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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from DorkyWerewolf.
Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 23:40 (8 Years ago)
Jake watched as this happened before him and he growled. "You leave her alone!" He barked at him and shifted as well from the anger he was in. "If you want to deal with someone, you deal with me!" He looked at Amy and Jason, and that anger could really be seen in his eyes.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)
He tensed up a bit and let out a snarl. "Just leave me alone, will you? Or else I'll rid you of your head!" He raised his voice and glanced back at him with his bright eyes.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 19:07 (8 Years ago)
His face turned a rather dark red as well and he looked towards the floor after that kiss he had received in return. It was true then. They really did love each other quite a bit. They would need to make it official by saying so.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 14:27 (8 Years ago)
((Ahhh, love it, heheh.))

You bet vampires can get cold rather quick and easily. Unless it was only Rosa, then it was only her. It probably was only her, but you would never know. Not unless you were Rosa, that is. Many people long ago called her the Dolorosa, for taking care of so many children over the years.

Jake looked down and thought for a moment. He couldn't think of anything, but hearing her say that her heart can't calm down... Did that mean she liked him too? Only one way to find out. He moved to her, leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek.

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 02:40 (8 Years ago)
((Bleh, my parents are taking my electronics and stuff, so I will need to head to bed early tonight. >~<))

That is pretty deep right there. Jake walked to the door with Amy, opened it and out he went with her. Well... Now what? That was the question, wasn't it? "So..." He looked down towards the ground. "Now what?"

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 02:12 (8 Years ago)
Jake smiled a little and looked back at Rosa, who was currently getting coming back with the required items. Jake kept a tight hold of Amy's hand and let out a little huff

Rosa set the gauze aside for a moment and got the disinfectant ready to disinfect the wound. She applied it on the cut, and surely, it would have stung at least a little bit. After that, she picked up the gauze and put it around the wound so it wouldn't end up getting infected. "There you go. Just be careful, alright?"

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Posted: Tue, 22/11/2016 00:02 (8 Years ago)
Rosa examined the wound on her tail. "May you sit down for a moment? I'll get some disinfectant and some gauze. It will sting a hint, though." She told her and went off to get the things. It really wouldn't take long to find the things.

Jake looked back at Amy and blinked. His ears seemed just a little pointed at this point, but it wasn't that bad. "Rosa is the best nurse around, trust me."

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 23:25 (8 Years ago)
They finally made it into the nurse's office. "Nurse Maryam! We have an injury to report!" What a dork. He really did like her, loved her even, he just had a tough time getting it out at the moment.

Rosa had been working on some work, looking through files to make sure all were in check and accounted for, for each student. They were small files, like things they may be allergic to or anything like that. She heard Jake's voice and looked back. "Oh! What may the case be?" Her voice was pretty gentle and caring as she asked the question to Amy. She really didn't have any bad blood with werewolves. So she didn't see them being an issue, despite it being a natural rivalry. Rosa didn't believe in things like that. It was silly.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 22:46 (8 Years ago)
He stopped for a moment, quirking a brow. "What do I see you as? Well... I see you as my very first real friend, and I like you a lot!" Jake, really. Just stop talking. You are making it worse for yourself. Embarrassing yourself, really. He blushed a bit before going back to walking to the nurse's office.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 17:19 (8 Years ago)
Le nurse:
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Name: Rosa Maryam (Called Dolorosa)
Age: Looks about 36
Grade: N/A (She's a nurse)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species/Race: Vampire
Personality: A caring, mother-like figure unless you hurt any of her children, then she will end you.
Backstory: Born a vampire, she lost her mother and father to a hunter killing them and she ran away. Classic dilemma. She grew up rather healthy and always kept herself to animal blood, though she can't help if she drinks other monsters' or humans' blood. She took in one child, naming her Porrim, who was also a vampire. She raised her and others from their parents who were either killed or left them to die. She took in another young vampire named Kanaya and a mutant alien, turned away by his own kind, named Cyrus. She took care of these three and went on their ways when they were old enough. They most likely go to this school now, and what she does best is act as the nurse for the school of the different.
Crush: No one currently
Dorm: (Teachers surely have dorms, yeah? If not, then that is understandable.)
Other Information: She is a very fashionable lady. High in fashion despite being a nurse. Her voice is calm with a little bit of a British accent in there. She can also speak some French.

Jake looked behind him and sighed a little. They would be there soon enough… He knew it. “I’m sorry, but I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” His golden eyes glistened with worry within them.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 03:54 (8 Years ago)
((Good night!))

He actually could feel her heartbeat a bit, but he said nothing about it. Or was that just his heart? He really couldn't tell right now. He walked with her to the nurse's office so they could disinfect the wound and get it wrapped up and such.

((Ooo, Shy, is it possible for me to be the school nurse? Like, have a character I do be it? We seem like we may need it here and there. -And it would take up my last character space, eheh.-))

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 03:42 (8 Years ago)
His face went a deep shade of red as well and he shook his head. "W-What are we waiting for? Let's get your injury situated." He said, standing up and holding a hand out to her to help her up.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 03:30 (8 Years ago)
Jake frowned and rolled his eyes. "Fine. As long as your tail gets the treatment it needs. I don't like seeing the people I love in pain." Oh crap, that just slipped out of his mouth. Can't take it back now.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 03:06 (8 Years ago)
Jake huffed. "You can eat, but you safety is much more important than my hunger." He stated. He was being a little over protective sometimes. It happens, but you can't blame him. He really hasn't had a friend like her before. Maybe she was more than that to him.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 02:17 (8 Years ago)
He frowned. "If you wait, it'll get infected. We should get it treated right away." Jake told her. Now, you could see how serious he was being. It would be bad if it got infected in any way.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 02:04 (8 Years ago)
Jake blinked, watching as Amy seemed to be rather surprised when her tails swished. He tilted his head a little, getting up and moving closer to her. "You okay?" His voice was calm and gentle, despite the look he had in his eyes.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 01:35 (8 Years ago)
The random input on what Sam said, yes, the hunger really can drive you mad, as you nearly saw with Jake. Well, not him really, but you could tell if you listen. He really didn't want to seem greedy with the food and such, but he would need the meat to stay sane for a long while. Decisions decisions... He really hated decisions. At least him and Amy would be sharing. Breakfast was rather important as well.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 01:28 (8 Years ago)
Oh god, now there was ham in your mouth. He took it out for a moment, glancing at Amy with his bright eyes. "I-- Thank you..." He told her and he went to continue eating the ham. It was good... It was making him feel better, actually. Much better. But still not good enough that the smallest thing could anger him. He should be fine though. Definitely.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 01:15 (8 Years ago)
Jake would have actually gotten some breakfast, but right now, he just needed to calm himself down. If Jason hadn't bugged him, then maybe he would have been alright. He couldn't help that he was acting this way, though. Just sort of an animalistic sort of behavior. He was an odd werewolf, to say the least.

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 00:55 (8 Years ago)
Jake heard Amy speaking to him telepathically and he let out a small growl, rubbing his head. Keep your cool, Jake. Just keep your cool. "I'm fine. Never better!" He was trying to sound like nothing really happened, even though it did.

Atsuko was up and at it already, nicely dressed and all. She was always one to have nice school uniforms, even if they really don't need them.

And Mark... Well, he was awake. More or less. He had quite a tough time sleeping so you have that, but what can you do?

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