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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 01:40 (11 Years ago)
(Nightclaw)Nightclaw looked over at the worriosrs den Beautywing he was not expecting to come out for a bit and he knew that Slitherfang went to sleep early and he doesn't get up till about sun high."Slitherfang is such a spoiler worrior. Hey Leafkit can you do me a favor?"

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 01:28 (11 Years ago)
(Nightclaw)"I hope you do maybe today later after i get more sleep because i have been tired ever sense i got back or another day before you become a worrior i can train you in some different forms of senseing and see if your are compatible with any."

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 01:25 (11 Years ago)
(Team Magama member)come with me to are jail and the wrath of the fire types will not be unleashed on you!

Red thought would they really burn him?

"go on in fur i'll jump in after" Mudshot said as he strugled to keep the door open."

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 00:44 (11 Years ago)
(Nightclaw) "go ahead and watch me you might learn a thing or to considering i have learned almost every way to sight an intruder before they even show them selves"
((don't try and sneak attack him he will know that your there before you even show yourself))

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 00:40 (11 Years ago)
Mudshot hurried over to the Team Magma base and saw that the door was broken so it wouldn't open "I have a way to fix this" Mudshot then proceeds to pry open the doors.
Red wonders what am i to do if the intruder comes in here? i can't send out a water type i would be accused of being a Team Aqua spy.

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 00:31 (11 Years ago)
(Necrostar)"Hopefully it will this is the plan. We take out Nightclaw then i take out Masterstar leaveing no good deputies and sense Beautywing can't make up here mind before time runs out LegendClans wrath is released on LeafClan leaveing one clan down and 1 more official one to go."

(Poisonhorn)was just about to fall a sleep on watch when a semi-sleepy Mightclaw came out of the worriors den "Hey Nightclaw could you take over watch for me before i fall asleep on watch?"

(Nightclaw) "Sure my plesure i'll tell you what happened after we both get some good rest"

Poisonhorn and Nightclaw then proceeded to swap places so Poisonhorn could get some sleep

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 00:25 (11 Years ago)
Red decided against releaseing a water type pokemon in a romm filled with fire type extremists.
Mudshot sensed that some one was in trouble he had a nack for stuff like that "Hey Fur wake up!I have something that I want you to help me with."

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 00:19 (11 Years ago)
((its fine))
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Seriuosly ShadeClan base is in the caves in the darkened moutains

(Necrostar) "None at the moment i did acquire a spy into LeafClans base he is known as Slitherfang"

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 23:43 (11 Years ago)
((accepted! a fellow Shadeclan member glad to have one!))
(Necrostar)"So what do you wish to speak with me about?"

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 22:13 (11 Years ago)
(Necrostar)"You wished to speak with me?"

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 21:07 (11 Years ago)
Base Pokémon: mew
Pokémon 2: Celibie(the little grass time traveling legendary i forgot how you spell its name)
Colour: Celibie

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 19:47 (11 Years ago)
(Nightclaw)when Nightclaw made it back to camp he was so tired he just went to the warriors den ploped down on his bed and went to sleep

((Just relized this Leafclan has 2 Medicine pokemon XD that might need to be changed))
(Roseclaw) went back to her den in the medicine Pokemon den and went to sleep

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 19:28 (11 Years ago)
(Nightclaw) "We should probably follow them."

(Roseclaw) "we should lets go."

(Poisonhorn) Poisonhorn then saw Masterstar and Beautywing flying back Poisonhorn knew not to try and talk about the gathering to them they would always say if we wanted you to know you would have went so she would have to wait for Nightclaw or Roseclaw to get up at sun rise to get the info.

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 19:21 (11 Years ago)
mudshot went back to his box put it were it was before and wen't to take a nap

then Rob proceeded to show what each person was doing why and were everything was that he needed to know just when rob finished an alarm went off
then everyone pretty much dropped what they were doing sent out there pokemon and headed towards the only elevator that goes down to the base

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 19:14 (11 Years ago)
(Red)"Once again so i know what was happening while i was tinkering with my apercorn. WHAT DID YOU 2 DO?!?!?"
((ok will do also how do you guys like Arcanines POV?))

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 19:09 (11 Years ago)
((yep thats what its called because thats what i said it was earlier when Poisonhorn and Leafkit were talkin))

(Icystar) "Good to hear Icystar! I guess this means meeting is over you may go back to your clans."Icystar then started back towards here clan. Bluepelt soon followed

(Poisonhorn)Poisonhorn was sitting near the entrance when she heard something. "Oh i wish i could sense stuff like Nightclaw and Roseclaw. Then i could make out who is there but Roseclaw refused to teach me." then she heard the sound again now standing being very observant she hissed "Who goes there! Show yourself" but no one or nothing responded.

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 19:01 (11 Years ago)

(Arcanine)Arcanine kept pulling and pulling the sled as fast as he could knowing if he slowed down Regirock would catch up to them if he didn't.

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 18:56 (11 Years ago)
((Ok the more the merrier the clans do seem a little small compared to in the books.))
(Icystar) "Are you gonna go up Masterstar?" Icystar whispered to Masterstar

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 18:53 (11 Years ago)
(Red)"Great what did you guys DO?!?!" shouts at Jimmy and John

(Arcanine)Arcanine wastes no time going for the sled and getting everyone in it Ninetails and Luxio helped but Luxio fell behind a little compared to him and Ninetails.

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2013 18:46 (11 Years ago)
((when ever you feel it would be best Story))
(Icystar)"Good, who is the new ally?"

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