen, his mind registering who was speaking to him. "M-My Ki-King!" He sputtered and managed to sit up, his pain forgotten and replaced with his fear and shock. I wonder what he thinks...me looking like this... Axel nodded rather nervously. "Yes...she did." He replied slowly, wincing as he moved his dislocated arm. The Noble did not glance up once, his eyes focused on the King's boots.

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Posted: Wed, 21/10/2015 21:10 (9 Years ago)
Hinami nods and takes Draco's previous spot. Yes, nothing happened Draco. She thought to herself as she got comfortable. Elliott was curled up, his legs pressed against his stomach. This made Hinami smile faintly, noticing that his face was peaceful before her eyelids closed.

Erin grunted and stretched again, yawning. She doesn't wake up though, her head falling to the side.

Axel is meet with a wave of pain when he woke up. He moaned, gritting his teeth together. Ugh...did I pass out? He wondered and turned over. Well, he tried. "Crap," He hissed, his arm feeling as if it was on fire. He then stiffens, feeling something placed on his shoulder. A deep voice said his name. Axel's forehead creased in confusion, unable to see and identify who it was.

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Posted: Wed, 21/10/2015 03:27 (9 Years ago)
Axel was unable to celebrate the fact that he had somewhat successfully hit Khaalida with his sword, the black dots growing thicker by the second. He stumbled forward towards the stairs, loosing his footing as the floor gave away. A gasp escaped his mouth as he tumbled down the stairs, his spinal cord hitting the edges. Pain immediately engulfed his shoulder as his arm dislocated from its socket and he let out another gasp as he landed on the tiled floor with a sickening thump. Axel shuddered as tears clouded his vision due to the pain on his arm and a couple of bones that probably were fractured. As he laid on the cold floor, a memory sparked in his mind. It was bright day and both Riku and Erin were with him. Riku... The Noble shuddered again and he shut his eyes tightly.
(Wow... my writing sucked here... ._. )

Riku... Riku immediately woke up, blinking in confusion. Did someone say my name? He wondered and turned to Hinami. The Hunter was beside the window, her eyes focused on the outside. Riku stared at her for a few moments before shrugging it off. It was probably just me... He hesitantly closed his eyes once more.

And now, TIME SKIP!!! =w=

Hinami guessed that an hour had passed so she walked over to where Draco was sleeping and shook him gently. "Draco..." She whispered while taking a quick glance at the vampire. He was asleep, snoring lightly.

Erin was sound asleep, her mouth slightly opened. She shifted slightly before stretching herself across the couch, her head resting on Bradwr.
(I really wanted to do that :P )

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Posted: Tue, 20/10/2015 23:17 (9 Years ago)

First time I've seen you!

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Posted: Tue, 20/10/2015 22:13 (9 Years ago)
Axel groaned as he heard Khaalida roll down the stairs. You little... He pulled himself up with the aid of the railing and slowly went down the steps, his knees buckling at each one. When he reached the landing, Axel collapsed once more, his sword clattering against the broken tiles. More sweat had gathered around his forehead, now dripping from his chin and his attire was literally soaked in it. That was the least of his worries though and it wasn't priority to the situation at hand. Axel took deep breaths as black dots began to dance at the edges of his vision and his stomach churned. Swallowing down the bile, Axel crawled to the next set of stairs, spotting Khaalida at the bottom leaning against the wall. Axel glared, his crimson eyes glistening with rage while grabbing his sword. With all the strength he had, Axel threw his sword, the weapon heading towards her lower back.

(Alright, Erin is asleep as well! But I have to let you know that Erin moves a lot when she sleeps so probably during the night, she might roll to his side :P . Also since Axel is in a rough shape, his sword won't really cause any damage to Khaalida I believe since he wasn't able to put much force into his throw.)

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 23:22 (9 Years ago)
A spasm ripples Axel's body as he received the message and he clutches his stomach. "Rgh..," He wheezes and rested his head on the floor, eyes shut tight. As...you...wish... Axel managed to reply. Even as he sent it, dread filled his body. How the hell am I going to keep her steady? He wondered as he squinted at the doorway, his breaths deep and ragged. Axel leaned against the wall for support and heaved himself up. His muscles screamed in protest and he almost gave in but he shook it away. No...being punished by the King is far worse than this... He groaned, taking a small step to the direction where Khaalida had vanished. As he reached the door, his legs could not sustain his weight. They buckled and the Noble fell on his stomach. When he fell, he caught a glimpse of Khaalida's head as she descended the stairs. "Khaalida..." Axel hissed and grabbed the railing to pull himself towards it, his other hand tightly grabbing his sword.

