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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 12:44 (3 Years ago)
Like I said, you'll receive more from trick or treating the further you progress, and you should also use the dream points you get from interacting.

Perhaps I phrased it a bit wrong there; I didn't mean to say that the sweets from interacting alone will be enough, but I'm saying that 50k interactions + Trick or Treating + Rumbling + DP from interacting will be enough.

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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 12:33 (3 Years ago)
The rewards (PD, GCC, Sweets or any other event items) you gain per interaction decrease with the amount of interactions you make per day. This is for fairness reasons (not everyone has the time/capabilities to make that many interactions; most hardly have time to do 10k interactions in one day, and this highly unbalances the game when some players progress 10- to 100-times as quickly as others. It discourages casual players) as well as for health reasons (we don't want to encourage our players to make that many clicks per day, actually. It's just not healthy).
Instead, we want to encourage our players to make between 10k and 50k'ish interactions per day - which is a doable as well as healthy amount. And 50k is, by the way, enough to get the SM from the current event (if you do it every day). Plus, you receive DPs from interacting as well, which also helps.

Also, regarding your comparably low numbers today: you have to consider that you also spend sweets today (on the upgrades), your first thousand'ish interactions didn't count much (because you didn't have the Large Candy Bag from the beginning), and your skill level starts rather low so you don't get too many sweets from Trick-or-treating on day 1. This will, however, increase.

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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 06:46 (3 Years ago)
That's not a bug but a feature. You can do this by pulling the right bottom corner of the text box down (if you look closely there's two lines there symbolizing this feature)

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Posted: Wed, 29/09/2021 21:34 (3 Years ago)

Mega-able Snom can now be hatched from regular Snom eggs.

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Posted: Wed, 15/09/2021 08:15 (3 Years ago)
Fixed, sorry for the inconvenience!

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Posted: Tue, 14/09/2021 22:01 (3 Years ago)
Thank you for your feedback.
Firstly, don't worry - we are taking all reports very seriously! And no, we are not allowing inappropriate usernames on PokeHeroes. Our moderators don't mark these reports as "done" until the issue has been resolved completely. Sometimes reports just need a bit more time.

Changing usernames is a little trickier and time-consuming than—say—deleting a feed. A username is a login credential which the user needs to sign in. If we change it without them noticing, they loose access to their account. That's why we always reach out to the user first (in case they are still active) and ask them to please change their username asap. This gives them a second chance, which I personally believe everyone deserves.
If they don't change their username within a reasonable amount of time, we forcefully change their username.

I nonetheless agree that three weeks (which is how long it took to change the first username you linked) is a bit long for that process. We are continuously working on improving our internal processes and this issue is something that we will investigate closely in the future.

Again, however, let me assure you that we have the best interest of everyone in mind. We don't like such usernames on PH any more than you do :)

Also, FYI, I have removed the links from your post. I get that you need examples to prove your point, but technically that's considered "Naming and shaming". Please send examples to me or the moderators directly next time in case you find it necessary.

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Posted: Tue, 14/09/2021 21:43 (3 Years ago)

Sundaelite has been added to the Event Shop!

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Posted: Tue, 14/09/2021 10:15 (3 Years ago)
The participant prizes (5,000 Event Points) have been distributed!

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Posted: Sat, 11/09/2021 14:21 (3 Years ago)

The SCS reward system of interaction multipliers has been changed:
From now on, ...
... reaching 100% of the goal activates an x2 multiplier.
... reaching 150% of the goal activates an x3 multiplier.
... reaching 200% of the goal activates an x4 multiplier.

Consequently, the base goals from now on will be much lower. Even the 150% goals (i.e. x3 multiplier) are a bit easier to reach from now on.

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 08:55 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 20:59 (3 Years ago)

A new ranklist category has been added: Most EggDex entries.

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Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 10:27 (3 Years ago)
You can't mix all in one go. I'm pretty sure you clicked on the link twice (or refreshed the page...).

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Posted: Sun, 22/08/2021 10:46 (3 Years ago)
Thank you, I fixed the bug and removed your black mystery boxes.

If anyone else has also "exploited" this bug, then please send me these items via gift trade.

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Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 13:31 (3 Years ago)
Sending :)

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Posted: Fri, 13/08/2021 10:21 (3 Years ago)
Thanks, fixed :)

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Posted: Thu, 12/08/2021 08:30 (3 Years ago)
I don't think there's need for an argument now – I believe that everything that needed to be said has been said. :) I'll be locking this thread for now. Like I said, please give us time to discuss this issue internally now. If you have any information of relevance which has NOT been stated yet, then shoot me (or any of the mods) a PM.

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 06:43 (3 Years ago)
Thank you for sharing your concerns and opinions, everybody. I would like to use this opportunity to explain the workings “behind the scenes” when situations such as described appear.

