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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from LesbianPossum.
Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 23:48 (5 Years ago)
The gym leader took a few steps back and gave a nervous smile. “Easy now....” she mumbled. “I can’t answer so many questions.”

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 23:40 (5 Years ago)
Autumn looked up and smiled lightly. “Autumn Taeshi. Who are you?” She had her hands in her pockets, violet eyes watching him cautiously.

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 22:00 (5 Years ago)
Zuki wasn’t looking at them, gritting her teeth. She was locked in a fight with a woman with short black hair and yellow eyes, electricity buzzing off her skin.

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 13:41 (5 Years ago)
Maya was standing back a bit, clutching her staff. She was looking towards the origin of Zuki’ s shout.

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 12:22 (5 Years ago)
She grimaced, biting back a sharp reply. The gym leader, Autumn, opened the door the rest of the way. She looked concerned. “You’re still pretty injured, Cherri.” She murmured, looking down at the new trainer. “You shouldn’t have come back to work so early.”
“Doesn’t matter.” Cherri grumbled, though her side felt like it was on fire. “There were new trainers piling up and I needed to be there to help.”

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 02:58 (5 Years ago)
There was a sharp yelp from Cherri and she kind of pressed against the doorframe, a hand over her side.

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 02:38 (5 Years ago)
Cherri, oddly, didn’t reply. She bit her lip and let out a long sigh.
There was a knock at the door which perked her up. She quickly trotted over, walking almost on her toes in a quick and quiet manner. She cracked open the door to show a familiar woman. Sean would have seen her on tv, she was known for being a strong gym leader. In this region, the gyms were themed, rather than typed, and classy punk ruled this woman’s gym. Her poison, dark, ghost, and ice types could throw you for a loop if you weren’t prepared. Her dark violet eyes and short black hair could be seen as she spoke softly to Cherri.

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 02:02 (5 Years ago)
“A boy.” She turned and gently pulled the Pokédex that was held in the dragon pokemon’s teeth.
“This is for you. Go ahead and try it out on him!” Cherri chirped. She paused for a moment, distracted. Her gaze was clouded.

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 01:58 (5 Years ago)
There was a scream from where Zuki had been.

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Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 01:48 (5 Years ago)
The professor smiled, sending out the small white Pokémon with a toss. “Take good care of it, Sean.” Her tone was warm. There was a low bellow from behind her as her druddigon let out a low grumble, shuffling up behind her, despite it towering over her, she smiled up at it. It had the Pokédex gently held in it’s teeth and stared down at Sean intently.

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Posted: Sat, 24/08/2019 18:13 (5 Years ago)
There was a soft shuffle ahead of you as a short, red headed female rummaged through a box. “I’m sorry..” she murmured softly with annoyance. “I wasn’t expecting anymore new trainers.”
The young Pokémon professor grimaced and pulled up three poke balls. “I only have these three left. Vulpix, from the alolan reigon, Bulbasaur from Kanto, and a Froakie. Everything else has been taken.” She sighed. “I’m sorry, I wish I had been aware of this.”

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Posted: Sat, 24/08/2019 13:38 (5 Years ago)
There was a long sigh from Zuki, who stood a few feet away from the stadium. She was ready for what she’d been paid to do. Her teeth grit as her concience picked at her for what she was going to do like a crow at roadkill, and she gripped the hilt of her wire whip with stubborn determination.

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 02:14 (5 Years ago)
“Because you’re not the only ones. Tsuuya and I were looking for others.”

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 01:17 (5 Years ago)
Tami sighed. “The voices.”

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2019 02:39 (5 Years ago)
The girl quickly raised her gaze to them. “My name is Tami.” She murmured softly. “You all woke up to those people, right?”

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2019 02:29 (5 Years ago)
There was a soft sigh from the girl.

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Posted: Fri, 09/08/2019 01:44 (5 Years ago)
(The new girl, Hidan? She doesn’t know anyone but she does know how to help with injuries)

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Posted: Fri, 09/08/2019 00:01 (5 Years ago)
(NPCs foo, she’s important to the plot which NEEDS to get back on track lol)

The little girl spoke up softly. “I...I can help.” Her voice was weak, like someone who hadn’t had water in days.

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Posted: Thu, 08/08/2019 23:17 (5 Years ago)
Out of the shadows stepped a young girl, walking towards them slowly. Her dark blue eyes were wide with worry as she approached.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2019 11:47 (5 Years ago)
Tsuuya kind of gave an amused snort. Despite being free to move since the field was down, he was still sitting crosslegged where he had been left.

He glanced around for a moment, confusion in his eyes. Vexan still was missing.

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