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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 18:22 (9 Years ago)
eyyy mind if i nab that cold rock .w.

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Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 02:01 (9 Years ago)

Title: May + upper post


A shiny Vivillon (Savanna Pattern) appeared in the Safari Zone!


A shiny Vivillon (Monsoon Pattern) appeared in the Safari Zone!


A mega-able Beldum hatched out of one of your eggs! (Chain #47)


A shiny Beldum hatched out of one of your eggs! (Chain #62)


Obtained Mega-able Sableye!


A shiny Beldum hatched out of one of your eggs! (Chain #72)


A shiny Beldum hatched out of one of your eggs! (Chain #108)


You received a shiny Quilava from your friend!

A shiny Vivillon (Jungle Pattern) appeared in the Safari Zone!

You received a shiny Rufflet from your friend!


Obtained a shiny Ducklett through the Shiny Wondertrade!


Obtained mega-able Carvanha!

Congratulations! A shiny Rotom hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #55)!


Obtained a shiny Cryogonal from the Shiny Wondertrade!


Congratulations! A shiny Rotom hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #68)!

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Posted: Thu, 14/05/2015 12:05 (9 Years ago)
uh sure .w.;

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Posted: Mon, 11/05/2015 19:24 (9 Years ago)

Title: Trix & Missing Shinies

Congratulations! A shiny Jesterig hatched out of one of your best friend's eggs! (Chain #38)!

Missing Shinies, Potential Hunts










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Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 19:07 (9 Years ago)

Title: Art

This will be for showcasing things people have drawn for me, if its possible to get image links in.

Drawn by Fork
Show hidden content

Phox reference


Christmas Night at Freddy's

Fursona!Vic Reference (does not show Black Tongue or complete back pattern)


"We'll be trash, together" #besties [its platonic, not romantic]

Best friends


Anthro Fox reference

Victor the Minabrone

makes me seem decent -w- -shot-

Doppelganger fox


Clothed gayfox

Fox's Family

3rd year anniversary <3




"I wanna draw bef"

Drawn by Navuso
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Grumpy Fox


#DorkyNavu (cute af ship ewe)

Grumpy Blinded Phox



Birthday 2014


Drawn by Psii
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Confident Phox

Drawn by Girafarig
Show hidden content

Silly lil Fox

Drawn by Claus
Show hidden content

Shocked Phox

Drawn by Furret

Drawn by -Chara-
Show hidden content


"H-Huh? Me?"

Phoxy Greeting~

Level Up!
HP + 3
Magic + 6
Staff + 3
Wand + 2
Tail + 10
Fluff + 3

Birthday gift

Staff evolved into Scepter!

Drawn by AutumnStar
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First instance of Gigatail


Drawn by Twin

Drawn by Flaaffy
Show hidden content

Spooked by a butterfly

Gays chatting

Drawn by Finhawk
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Drawn by Evelyn

Drawn by Yoretula
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Drawn by Sucre
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I'm late for class!!

Drawn by Satoshi_Eon
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Birthday Cake!

Drawn by Daichi
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The cutest warlock~

Drawn by MemeQueen

Drawn by Bear

Drawn by Dcasom
Show hidden content



Drawn by -SANS-

Drawn by The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady

Drawn by FrenchVulpix

Drawn by Parousia

Drawn by Sotku

Drawn by AriaWolf
Show hidden content

Birthday nerds!

Drawn by Liffy

Drawn by -Naoto-

Drawn by CyndaquilLovesVanHalen
Show hidden content

Helping Cecil

Drawn by Lunyx

Drawn by Abby

Drawn by Offsite Friends
Show hidden content

Candy - Fluffy Phox

Sam - When Vic REKT Chris

Joe's Friend - Part of a special pic ewe

"What're ya thinkin about?"

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Posted: Wed, 29/04/2015 13:44 (9 Years ago)
The megabubbles are there because the original pokemon can mega evolve. That's also how Cottonblu can be megable despite there not being a Mega Candaria.
I don't think Riako even updates the Wiki so that statement might just be speculation by one of the Wiki Helpers.
either way, I don't think Mega-Retros should exist because of how ridiculously hard it would be to get one for the dex, considering you need retro vouchers to get the eggs, which are only obtained from buying premium memberships of 1 month or higher which is a minimum of 800 nuggets.

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Posted: Wed, 29/04/2015 12:31 (9 Years ago)
And a mega retro sprite is pointless, as the retros dont even evolve anyway. They're permanently in their first stage.
They're meant to be one-stage pokemon that dont evolve, so Riako will not make them suddenly capable of evolving for any reason. A Megable Retro pokemon is indeed useless, technically, but that doesnt mean Riako would have to either code the mega power out of them somehow or make megas for them. The only megable non-normal pokemon that are capable of mega evolution are Event Pokemon and that is how it should remain.

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Posted: Tue, 28/04/2015 22:23 (9 Years ago)
Quote from BlackStripedPikaA better update would be if the daycare man knew how the eggs were breeding
"I don't know how this is happening..."

That's the Daycare Owner's version of censorship. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Posted: Sat, 25/04/2015 17:07 (9 Years ago)
-squeaks- August 1st >w>

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Posted: Fri, 24/04/2015 22:30 (9 Years ago)
It's practically impossible for me to understand .w.

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Posted: Fri, 24/04/2015 18:17 (9 Years ago)
Mind if I get 2 Pichu slots for 4 members of the gastly line? ewe
I just hatched a random Shiny Pichu so i'd like to be able to complete that evo-line /)w(\

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Posted: Thu, 16/04/2015 12:42 (9 Years ago)
I'd support, if not only bc of the cheap tactics of super honey that i seem to have experienced.
I've had days where i've checked the tree in short intervals over the course of a few hours, and then all of a sudden, in one of those short 5 - 10 minute intervals, THE ENTIRE JAR OF HONEY WAS GONE. You have no idea how frustrating it is to spend hours looking at that tree, just for your honey to disappear in a 5 minute interval. |:I and one time, the honey stayed on the tree for 2 full days, attracting garbage, just to disappear in like, a minute.

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Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 13:56 (9 Years ago)
@Morgan; Aight, i'll add that.

Empoleon; Sure, it'll be in the gts momentarily.

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Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 04:07 (9 Years ago)
Bananas exist in the Mystery Dungeon series, as like, an item that is rarely found in a wall.

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Posted: Tue, 14/04/2015 13:29 (9 Years ago)
Retro Pooch is, I think, somewhere around 100k, and i'd probably ask about 60-75k for the Registeel?

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Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 21:42 (9 Years ago)
Surely if you were truly a machine you'd have perfect grammar and spelling.

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Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 16:43 (9 Years ago)
Also no support because in a realistic sense, this is morally wrong. You're literally forcing a pokemon to undergo gender reassignment against their will which sounds absolutely terrible and rather traumatizing, plus it may be seen as insulting to people who have Gender Dysphoria. It's really just a bad idea all around because in a realistic sense, a pokemon that suddenly changed like this would most likely be rendered infertile, so the main concept of this would just be negated, which im guessing would probably be breeding, but im sure you only thought of this because your Easter Buneary was a male, and not a female.

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Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 20:17 (9 Years ago)
no. i literally dont need to say anymore.

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Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 20:14 (9 Years ago)
This is an adoptables website, not a cruelly trap wild pokemon to add to your collection website.

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Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 13:10 (9 Years ago)
ye mari in the update he directly linked to this exact thread bc it was apparently what made him notice that the furfrous were bugged :'D makes me feel important and that i actually helped in a way

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