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Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 00:00 (2 Years ago)
Town-wide hunt for Zeraora

Attention residents and trainers of Emera Town, we have breaking news for you:
The mysterious Pokémon from the Alola-Region, Zeraora, has been sighted near the Town Square of our beloved town! It hides in the shadows and apparently watches trainers interacting with their Pokémon. It seems to be attracted by love and kind gestures - so let's show Zeraora that our town is the most warm-hearted one in the country!

How to meet Zeraora:
Zeraora will appear randomly in your Userbar while you're interacting. The more interactions you make, the higher are your chances to meet it.

It might take a thousand interactions, sometimes even ten thousand or more until you meet it - so you'll need a little luck and patience!
Once Zeraora appears in your userbar, it will stay there until you click on it and claim its gift.
There is a new gift option available this year! You can choose between a Zeraora egg and a Zeraora plushie.

This event ends on April 3rd 2022, at 11:59PM.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I have more than one Zeraora in my userbar?
A: No.

Q: Can I get more than one Zeraora during this event?
A: Yes, it's theoretically unlimited.

Q: Do clicklists count?
A: Yes, all interactions count. Training, feeding, clicklists, free hugs on the Index-Page... everything! Also all kinds of interactions give you the same chance to find Zeraora. Feeding a berry does not increase your chances.

Q: Do my interactions for this event reset at midnight?
A: As said, there is a random chance of finding Zeraora after every interaction. There is no counter that has to reach a limit or whatever. The chances are the same after each interaction.

Q: Does Zeraora automatically disappear from my userbar?
No, Zeraora will stay in your userbar until you claim its gift (i.e. the egg) or until the event ends. Even when you try to claim the egg while your party is full, it will still stay there and wait for you to come back.

Q: Does Zeraora break my shiny chain?
A: No.

Q: Can Zeraora be shiny hunted?
A: Since it does not count towards your PokéRadar, it can not be hunted.

Q: Is Zeraora shiny locked?
No, it's not. In fact, it has a considerably higher shiny chance than most regular Pokémon on PokéHeroes!

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2022 20:07 (2 Years ago)
Why do you check your Last Action as a guest before logging in....?

Either way, your chain will not be restored as it is 100% impossible that this was a bug causes by the site. The code doesn't just adopt random lab Pokemon for offline users. Either you accidentally did it (happened to me too in the past), or you used weak account protection and someone else logged into your account.

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2022 15:16 (2 Years ago)
This has now been fixed

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2022 14:10 (2 Years ago)

Update #1: Forum
- Posting in the forum and creating new threads now requires Trainerlevel 5+. This is to prevent (a recently increasing influx of) ad bots spamming our forums. The "Help", "Bugs/Complaints" and "Introduce yourself" subforums are an exception to this rule.
- You can view a user's forum posts by clicking on their forum post count - next to their post.

Update #2: Country Flags
New country flags have been added for the following countries:
Bhutan, Ecuador, Guyana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Isle of Man, Jordan, Mauritius, Panama, St. Lucia, Scotland, Taiwan, Tonga, UAE, Kosovo, Maldives, Morocco, Myanmar, Puerto Rico, Wales.
Special thanks to Nightscheme for creating these flags!

Update #3: Storage backgrounds
6 new storage backgrounds are now available. These are the winning entries of our recent storage box contest.
<table style="position: relative; margin: auto"><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Akemie</td><td>Furret</td><td>kelbunny13</td></tr><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><tr><td>kitkat</td><td>~Torracat~</td><td>Zolipop</td></tr></tr>

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Posted: Mon, 14/03/2022 12:40 (2 Years ago)
Did you try typing it out and posting it, instead of copy+pasting?

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Posted: Mon, 14/03/2022 12:25 (2 Years ago)
What's the text you tried to share as a feed?

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Posted: Mon, 14/03/2022 12:18 (2 Years ago)
Can you share the feed here which you tried to post? It's not fully visible on your video. Maybe it was too long. The length check isn't performed properly (by most browsers) when you copy+paste text into a text input field, so you aren't shown an automatic warning.

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Posted: Wed, 09/03/2022 10:37 (2 Years ago)

Oricorio (Ballet) and Oricorio (Charleston) have been added to the Event Shop.

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2022 15:17 (2 Years ago)

Update #1: Voltorb (Hisuian) can now evolve into Electrode (Hisuian) using a Leaf Stone.

+ =>

It is also breedable now. Note, however, that it (currently) breeds like an Event Pokémon, i.e. it will mostly produce regular Voltorb eggs. If/How this changes in the future remains to be determined - we will first need to wait and see how the other Hisuian Pokémon will be added to PokéHeroes.

Update #2: New plushies!

Update #3: Eiscue can now change its forme to Eiscue (Noice). In order for that to happen, you need to melt some ice.

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Posted: Sun, 27/02/2022 12:03 (3 Years ago)
This bug has now been fixed.
The daycare timer for all eggs affected by this (which have not been released to the Tall Grass yet) has been reset to 24 hours.

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Posted: Thu, 24/02/2022 16:56 (3 Years ago)
Also I'm pretty sure that the nature affects its taste, i.e. which berries it wants to eat.

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Posted: Wed, 23/02/2022 13:45 (3 Years ago)

Update#1: Cherose (Requited) and Cherose (Unrequited) have been added to the Event Shop!

Update #2: Zorua can now hatch with a mega-ability!

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Posted: Fri, 04/02/2022 09:30 (3 Years ago)
Quote from TbnrfanHow many interactions do you need to get Kyrem

At least one, but most likely more.

