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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 15:55 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 03:22 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2013 21:02 (11 Years ago)
Saria took a deep breath. "It's basically a place where gijinkas and humans live together in harmony, and it's a secret to everybody. Well, I guess everybody except those who live there. Like me." She puffed up her chest proudly. "I'm a messenger, and I'm kinda like the equivalent of an elite team, if you know what I mean. My assignment is to be a guide to trustworthy humans or gijinkas who want to find a better place. But sometimes I get stuck with boring stuff like helping bring in supplies... Anyways, I could show you what it's like, if you want. And I'm like, the best person ever for the job! Because guess what, my mentor was the one who made the messenger branch! Pretty cool, huh?" Saria bounced up and down. Once she got going on talking about something she was passionate about, it was hard to stop her.

"Yeah, there aren't very many of us messengers right now, because you have to have certain skills, so you're pretty lucky to run into us. You know, if I had to guess on how many of us there are, I'd say about...twenty? I don't know, the number changes every day. Sometimes 'cause of new recruits, but sometimes it's because one of us quits or gets caught."

(Sorry she talks so much...she just seems like a talkative person.)

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2013 20:41 (11 Years ago)
Okay, I'll add you to the list.

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2013 20:40 (11 Years ago)
The highest of fives if you know what this is.

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Posted: Fri, 20/12/2013 06:12 (11 Years ago)
A second-generation gijinka is the child of a gijinka made in the labs. Possible parent pairings are a gijinka x another gijinka, which whose child would be another pure gijinka, or a gijinka x a human, whose child would be a "half-blood". Half-blood gijinkas sacrifice enhanced skills like speed, strength, intelligence, etc. for the ability to conceal/retract their gijinka parts such as tails, ears, and even change hair/eye color so that they look like the average human. If it still doesn't make sense just tell me where you're lost.

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 04:45 (11 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 3

Jo put her treasure in her school bag. Okay, this is it. I'm going to do it, and I'm going to do it today. After telling her mother that she needed to visit a few places around town, she stepped onto her front porch to see a crumpled note lying on the ground. She picked it up and stuffed it in her bag as a Jolteon appeared around the corner.

"Have you seen an Eevee pass by here?" he asked quickly, likely since he was in a hurry.

"no, I'm sorry, I only just came outside," Jo said, politely. The Jolteon nodded, and ran past. Jo took the paper out of her bag and uncrumpled it. On the note was a quickly scribbled map. It seemed to be a map of the town. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be an arrow pointing a certain section of the park. Jo knew what it was pointing to: the big tree where she had found her treasure in.

Things were starting to get dangerous.

She loved it.

The little Snivy ran as fast as her legs could carry her to the center of town, which was quite fast, considering she was a Snivy.

Here it is... Out of breath, she stopped at the base of a tall, sturdy tree with a wide trunk. After inspecting the base of the tree, and all over its gnarled roots, she climbed up into its branches.

She inspected the place where she had found her treasure, where it had been wrapped tightly around a thick branch.


Disappointed, she turned and was about to climb back down, when she noticed that the section of tree trunk in front of her looked rather...off. She put a hand up to it, and ran her hand across the rough surface. Surprisingly, a section of the bark gave way, swinging of silent hinges, revealing the tree to be hollow.

A secret door! Jo looked inside, and found a rope ladder to climb down with. Excited, she hurried inside, closing the door behind her. The Snivy hurried down in the dark as fast as she could. At one point, she slipped, and fell from the ladder, but she had been on the bottom rung, so she didn't fall far before landing softly on the ground.

Next came a long tunnel. Jo kept a hand on the wall as she walked forward in the dark. The ground seemed to slope down, but quickly staightened out before rising sharple.

Jo hit her head on something. She put her hand up and pushed, throwing open a trapdoor. Sunlight streamed in, and she emerged, blinking, into the fresh air.

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 04:31 (11 Years ago)
Patience, my friend. Patience is a virtue. But I only have 15 minutes left on the computer... *Starts furiously typing*

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 04:31 (11 Years ago)
Username: Death
Character name: Dijiri
Age: Egg (Unborn)
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Appearance: When she hatches, she'll grow quite fast, until she's about the size of a horse, then her growth rate will slow drastically. She'll keep growing after that at a slow and steady pace until an adult.

Personality: She's rather quiet and reserved, but can talk for quite a while if the subject needs to go into depth. For the most part, though, she's a dragon of few words, preferring to watch rather than get involved, although she won't hesitate to step forward if action is needed. Her train of thought is usually quite complex, and she likes to think both in details and of the big picture at the same time. When she's silent, it's usually because she's thinking about something.
She usually thinks of things abstractly, making connections most others would overlook, but sometimes she gets too focused on one thing, and forgets to count for her surrounding.
Her fur is quite sensitive and can pick up vibrations in the air, so she can't be easily sneaked up on, unless she's too focused on something, which is actually quite often, as her brain is always on the go.
History: To be RPed
Other: Her species of dragon flies using magic. She flies straight, but her lower body and tail wave behind her, making her flight path look squiggly and wavy, like a Chinese dragon.
Password: Rawr....

