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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 01/12/2017 13:45 (7 Years ago)
From what I understand, you bred an alola pokemon in the daycare? If so, then yes, it will break your chain: all pokemon received from the daycare - except from the daycare man - will break your chain. Unless there's some new Alolan quest I'm still unaware of from the daycare man?

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Posted: Thu, 30/11/2017 11:27 (7 Years ago)
Please don't double post! Just edit your previous post.

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Posted: Thu, 30/11/2017 07:58 (7 Years ago)
Moving to 'RP signups'! ^^

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Posted: Sun, 26/11/2017 07:06 (7 Years ago)
You're more than free to debate with me? :) I don't ever want me being a moderator to prevent users from debating with me. So long as you stay polite and don't break the rules, there's no reason not to challenge a moderator if you believe we're wrong ^^ Older doesn't really mean much either - I debate with my teachers on a daily basis about politics, history etc.

As for the wikipedia page you linked, that does seem to prove my point as far as I can see - it has stated that hazardous materials have to be filtered out before being burnt. That pretty much means all plastics. Even then, it states that the air pollution costs are high and apparently higher than coal which is a big problem as it is.

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Posted: Sat, 25/11/2017 08:08 (7 Years ago)
@Mrinja, yeah that's true ^^ But it is how the world works after all.


1. Deforestation has absolutely nothing to do with biofuel production. If fact, most of the deforestation occurring in Brazil and Asia is illegal ^^ The point of renewable resources is that they replenish - proper biofuel production requires planting as well as cutting.

2. You can't count carbon emission by capita - at least not for China. China has a humongous wealth gap. So, if you're rating China not the biggest contributor by how many people it has, you have to first discount those that cannot afford to use energy on a daily basis which is a large proportion of the population. Meaning, China is still more wasteful. Moreover, I'm not sure I understand how needing more fuel leads to 'newer and better' fuels and means fossil fuels? Fossil fuels aren't new, nor are they better in any way.

3. I don't understand why you say that USA hasn't tried to lower CO2 emissions? They most definitely have - as can be seen in legislation passed throughout the years. Also, they were one of the leading contributors to the creation of the Paris Agreement Accord. Although Trump has now decided to pull out of that, the majority of big firms in USA have now pledged to maintain in accordance with the Paris Agreements even without the government's support.

4. I don't believe it's possible to burn trash if you mean plastics and such for fuel? They do create energy, but the cost is too significant since the burning of these things create methane gas.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2017 13:49 (7 Years ago)
Well no, the point of entrepreneurship is to understand how the economy works and what will earn them money. If they're doing something that people don't agree with, people don't buy their product - it's as simple as that.

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Posted: Thu, 23/11/2017 11:58 (7 Years ago)
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by company newbies? I don't see how this factors in? O.O Wasted what money? Did what wrong?

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 08:57 (7 Years ago)
The thing is, it is a slow transition right now ^^ Renewable energy sources aren't just solar and wind, there's also hydroelectric and other water related electric sources that are more reliant.

Feel threatened doesn't necessarily mean they're the victims? ^^ It can just mean that they realize that the consumers, if they wanted to, could do bring down their firm. It doesn't make them victims, it makes them the cause of their own downfall.

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2017 09:16 (7 Years ago)
Yeah, I do understand that it's a problem ^^ However, and yes, it does need to be dealt with. But fossil fuels are much more damaging in terms of damage to Earth so I'd much rather take the solvable issues over a continuation of fossil fuel use.

As for reusing, as far as I know of, no one is asking for re-usage of plastic water bottles (the store bought ones)? We have reusable plastic/metal ones for a reason. It's more about reusing and recycling when possible rather than the extremes.

As for campaigning, it does work. In fact, many companies are currently undergoing various environmental friendly changes - there's a reason that the investments in environmental science are skyrocketing. While it's hard to see the effects of campaigning in short term, people like Jon Stewart and John Oliver have shown that if enough people get together to complain about a situation, the governing force/company will feel threatened enough that they will change.

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2017 08:57 (7 Years ago)
Yes, you invest in hopes of gaining profit. However, these aren't simple hopes - they're hopes based on the research of numerous scientists and specialists. If thousands of big companies are willing to risk their profits, it's got to be a pretty good chance.

