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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Death.
Posted: Fri, 17/01/2014 04:49 (11 Years ago)
Added you! Sorry it took so long, I've been busy with homework. >_>

Also, finished a MLP commission! I would have uploaded it sooner, but Pokeheroes was down for a bit, so I couldn't get on.

For ForestKitty:

Hope you like it, this is what my traditional work looks like.

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2014 04:43 (11 Years ago)
End date! That's what I forgot! *smacks self* Probably Feburary 20th, but subject to change. I might make it April 1st. I'll update on this...

Uploading on Miiverse.

Also found this on SD card upload. Dropbox sounds like a good idea. (Although you might have to turn the 3D off on the slider for the picture to be compatible, not entirely sure.)

EDIT: End date is April 1st. Trying to give Ufimtsev some time to pick up New Leaf (if you want, not trying to pressure you into anything), and for everyone to get some costumes together.

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2014 04:33 (11 Years ago)
Updated! Just added a few minor details, like not being allowed to cosplay as someone whose full costume already is available as clothing in the game.

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2014 04:07 (11 Years ago)
Aww, sorry about your DS. I hope you get New Leaf in the future. The QR pattern scanning is amazing.

Updating the list now...

EDIT: I've decided to host a cosplay contest! Two, in fact. The first is an original cosplay contest, the second is a free cosplay contest.

Original - You must make at least one original pattern to wear, whether it be a shirt, hat, dress, or even a decorative floor tile. (Your own pattern will weigh the most in the judging.) You are not allowed to use anyone else's patterns.
-Winner gets three full baskets of perfect apples.
-Runner up gets one full basket of perfect apples.

Free - You are free use any pattern you find online (as well as your own), as long as you can find it.
-Winner gets one full basket of perfect apples.
-Runner up gets a basket of three perfect apples.

Remember you're free to use any Able Sister's accessories. ;)
If your native fruit is apples, feel free to plant your winnings and make a profit. If you have another kind of perfect fruit, someone is almost always willing to trade for another kind. (Each apple sells for 3,000 bells, so a full basket makes 27,000 bells. Might want to aim for first place and sell those apples.)

Putting all necessary information in the second post.

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2014 15:04 (11 Years ago)
I know the getting kicked off feeling all too well. I'll add you to the list as soon as I get onto a real computer.

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2014 01:36 (11 Years ago)
I nearly died of suffocation at the Diglett. XD

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2014 00:38 (11 Years ago)
Sorry I've been gone! Too busy with watching Fairy Tail, I'm addicted to that show now. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME, TRISTRAM?! D:

Okay, I'll add you to the list right away.

And here's a Miiverse post of me AC cosplaying as Elsa!

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2014 00:29 (11 Years ago)
Screw my past wishes! I wish to be a Fairy Tail fire dragon slayer like Natsu! T_T

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Posted: Sun, 12/01/2014 03:55 (11 Years ago)
I wish I could shapeshift. Into a dragon, preferably. *nod*

But for Pokeheroes, I wish I could join/come up with the perfect roleplay that would never go inactive. *sigh...*

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Posted: Fri, 10/01/2014 22:57 (11 Years ago)
We actually had a comicon near where I live, and there was this guy who looked EXACTLY like ten! I saw him and was all like OMG FREAKING DAVID TENNANT CAME TO COMICON! But then when I got close enough to hear him talk, his voice didn't sound like ten at all...and then the sad truth hit me... I would show a picture, but my phone is one of those weird ones that doesn't save the picture unless you hit the save button after taking it. I lost so many photos that way. T_T

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Posted: Fri, 10/01/2014 22:07 (11 Years ago)
I want to see Scootaloo fly, too! >_> I'm not sure if it's just my iPod, but I haven't been able to work on Comet's Ponysona because images aren't showing up. :U As soon as I get it figured out I plan to start drawing, since I got a new set of colored pencils and stopped going inactive on Pokeheroes.

Adding you guys to the list when I get on a real computer. ;)

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2014 05:48 (11 Years ago)
(Just a bit confused on what time period this is in... Like, is it modern-day?)

Madoka shifted the white stone over and over in her hands. It always felt warm, like it had been sitting under a hot sun for a few hours. The almost perfectly round surface shimmered like fish scales in the sun. She had found the stone during the move, when they had taken a rest stop in a small town. It was just lying on the side of the road, and she had picked it up almost unconsciously.

While her parents simply acknowledged it as a shiny rock, Madoka felt that it held meaning. Several times her mother had tried to convince her to leave it behind, saying that there were tons of rocks she could pick up when they reached the new house, but Madoka couldn't bring herself to get rid of it.

"Madoka, go help you mom with unpacking the kitchen," her father told her, snapping her out of a daydream. "Put the rock down, you can pick it up again later." Madoka realized that she had been absentmindedly stroking the smooth stone, and hesitantly put it in her messenger bag, a little embarrassed. They had only been "moved in" for a day so far, and today was their second day here. Much of their belongings were still in boxes, and it was a bit overwhelming to be in a new house, having to find places to put things.

Suddenly, Madoka thought she heard something. It was more of a feeling, really, pulling her outside.

"I need to go check on something, I'll be right back!" she called, not waiting for a reply from her parents. She dashed out the door, following the tugging sensation. People around her were running in panic, but she didn't seem to notice much. It wasn't long before she stopped, panting, in front of a large dragon, colored deep scarlet. Madoka stood in awe. She knew that as part of growing up, she should have stopped believing in fairy tales, but the child inside of her had never come to accept that. And now, it was standing in front of her, flesh and blood. She almost thought she would cry with joy.

(Sorry it's so long, I got carried away.)

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 04:38 (11 Years ago)
I came *this* close... MY THROAT BURNS FROM HOLDING IT IN.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 04:34 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 04:32 (11 Years ago)

Page 6

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 00:26 (11 Years ago)
Actually, the one-type challenge seems pretty interesting... I might try it after I finish this round of Nuzlocke.

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Posted: Thu, 26/12/2013 03:50 (11 Years ago)
Still no...

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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 16:21 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 16:07 (11 Years ago)
Also, I'd like to remind everyone that you're open to have as many characters as you'd like, just make sure you (and everyone else) can keep up with them. I'm thinking about making a villain/bad character, but I don't know since I already have two.

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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 16:05 (11 Years ago)
(*Deeeeeeep breath*

Shadras (me) and Lucy (Celestial) are inside a small diner, Lucy just spilled water everywhere trying to do a bar trick for Shadras. Jared (Finhawk) and Saria (me again) are outside, and Saria just finished telling him about the Underground, where the humans and gijinkas live together peacefully. Caelan (Sadimastika) and Drew (Moonlight) are also on the street having a little chat, kind of opening up to each other.

Pheeeew! I hope I didn't leave anything too important out, feel free to add anything.)

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