First, I would like to make clear that all of us, me, staff, and yes, even you the majority of the users, want the same thing; PokéHeroes to be a child-friendly and safe environment. Disturbing and/or offending minors and others is never our goal and is something we try to avoid and combat as much as possible. Protecting minors against such material is something we can all agree on!

Every situation that is brought to our attention is dealt with according to our rules. Our moderators have done exactly that in this and any previous, similar situations. Something is brought to their attention, the moderators investigate, discuss and decide on the next appropriate action. To my knowledge, the moderators have always acted correctly and professionally.

Unfortunately, sometimes there is a grey area. Something that according to the rules is allowed, but toes the line in such a way that you, the users, feel it should not be. No matter how much we prepare for every possible situation, there will always be more that we didn’t anticipate. Encountering such situations and adjusting to them accordingly is a continuous process. Bringing this to our attention allows the moderators to adjust how to deal with these grey areas(, as an action that was first generally accepted, might not be anymore).

One such possible grey area could be created by personal knowledge; what can be considered inappropriate at all times and what is considered inappropriate based on personal interests, a deeper understanding of the source material. We understand that our rules on PokéHeroes don’t cover every grey area because “inappropriate” is a very broad term, subject to personal ideals.
We will take this opportunity to look over our rules and our internal guidelines on how reports are handled and amend them where necessary. To achieve this, we need your help. If you see content (written or drawn) that could offend or disturb minors or other players, report it. This allows the moderators to check on the situation and take action. Depending on the situation any of the following actions can be taken –
* user is contacted and reminded of the rules
* content is removed
* user is warned
* user is banned

Most importantly, action is always taken with the best interest of everyone in mind. I hope this clears up some of the confusion in the community and answered any questions you might have. Please give us the time to continue discussing such situations internally, allowing future situations to be dealt with more swiftly or even avoided.

I hope that everyone will continue to enjoy playing PokéHeroes!

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Posted: Fri, 30/07/2021 08:11 (3 Years ago)
G'Morning everybody! Apparently there had been a (weird) bug where you were able to claim free Shaymin eggs from the regular Event Distribution page. This bug has now been fixed. All eggs that were obtained through this glitch have been deleted. Eggs that were claimed regularly through the Shaymin random encounter event are unaffected by this.
I apologise for the inconvenience!

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Posted: Fri, 30/07/2021 00:00 (3 Years ago)
Summer Time Shaymin 2021

It's finally Summer Time! The summer holidays began for all trainer students of Emera Town and everyone is excited for the beach parties and festivals at the Emera Square.
And there is one Pokémon that especially enjoys the sun and all the flowers of summer:

Shaymin is finally back!
I bet many of you have been waiting for our special Summer Event: The legendary Pokémon, Shaymin, visits Emera Town for the rest of the summer and presents kind-hearted trainers very special gifts.
Shaymin likes seeing trainers interacting with as much Pokémon as possible. So take your berries, warm up your hands and get started!

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/J5XRFnW.png" style="float: left; width: 250px; border: 2px solid; margin: 8px">Meeting Shaymin
The requirement to meet Shaymin is very simple: Interact. Interact a lot!
There is no set interaction requirement - it appears randomly. Maybe after 100 interactions, maybe after 1,000 interactions - or, if you're pretty unlucky, maybe after 100,000 interactions.
When Shaymin wants to meet you, a small icon pops up in your Userbar:
You can't miss it. Shaymin stays there until you claim its gift.
Notice: It's not possible to have multiple Shaymin in your Userbar at the same time. You have to accept Shaymins gift in order to meet it again.

Shaymin's Gift
This year, Shaymin will give you the choice between four different gifts:
A legendary Shaymin Egg, a Gracidea Flower (Forme-change item for Shaymin), a Shaymin Plushie (which has a 20% of being shiny) and a rare Event Pokémon Egg! The decision is up to you!

Higher shiny chance
The chance of randomly hatching a Shiny Shaymin has been increased yet again this year! I'd be really surprised if there wasn't at least one lucky trainer this year... maybe it's you?

<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/artworks/skygift.png" style="float: right">Sky Gifts
The Sky Gifts are also back!
You can start sending out Skygifts to your friends here.
Three gifts can be bought with a small amount of Pokedollar every day; any further gift costs a fixed amount of 10 Nuggets.

Shaymin stays until August 18th, 2021.

#1: Does Shaymin break my shiny chain?

#2: How many interactions do I have to make?
It's random, please re-read this post carefully if you're still wondering about this.

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Posted: Mon, 19/07/2021 09:10 (3 Years ago)
Whether you receive the shiny Mew today (or rather: the odds of receiving shiny Mew) depends on the amount of (shiny) Mew plushies you bought during the last plushie distribution. :) This visual bug does not have any impact on it.

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