Erin simply nods in response, opening one of her eyes to peer at Bradwr. She chuckles before snuggling her face into her arms.

(He looks beautiful ;) )

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 13:25 (9 Years ago)
Axel wheezed, his eyes squinted as he watched her crawl to the doorway. He smirked and chuckled which led to more coughing. "You can run...Khaalida....but you can't hide...." Axel tried to reach for his sword, wincing during the process. Come on....

Erin simply rolled her eyes and rested her head on the cushion of the couch. ....Goodnight

Was on Mobley so I couldn't type more...

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 02:00 (9 Years ago)
that would lead it to...

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 01:57 (9 Years ago)
Riku grunted and closed his eyes, figuring that he needed as much rest as possible. (Alright then! Hinami is keeping watch!)

Axel chuckled and inhaled deeply. "Can't argue with a naïve vampire, can I?" Looks like I have to go with plan B...its going to take more of my strength away but that doesn't matter now, does it? He closed his eyes and began to focus but to Khaalida it just seemed that he was in deep pain. My King...I know how much you hate being contacted this way. The Noble paused as he shuddered, feeling his stomach twisting. He licked his lips as sweat drops formed on his forehead. This is urgent...your daughter...she has been found. Immediately, bile rose in his throat and the Noble spit it out. "Ugh..." Axel groaned, his face paling even more. He'll be able to find my location on his own...

Erin narrowed her eyes. First of all, this is a couch not a bed. And second of all, you're not my type. She smiles at Bradwr's nervousness though, amused by his actions. And it doesn't matter if you slept with another vampire or not, its not relevant.

(I hope I did the link thing right >~< If you don't like it, I can change it)

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 21:49 (9 Years ago)
Riku didn't even flinch at Draco as he unsheathed his sword and simply continued to stare at Hinami. Whenever he layed back down, a small chuckle escaped his mouth. "Wow...loosen up a bit." He muttered. This shows how much they trust me, and it isn't very high.

Axel smirked at Khaalida. "You can't even use it right," He growls, looking at the blade. "What do you plan on doing now?" He asked and tilted his head which took a great deal of his strength. A few more coughs erupted.

The floor is uncomfortable, that's all. Erin replied with a tinge of annoyance in her tone. Besides, why are you acting like its such a big deal?

(I suppose you're right...do you have any ideas on what that might be? Probably able to contact him? Even if that does sound out of place...)

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 21:35 (9 Years ago)
(I'm flattered x3)

Atticus quickly made it to the prison, nodding to Axel to acknowledge her greeting. What a pleasant smell. He thought with a smile and drank the last bit of his tea. Atticus blinked when laughter pierced the air, not spooked at the slightest. He stood quietly as Frey explained her reason, his forehead creasing ever so slightly when she added that she wanted the thing to be brought back to her. Before he could even voice his opinion on the matter (which was that he disagreed greatly for those curious), a shadow erupted from the ground and disappeared as quickly as it came. Then Frey vanished as well which made Atticus frown. "I suppose," He replied to Axel, turning towards her.

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 20:34 (9 Years ago)
Riku shifted himself to a more comfortable position causing the chair to squeak out in protest. This made Hinami snap her head up to glare at him. Riku held his hands up in response. "Whoa, chill." He muttered. Can't even move... He thought while crossing his arms across his chest.

Shit... Was Axel's first thought. He had no idea why he felt even more exhausted. Whatever... He then stiffened when he felt that his sword wasn't by his side anymore. A small chuckle escaped his mouth. "Ah, Khaalida..." Axel hissed as he opened his eyes to see the female vampire pointing the weapon at him. "What a pleasant surpri-" The Noble then erupted into a fit of coughs. After they subsided, Axel shuddered now feeling lightheaded. "what...did you...do?" He hissed.

Erin tilted her head at Bradwr's reaction. Its not that big of a deal. She replied. We'll just stay on our respective sides. She waited for his response.

(Yeah, probably not)

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 19:55 (9 Years ago)
Hinami nods. "No problem there," She replies, not taking her eyes off of the vampire. He seemed to be in deep thought now, his eyes focused on the ground. I hope he goes to sleep soon.

Axel shuddered as more blood was drained from him. The sword's handle slowly slipped from his fingers and fell onto the floor, the metal making a clink. Axel groaned and began to stir.

