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Searching for: Posts from Riako.
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 18:37 (3 Years ago)
The consolation prize (5000 Event Points) has been distributed to everyone who participated but didn't win :)
Thanks everyone for participating, it was great seeing so many creative contributions again this year!

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Posted: Sat, 01/01/2022 22:57 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 30/12/2021 10:11 (3 Years ago)
It's back in your party.

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Posted: Mon, 13/12/2021 20:08 (3 Years ago)
The retro egg vouchers from the sale have now been distributed. Sorry for the delay.

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Posted: Fri, 10/12/2021 14:54 (3 Years ago)
Try changing your E-Mail address in your settings; perhaps you're receiving them on an old E-Mail account.

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Posted: Thu, 02/12/2021 11:49 (3 Years ago)
You always pay in advance, so the 100 PD are consumed instantly and your Pokemon start breeding/gaining EXP for the following 60 minutes. But since the balance instantly drops to 0 because of this, you receive a notification.

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Posted: Tue, 30/11/2021 08:45 (3 Years ago)

Shellos (North) and Shellos (South) now have the rarity "Rare" (before: "Event"). This means that these two Pokémon can now also be adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab.
Breeding them is now also easier.

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Posted: Sat, 20/11/2021 14:43 (3 Years ago)
The payments aren't handled by PokeHeroes but by our partner Xsolla. We have absolutely no control over how their interface works.
I do strongly believe, however, that there is confirmation necessary once the amount is a bit higher. I'm not 100% sure, but at least my own credit card always requires some sort of extra authentication when the amount is higher than about 10-20$.

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Posted: Fri, 12/11/2021 15:08 (3 Years ago)
Kaisa: It applies to all places of PH.

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 15:48 (3 Years ago)
You'll get your vouchers later, sorry for forgetting :)

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 06:11 (3 Years ago)
The boost has been added to the Pokeradar page for better clarification:

@SonicAndTheBlackKnight: I changed your selection :)

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 00:00 (3 Years ago)
Sinnoh Event

Celebrating Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

The remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl will be released worldwide on November 19, and I bet you are just as excited as I am! Personally, the Sinnoh game will always have a special place in my heart. Although it was by far not my first Pokémon game (funnily, Pokémon Colloseum was), it was still the one I spent most time on. This, and probably the first Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games.
Anyway! Celebrating this release, we are hosting a great Sinnoh Event on PokéHeroes over the next two to three weeks! Here's what's going on:

Shellos Event Distribution

Two new Shellos variants have recently been spotted near Emera Beach: Shellos (North) and Shellos (South). Although Emera's leading scientist, Professor Rowan, is convinced that these are just "regular Shellos who swam a bit too far south, or north respectively", trainers of Emera Town are quite excited to see that these Shellos variants look quite unique and even have an unusual Pokémon type.
There are still many open questions surrounding these new variants - so why not help us find out more about them by adopting your own Shellos (North) or Shellos (South) egg in our new Event Distribution!

[ Event Distribution ]

Pokémon BD / SP Raffle

<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/diamondpearlremakes.png?v3" style="width: 50%">

Thanks to your financial support over the past few months with nugget purchases, we are now able to raffle 2 Download codes for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl for the Nintendo Switch on their release date!
All you have to do is sign up for free on our raffle page before November 19th. The winners will be announced and notified on the release date.

Thanks again to everyone who supports PokéHeroes by purchasing Nuggets - you help us keep this site running and enable us to even use a certain surplus for events like these!

[ Raffle ]

Sinnoh Sale

Speaking of Nuggets: If you don't yet know what to use your own Nuggets for, how about you check out our new Sinnoh Sale! All Event Passes for Sinnoh-based Event Pokémon are now on sale in combination with premium membership.

[ Sinnoh Event Pass Sale ]

Boosted Shiny Chance for Sinnoh Pokémon

During this special Sinnoh event, all Sinnoh Pokémon hatching from eggs have a 20% higher shiny chance! This includes shiny hunting via PokéRadar. Your maximum shiny chance is increased by 20% if you're hunting a Sinnoh Pokémon.
What is your favourite Sinnoh Shiny? Let us know!

Note that this does not include Emera Pokémon based on Sinnoh-Pokémon. It only applies to Pokémon where their base stage is listed under "Sinnoh" in the PokéDex.

Happy hunting and good luck!

Sinnoh Event Plushies

The legendary Sinnoh Pokémon Dialga and Palkia are now available in a Plushie Event Distribution! You can choose which one you'd like after completing the Dream Point spending goal.
And not only that: Every fifth plushie from this distribution is a shiny variant!

On top of that, new and limited Sinnoh-based Event Pokémon have been added to the Dream World Shop:

We hope you enjoy this special Sinnoh month, as well as the new Pokémon remakes!

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Posted: Fri, 05/11/2021 12:23 (3 Years ago)
You claim the reward on the badge page. Have you tried that?

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Posted: Fri, 05/11/2021 11:38 (3 Years ago)
The last day is included

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Posted: Thu, 04/11/2021 23:14 (3 Years ago)
This page is being references but does not yet exist:

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Posted: Sun, 24/10/2021 07:45 (3 Years ago)
Thanks to everyone who provided positive feedback in this thread as well! It's very encouraging to hear that there are also many who like the idea of this new reward, just the way as I intended ^_^

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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 13:39 (3 Years ago)
Akemie: It's alright, I don't mean to argue with you or anyone. This is a game, after all... :)
But anyway, I do still get how you (or your friends) are feeling. I think the problem is what I mentioned earlier:

Quote from RiakoI think the problem is that the reward simply exists - which makes everyone want to get it. People think they deserve the reward simply because it's available?