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Posted: Thu, 03/02/2022 17:57 (3 Years ago)
It's what Yatsukawa said

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Posted: Thu, 03/02/2022 15:36 (3 Years ago)
Yes, it works on mobile

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Posted: Thu, 03/02/2022 09:56 (3 Years ago)
This thread is only for reference in case you don't know how the event usually works. It's a thread from 2020.
The news post on the index page says that the current iteration ends on February 17th.

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Posted: Sat, 08/01/2022 17:41 (3 Years ago)

Yamask (Galarian) now evolves into Runerigus at level 34.


(Unfortunately, it was not possible to implement its original evolutionary method from the games, i.e. "the player travels under the stone bridge in Dusty Bowl after Yamask takes at least 49 HP in damage (even if healed) without fainting.". That's just too wild.)

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Posted: Thu, 06/01/2022 14:26 (3 Years ago)

Calyrex can now take a ride on Glastrier and Spectrier!

In order to unlock this new feature, you need the item "Reins of Unity" (Key Item). It is given to you by Professor Rowan after unlocking the EggDex entries of Glastrier, Spectrier and Calyrex. You can then place your Calyrex together with a Glastrier/Spectrier in your party and let it have a (permanent) ride!

The shiny version requires a shiny Calyrex.

(I swear there's a difference)

At the moment, shiny Glastrier and shiny Spectrier cannot be used for this fusion.

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Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 19:37 (3 Years ago)

Diancie (Emera) has been added to the Event Shop.
Its egg group has also been changed to "Legendary", meaning it can breed just like the Dex Reward Legendaries. Unlike other Event Pokémon, Diancie (Emera) only produces event eggs and will never produce regular Diancie eggs.

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Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 19:18 (3 Years ago)
2020 Statistics

The server has just finished calculating the statistics of the past year, compared to the statistics of 2020!

Color code:
< -15% || -15% to +5% || +5% to +25% || > +25%

2021 in numbers


Available PokéDex Entries: 1,584 (↗ 71 Entries)
Adoptions: 3.75 Million (↘ 8%)
Shinies hatched: 41.6 Thousand (↘ 8%)
Pokémon with Mega-Ability hatched: 27.1 Thousand (↗ 6%)
Shadow Pokémon caught: 12.7 Thousand (↘ 54%)
Tall Grass Adoptions: 228.8 Thousand (↗ 16%)
Honeytree catches: 21.4 Thousand (↘ 2%)
Safari Adoptions: 13.1 Thousand (↗ 1%)
Most common Pokémon: Combee, Eevee, Gyarados
Rarest Pokémon: Magearna (Master Ball) (7), Spectrier (13), Magearna (Ultra Ball) (14), Glastrier (19)


New Members: 24.5 Thousand (↗ 26%)
Most Online Members: 417 (2021-03-11)
Shared Feeds: 333.1 Thousand (↘ 13%)
Feed Comments: 256.2 Thousand (↘ 14%)
Forum Posts: 150.5 Thousand (↘ 51%)
Pal Pad Messages: 3.43 Million (↘ 5%)

Dream World

Gifted Plushies: 680.3 Thousand (↗ 21%)
New released Plushies: 49 (↗ 20%)
Most popular Plushies: Magikarp, Minior, Caterpie
Dream Points spent: 38.4 Million (↗ 19%)
Dream Point Tasks fulfilled: 1.83 Million (↗ 16%)


Regular Event Distributions: 21 (↗ 110%)
Total Activity Points collected: 404.8 Million (↗ 96%)
Frosty Kyurem Egg Adoptions: 1,383 (↗ 13%)
Summer Time Shaymin Egg Adoptions: 1,666 (↗ 22%)
Zeraora Egg Adoptions: 1,856 (↗ 31%)
Easter Event Eggs found: 32.4 Thousand (↘ 2%)
Trick or Treats: 100.9 Thousand (↗ 14%)
Advent Calendar Doors opened: 29.3 Thousand (↘ 4%)
Valentine's Day Cards: 10.7 Thousand (↗ 23%)
Sky Gifts: 36.0 Thousand (↗ 50%)
Christmas Gifts: 40.8 Thousand (↗ 1%)


Total Interactions: 1.002 Billion (↗ 2%)
Interaction Day Record 10,321,844 (2021-10-23)
Interactions with berries: 11.8 Million (↘ 10%)
Days with x2 Multiplier: 47 (↗ 7%)
Days with x3 Multiplier: 3 (↘ 62%)
Speed Click Events: 156 (↘ 7%)
Speed Click Goals reached: 67 (42.95%)
Total Interactions during SCEs: 31.3 Million (↘ 21%)

Game Center

Coinflips: 57.1 Million (↗ 28%)
Solved Hangmen: 849.7 Thousand (↗ 95%)
Lottery Winners: 15 (↘ 21%)
Spent Game Chips: 37.04 Billion (↗ 80%)


Total Page Views: 224.4 Million (↘ 4%)
News Posts published: 19 (↘ 21%)
Common Wealth (PokéDollar): 12.83 Billion (↗ 14%)
PokéDollar spent at Item Shop: 1.284 Billion (↘ 18%)
Finished Rumble Explorations: 3.00 Million (↘ 3%)
Collected Badges: 91.7 Thousand (↗ 17%)
Failed Tall Grass Searches: 660.0 Thousand (↗ 1%)
Furfrou Haircuts: 3,040 (↘ 6%)
Explored Royal Tunnel Levels: 3.30 Million (↘ 71%)
Wonder Trades: 174,648 (↘ 6%)
PokéDollar spent on tips at Los Seashellos: 4.04 Million (↗ 17%)

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