Username: Death
Character name: Madoka
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: (By the way, she also wears black denim skinny jeans.)

Personality: She doesn't usually talk to others unless she either knows the person, or is helping them do something, in which case she acts like quite the know-it-all. Sometimes she can be a bit rude without meaning to, but she's usually quite nice. She isn't very strong and doesn't have much stamina, but she makes that up with quick reflexes and a knowledge of pressure points.
History: She never had many friends, but what was lacking in numbers was made up in strength. The few friends she did have were very close to her and almost inseparable. The only time she really opened up was if someone took the time to care about her. The day she had to move away from her hometown, she was heartbroken and devastated, but secretly hopes she can find another person to fill the social gap she's developed over the move.
Other: At first she may come off as "goth" or "antisocial" because of her dark wardrobe and introverted personality, but in reality she just needs some alone time to refresh herself and just plainly prefers dark colors (for the most part).

Finally finished!

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 04:03 (11 Years ago)
I laughed at N. XD

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 03:56 (11 Years ago)
...would you murder me if I told you I have it written up in my FF notebook, but I'm just too lazy to type it up?

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 03:25 (11 Years ago)
Mess with tree, and I'll punch your face.

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 03:23 (11 Years ago)

I'm sorry, I just have nothing to say...

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 02:23 (11 Years ago)
Let me love you.

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Posted: Sun, 15/12/2013 17:17 (11 Years ago)
Shadras laughed. How long had it been since there had actually been something worth laughing at? Too long, probably. His life had just been one downward spiral after the next, he had forgotten what it felt like to have some fun.
He smiled at the girl. "No, it's fine. It's just some water. I'll live," he said. He grinned.
"I just find it kind of funny that you took the long way around. You know, instead of getting the bill out with an easier method. You know what? You can keep the money, just as long as you don't mind where I got it."

Saria grinned. "Because guess what? Where I'm from, there are tons of gijinkas, and nobody abuses us." She got excited, and had to restrain herself from jumping up and down. It was a passion of hers, bringing people to the Underground. There was nothing better than bringing someone with a hard life to a hidden paradise, an oasis in the desert, and knowing you were the one that put them there.
"And I could show it to you, if you want," she said proudly. "So whaddya say? Wanna come?"

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Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 03:47 (11 Years ago)
I finished making this guide picture thingy. The main purpose is if you don't have a picture for me to work with.

PM me this form for a pony commission if you don't have a picture:
Hair style:
Eye shape:
Cutie mark:
Medium: (Traditional or digital)

Use the guide I've posted above to fill out the form. ;)
If you do have a picture, simply PM me the picture and the desired pose, and also traditional vs digital.

@Terra and Comet: Adding you to the list!

EDIT: SORRY! I forgot to add traditional vs digital to the form! I just added it. Also, please do not worry about the quality of traditional work. I have a good scanner, and even edit in Photoshop to get better quality. I'd even say I'm better traditionally than I am digitally.

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Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 01:56 (11 Years ago)
Sorry I'm late to reply to this. X_X

I'm adding you to the list now. Also, I am now open to MLP requests! The first one you have me draw will be free, but every one after that will cost 500 Pokedollars, since I'm lazy and need motivation... Remember, traditionally done drawings will likely be done sooner than digitally. I can also do simple backgrounds, preferably on traditional because I love my colored pencils. T_T

I will soon get up a system on how to customize ponies, complete with a form. In the meantime, think about what pony you want me to draw!

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Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 01:25 (11 Years ago)
Accepted! Feel free to post in the RP while I update the list.

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Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 17:32 (11 Years ago)
Saria's face flushed a bit. "Well," she said, "maybe it's just me, but you look kinda like a gijinka." She scratched the back of her head.

"Not that they'res anything wrong with that!" She said quickly. "I'm perfectly okay if you are. I'm not against them or anything, because...well...I'm one too." For a second she thought that maybe she shouldn't have revealed her identity, but she was pretty sure he was gijinka, and one hybrid to the next, it's like a huge mumble-jumble family.

(Really wasn't sure where to go with Saria, so sorry if it's short.)

"Why yes, there is," Shadras said calmly. He pointed to a full glass of water in front of him that he had put a 20-dollar bill inside, then tipped upside down in a way that the water stayed in the glass. It was something that he did to people's glasses when they weren't looking, as sort of a prank.

"See that bill? I want to see you get it out. If you can get it out without spilling water everywhere, the money's yours to keep." The Glaceon girl reminded him of a friend he used to have. He probably wouldn't have bothered with the girl if she hadn't brought back those memories, but he needed something to do, anyways.

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Posted: Wed, 04/12/2013 00:21 (11 Years ago)
I laughed at Snape. XD

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