The problem seems to be that everyone thinks they need to get it; and if they don't get it, they don't consider that fair. (And like I also said, if we're all being very honest, we don't really want there to be hundreds of SM Cursed Rapidash on site, do we? ... If we're being honest, we want that we ourselves own it but everyone else doesn't. Because the more users own it, the less it's worth. Compare it to the shiny Easter Event reward, for example. It's worth basically nothing.)
And that, however, I do now understand and will consider more in the future. I thought it's nice to add a new reward for our absolute hardcore players (who usually get bored after 3-4 days into an event when they've collected everything); but apparently this might demotivate those users who this reward wasn't even made for. Like I said, you don't need to have it...

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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 13:18 (3 Years ago)
Quote from AkemieRiako I think you forgot that not everyone has hours and hours of time daily to click for that.

If you are not able to be active enough, why should you deserve a super rare prize which is aimed mostly to hardcore players...? Do you really want a shiny mega which literally everyone else owns? Where's the point in that?
If you don't have that much time, then just work towards the regular mega-able. That's what it's there for.

Also please stop implying that this is a paywall feature or anything. Like I said earlier, we're actually saving you from a huge paywall here - because the alternative is shiny mega hunting it from the event shop.
When I added the Dream Points to be a possibility for getting Sweets I frankly didn't even consider the nuggets behind it. I just thought it's a nice and fun way, because people like the Dream Shop and like to be encouraged sending plushies...
I personally really couldn't care less about the "DOLLARS" you mentioned in your post. We need money to run this site; but I personally have a well paying RL job and haven't touched a single penny from PH over the last few years. Not to mention that I'm the opposite of a money driven person; if anything, I'm inspired by minimalism... But anyway, I really don't see why this should be anyone's business.
I think it's a bit rude to imply that this is about money, when instead we tried to create new possibilities and new rewards which aren't boring to hardcore players on day 3.

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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 13:11 (3 Years ago)
Chewydabacca: Let's first wait how this event plays out over the next few days. I think there'll be plenty of users who get the SM (with hard work; not talking about spending nuggets). Plenty more than necessary, to be honest. Again: Shiny mega event.

I think the problem is that the reward simply exists - which makes everyone want to get it. People think they deserve the reward simply because it's available? Which no, it shouldn't... I can't say it often enough, but it's a shiny mega. The alternative is a very long and extremely expensive shiny mega hunt.
We didn't need to give you this (again: doable!) option. But I thought it's a very kind (and motivating/challenging) opportunity. Honestly, take it or leave it... But if you don't want to put in the effort for it, then there's plenty of other rewards available in this event which are aimed exactly to players like you.

I'd understand if we were talking about a Pokemon that everyone needs to - for example - complete their dex. A Pokemon which everyone should get. But no, we're not talking about this. We're talking about something completely optional; something that should have a very very high value and should be owned by a small number of people.

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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 13:02 (3 Years ago)
Quote from MelonNoodleRiako, you contradict your own words. You say not everyone has time for that many interatcions, yet you encourage people to do between 10-50k interactions per day.

I didn't mean that we want to encourage everyone to make 50k per day. Otherwise I'd be saying that we want everyone to have the SM Event. And no, that's not what we want, obviously. You have to keep in mind that it's still a shiny mega. It still needs to be super rare. What's the alternative? Exactly: Shiny mega hunting it. Well good luck with that... At least we are giving you a doable hard challenge to get it without going through a SM hunt... The SM is certainly not a reward we want to give to everyone. Only to hardcore players, that's true.
But still we don't want players, who make 100-times more interactions than others (i.e. hardcore players) to have 100-times more rewards (or reward points) than casual players. We want them to have - let's say - 5-times (arbitrarily chosen number) as much rewards. Still higher, of course, as they put in more effort, but not so high that it'd unbalance things greatly.

Quote from MelonNoodleAt least PLEASE STOP rolling back upgrades and levels every Halloween! This would make this event much more fair than it is now!

It would be fairer to you, maybe, but not to newer players. Imagine you are a newer player; wouldn't you also want the same (or at least almost same) chance as an experienced player? We certainly don't want to discourage new players from enjoying the game.
Plus, the skill level isn't reset entirely. It is reduced to 20% of your progress, so you are rewarded for being a long-time active member. Just not in an unfair way.

Quote from MelonNoodle150k Candies is ridiculous amount

Imo, it's not - like I said, the alternative is: Shiny mega hunt it. We didn't need to give you this opportunity; but we felt like it's a nice way so people can still get it. (Without spending money, by the way. I've also seen the mention of a "paywall" somewhere, and honestly this confuses me even more? There'd be a strong paywall if we made you shiny-mega hunt it from the Event Shop; but instead you can now gain it with hard work....)

Quote from MelonNoodleespecially knowing it's shorter than last few years.

It's actually one day longer than last year's Halloween event... It started one day earlier and has the same end date.

Quote from MelonNoodleLet everybody have a chance at shiny mega, and not just people willing to break their fingers/with too much money to spend on Dream Points.

Chance, yes. I think everyone does have the chance. But you have to show effort. Again, this is a shiny mega event.

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