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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dragonsoul.
Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 14:28 (9 Years ago)

Lucky the dog (Survivors), Sol, and Blackstar come after you. Lucky attacks Graypaw and Sol distracts Firepaw and Ravenpaw with another random warning about an eclipse. Blackstar steals your cookie while scratching you.
My cookie!

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 14:14 (9 Years ago)
Le bump! The auction ends at server reset tonight!

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 12:45 (9 Years ago)

Noko was a little surprised and quite angry at the Pokémon. He shook his antlers, shaking an ember off his leaves. Beginning to cough, he shouted, "Someone! Come and help... Someone help put out this fire!" He grunted as he inhaled smoke, sharp with the scent of pine. If there was two things about fire that he remembered when he was a human, was that one, most people die by smoke, not the actual fire and, two, smoke is lighter than air, so it floats up.

Noko fell to the ground, beginning to commando crawl towards the edge of the clearing, where the flames had not yet reached. That coward of a trainer was long gone.

Flames suddenly leapt into his pathway, blocking the only exit. Oh, crap. "Help! Someone help!"

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 12:05 (9 Years ago)
Wish granted, but the tiger Plushie is torn up by a random dog.
I wish that auto-correct was useful. >.>

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 02:26 (9 Years ago)
Braying necked horses


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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 02:25 (9 Years ago)
Wait, how far are you in the warriors series? Cause I nearly spoiled everything XD.

Blue star licks your cheek and ditto morphs into a cookie, which you think is the real one. I steal the real cookie and fly to Mars. My Cooooookie forever! XD

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 02:20 (9 Years ago)
I use an army of wooden bats and smash the machine, simultaneously knocking you out. Mah cookie!!!

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 02:19 (9 Years ago)
Very healthy nine whales


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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 02:15 (9 Years ago)
Granted, but now every where you go is really loud, since you can hear all of the insects as well.

I wish bears were not dangerous and cuddly.

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:44 (9 Years ago)
Wish granted, but the clones get too confused on who's who and kill themselves.

I wish I could have a pet cat named Bagel

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:25 (9 Years ago)
Did Frank kill?


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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:24 (9 Years ago)
(Hugs. Poor Noko doesn't have a rival any more! XD. Have an amazing life! :333)

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:22 (9 Years ago)
You have to train it up.

How do you level up a berry?

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:21 (9 Years ago)
Golden grapes grow great hats


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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:14 (9 Years ago)
Really fat good trees

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:14 (9 Years ago)
Because he is the time lord and never ages.

Why are there so many Zigzagoons in the Wondertrade?

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:12 (9 Years ago)
Maybe Venessa kills elephants

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:10 (9 Years ago)
Because Gen5 was the most hated on region (true, actually.)

Why can't sliggoo mega evolve?!?!

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:05 (9 Years ago)
Both if yoy, this is not a random question game, its a Pokémon question game.


Why are Fletchlings normal types?

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 17:02 (9 Years ago)
Hello people! I have a cookie... But you want it.
Basically, you have to come up with a silly way to steal it from me.
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P1: I take your cookie and fly away on a dragon. My cookie!
P2: I shoot down your dragon and flash light in your eyes. While you are blinded, I take the cookie. My cookie!

Get it? Now go! Be free! And steal cookies!

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