I'm not really sure what you mean by the 'atoms don't catch the rays', but as for the downsides, while I do agree that these things happen, Scientific American has stated that this amount is actually less than that of fossil fuel deaths. That is, if we're ignoring the fact that pollution of the Earth will someday make it uninhabitable for all of us. Furthermore, both cases of animal killings mentioned involve incompetence rather than problems to do with the method of gaining energy itself. In both cases, Scientific American has stated solutions that have already been pitched and tested in some cases.

As for bags, I'm not saying you should reuse forever. However, it should be agreed upon that currently, the average consumer wastes more than they should. While it's reasonable to throw away a puked on bag, I fail to see the reason to throw out a clean plastic bag that has been used to hold groceries.

As for fault, that's not really the point anymore. The point is that we all live on this Earth - we all need to protect it. If it's been made clear that a company has been using unethical methods of getting rid of waste, it is up to all of us to campaign for change and to watch companies to make sure they don't repeat the mistake.

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2017 08:41 (7 Years ago)
You can find the answer here.

Please do not use this forum to elicit battle though - it's not relevant to this thread.

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2017 10:02 (7 Years ago)
Clicking! :)

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2017 09:19 (7 Years ago)
It's been answered before here~ :)

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2017 05:51 (7 Years ago)
No, I didn't really mean radiation? ^^ While CFCs definitely are increasingly creating damage to the ozone layer, I don't think that's the biggest problem? Especially since radiation from the sun has always occurred and the rate at which it is increasing is inconsequential in comparison to the other problems. The bigger problem that's inducing an increase in the probability of a person getting cancer is the increase in pollutants such as those with a PM of 2.5. They pretty much have the same effect as smoking.

And we can make a change. While I do agree that it is often difficult to cut down things such as all usage of cars, all of us are guilty of wasteful uses of the Earth's resources. While we might not be able to cut out all use, even a reduction in wastage by a large group of people can have enough effect as to bring the pollution to a low enough degree that Earth has enough time to regenerate.

Methods such as bringing a cloth bag to the groceries rather than using a plastic one isn't dirty - we use backpacks and other cloth bags all the time after all. Reusing does cost energy. But, it doesn't cost as much as the usage of plastic bags and other non-recyclables do. Using non-biodegradable polymers only causes an increase in methane and other pollutants. If renewable energy was really as taxing as you state it to be, there wouldn't be an influx in the investment of it by both governments and private industries.

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2017 15:32 (7 Years ago)
@Mrinja, I think what they were trying to get at is the fact that the pollution being created increases the chances of mutations and thus tumor cells? ^^ Global warming itself doesn't cause the 'spread of cancer', but the pollution often associated with it definitely does increase the chances of cancer.

@Peggy, well it's not really a matter of belief whether or not global warming is right? It's science - not an 'everything is right' discussion and it is occurring whether people believe in it or not. I agree that calling people stupid does not help the situation though.

I also don't think it's being blown out of proportion. People don't seem to realize that even an increase by 1 degree Celsius can do a lot of damage. If you're living in a country such as Canada or America where you don't see the impact of it yet, it might not seem like a big deal. However, as someone that lives in China, I see what it does on a daily basis. In fact, we've had to cancel school sometimes because the air was so bad that a province-wide emergency was called and everyone was told to stay at home.

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2017 05:52 (7 Years ago)
We're already got a thread for this here! ^^

Locking this. Please go there to make a post about this instead :)

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2017 05:50 (7 Years ago)
Please don't post spoilers - your post has been edited ^^

Also, if you just need to make a quick post, I'd suggest commenting something relevant on a discussion topic? This isn't really a discussion.

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2017 05:48 (7 Years ago)
Hello! :) I'm a VIP and iKONic ^^

Former EXO-L I guess - got tired of the hype on them xD

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Posted: Thu, 16/11/2017 12:51 (7 Years ago)
Does this help? ^^

After that, just follow it's instructions to put your link in :)

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Posted: Wed, 15/11/2017 09:14 (7 Years ago)
I don't think pd could ever be a problem? ^^ If they're interacting a lot, that generates more than enough money to buy the berries needed. Also, just like the level medal rally, there's usually a fair amount of planning involved - nobody just jumps in and starts. They usually stock up on berries over quite a while which means stocks should affect them too much.

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