Erin turns to the door to see Bradwr walk back in again. There's space on the couch. She points out, gesturing to the leftover space.

(Yeah, I'll probably go for that o3o)

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 18:34 (9 Years ago)
(okay :3)

Atticus nods and quickly goes to the canteen. He wasn't hungry but he did want a cup of tea. After receiving his drink he made his way to the direction of the prison, cup in his hands. "I wonder what Frey wants to inform us on," He took a sip from his tea, humming quietly to himself.

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 18:20 (9 Years ago)
Hinami raises her brow at Draco. "Like you did last time?" She says teasingly. Before Draco could retort back, she nodded her expression turning serious. "Don't worry, I will." Hinami gazes at Elliott who had smiled slightly at Draco's praise. Now he seemed to be asleep. He must have been tired. She pursed her lips and turned her attention to the vampire. Hinami tensed when she realized that he was looking at Elliott causing her to glare at him.

Riku returned the glare and turned his attention to one of the windows. I'm not going to hurt him. He thought. Heh, but I already did, didn't I? He ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes dulling. I have to find Khaalida. Then we can get as far away from the humans and other vampires...

Axel once again shifted. His grip on his sword loosened slightly.

Okay... Erin watched Bradwr go before plopping herself onto the couch. She took off her hat and placed it beside her.

(Hmm, Erin could have control over animals...)

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 23:03 (9 Years ago)
Riku nods, not bothering to even argue. "Better than nothing," He says with a small grin. He limps over to a chair and picks it up. After seeing that is was stable, he sits down facing the direction of the Hunters. His thoughts soon wander to Khaalida, worry weighing in his stomach. Khaalida...I hope that you're alright...and alive.

"Okay, I'll take first watch." Hinami replies to Draco and sits on the edge of the couch to leave space for both males. Elliott follows Hinami and rests his head on her lap, curling up into a ball. Hinami blinks but then smiles and kisses his head. "Goodnight," She whispers while placing her hand gently on his head.

Axel doesn't twitch or move as Khaalida sinks her teeth into his wrist, the liquid clearly taking effect. Even if he is unable to feel it, the Noble shifted slightly.

Erin stiffens as she hears Bradwr's voice. You suck, She snapped at him but a smile was playing on her lips. What about you though? She questions, tilting her head.

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 22:23 (9 Years ago)
Riku stared at the building and limped after Draco, his boots crunching on the gravel. He heard Hinami and the boy walking behind him. I'm not going to try and run away. Riku thought with a grunt and entered the building. It was fairly large from the inside, a few chairs scattered about. There was also a few couches but only two seemed to be in perfect shape. Riku stepped aside to let Hinami and Elliott in. He watched them, his gaze settling on the brown-haired boy. Immediately, he wanted to say something to him but restrained from doing so.

Axel's arm slightly twitches at the teeth and his head slightly lowers, thus his white hair covering his eyes.

Erin grunts with a smile. "Convenient," She says at the same tone. She turns away from the window and begins to pace, tapping her chin with her finger. "Hmm..." She hummed. Riku...what are you up too? She wondered.

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 21:48 (9 Years ago)
Riku for once agreed with Draco. He was tired after all the stuff that had happened. I need to stay strong. He sighed and turned towards the humans, waiting for them to make a move.

Hinami nods, relived that Draco had thought the same. She examined them as well, a one-story building catching her attention. Surprisingly, it was in condition besides the broken windows and chipped walls. "What about that one," Hinami points to it and Elliott looks at it as well.

Axel doesn't move as he sleeps. His head still stays upright.

Erin places the hat back on her head. "I guess we're going to stay here?" She asks, gesturing at the building they were in.

(I don't know...I haven't thought of one yet...)

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 20:54 (9 Years ago)
As Elliott listens to Draco's explanation, Hinami glances around squinting her eyes due to the darkness. We going to have to stop soon... She thought but was brought back as Draco suggested to keep moving. Hinami gave a curt nod and began walking again, keeping her eyes on Riku since Elliott now was with Draco.

Axel continued to stare at Khaalida as he closed his eyes. If she wakes up...I'll make myself seem as if I'm not asleep. He thought as his foot twitched. His straight posture and grip on the handle of the sword did not loosen as he quickly sank into sleep.

Erin takes off her hat to reveal her ruffled hair. It stuck out at all directions since she didn't attempt to care for it. "Yeah...you can say that." She mutters, her eyes following the figures.

(I don't have the foggiest idea of what gifts(powers) Erin has...)

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