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Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 15:44 (3 Years ago)
ANAME: Alright, Piplup, use water gun!
(Kricketot used pound)

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Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 00:31 (3 Years ago)
(Oddish was paralyzed. It's move failed of paralisis)

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Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 00:23 (3 Years ago)
(Chatot used peck! 6 dmg [idk how to calculate, dmg, I'm guessing])
(Gossifluer is now confused! 16 dmg done to goss [Goss has 18 hp])
(Goss used leafage! Goss hurt itself in confusion! 4 dmg [Goss fainted])

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Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 00:08 (3 Years ago)
(Each of your Pokemon are lvl 6, so you can use whatever moves that Pokemon can learn by lvl 6. Each of the Pokemon we encountered are lvl 4 and I will have the move they pick randomly chosen [if this method of battling is ineffective, I'll change it later.])
(Taike encounters a Gossifleur)

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 23:58 (3 Years ago)
(At the gate, the guard has fallen asleep, and the gate is noticeably easy to climb... even for 8-year-old Sunny [Giving you the opportunity to pass through, @MegaNidoranF])
(A little bit past the gate, Aname catches up with Kage and Colt. As he does, a Chatot flies down near Kage, an Oddish pops up near Colt, and a Kricketot pops up next to Aname)

[Note how most of the Pokemon make noise/music]

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 23:45 (3 Years ago)
[After Kage left Taike arrived, right? if so then... this post is right]
PROF. JUVILLE: *Shakes head, no, I'm sorry, but... you can call them on your Pokedex! *She pokes a button at the bottom of the screen, and it shows each trainers name (excluding Sunny, who doesn't have a Pokedex)* I don't know which one of them you should call though, and they are most likely taking different routes! Both paths meet at Rorstone, so you'll meet them eiter way. *She shrugs*

(Meanwhile, headed to Singing Forest, Aname rubs Piplup's head touches the gate to the fence in the front and a Pokemon Ranger, seeing Piplup [noting that the trainer has a pokemon, and is old enough to be a trainer], opens the gate and let's him pass through)

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 23:36 (3 Years ago)
(Prof Juville has already replaced Mareeps spot with a Solosis, and upon hearing a noise turns to see Taike)
PROF. JUVILLE: Oh, hi Taike! *Notices Nidoran is missing* Huh? where'd *sighs* (she replaces Nidoran's spot with a Litten) You can pick your Pokemon, Taike, but I must say you should hurry, the other trainers have left!
(She grabs a Pokedex and hands it to Taike)

[By the way, you may have multiple characters if you'd like, similar to how I've done with Prof. Juville]

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 23:01 (3 Years ago)
OK!~ I'll add you to the Pal-Pad, and you can start posting in the main post (link above!)

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 21:31 (3 Years ago)
(Prof. Juville giggles slightly)
PROF JUVILLE: Hmmm, were missing someone... Oh well, might as well get you guys started! *Everyone's Pokedex beeps* Oh, good! That should mean the region's map just finished installing to your Pokedex. Go ahead and check that and see where you might want to go first!
(PROF JUVILLE gives everyone 10x Pokeball. ANAME whips out his Pokedex, and begins talking to Piplup about where they might want to go)
(If your character checks their Pokedex, they will see that they can go two ways, through Singing Forest to Singing Meadow, or through route one onto a small town called Harshaw.)

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 21:07 (3 Years ago)
(Prof. Juville places a Mareep and a Nidoran F next to Rowlet. She hands out Pokedexes to all the trainers)
Prof. Juville: So, would you like to pick your starter, Colt?

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 20:19 (3 Years ago)
(Prof Juville gestures to the selection table with one hand which has three Pokemon, Charmander, Piplup and Rowlet.)
PROF. JUVILLE: So, Kage who do you want?

(As she says this, ANAME arrives and walks through the open door)
ANAME: Hello? *Sees them* Oh! Hi. Ummmm...
PROF. JUVILLE: You can choose too!
(ANAME starts looking back and forth between Piplup and Rowlet)
ANAME: *Hand over Rowlet* Hmmm... I'll choose *Moving hand back and forth* Ummm... Piplup I guess!
(He lifted Piplup's Pokeball and looked at it closely, then pressed the button and tossed it gently, letting Piplup out of it's Pokeball)

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 18:36 (3 Years ago)
(PROFFESOR JUVILLE looks up from talking to Blissey, and smiles)
PROFFESOR JUVILLE: *To Blissey* Ahh, see Blissey, there's another trainer! *To Kage* Yes, he was definitely in a rush, and he forgot his Pokedex! *She opens the door and gestures for Kage to follow* Come along now! Let's go get you a partner and a Pokedex!

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 18:22 (3 Years ago)
OK I added you to the pal-pad group and you can see the role-play (we started it) here!

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Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 16:28 (3 Years ago)
[K, my character will be 13 then, same as me. -Also, probably a good idea to subscribe to the post to make it easier to see when someone posts]
(The sun reaches Aname's shut eye's through the window, and he pulls up the covers on his bed and rolls over)
(He hits the floor of his upstairs bedroom loudly. He stretches, and, as he does, the smell of waffles drifts gently to his nose. Suddenly his eyes fling open as he realizes what day it is. The start of his Pokemon adventure!)
ANAME: *Glancing at the clock* ACK!!! I slept in again!!! Not todaaay!!!
ANAME's MOM: Breakfast is going to get cold dear!
ANAME: Coming! *As he says this, he is already dressed, struggling to put on his hoodie as he rushes down the stairs*
(Aname trips on the last step, unable to see through his navy blue hoodie)
ANAME: *Groaning* Owwww...

(Meanwhile just outside the Pokemon lab...)
PROFFESOR JUVILLE: *To her *SHINY* Blissey* My, that last trainer was sure in a hurry! I didn't get to give him his Pokedex!
PROFFESOR JUVILLE: Yes, I know, it's important. He'll probably come back soon, and- even if he doesn't, we have two more trainers coming!
PROFFESOR JUVILLE's BLISSEY: *Shakes head* Bliiis blis...
PROFFESOR JUVILLE: *Seeing KAGE approaching* Oh look! One of them are arriving right now!

[Shiny Blissey looks like this btw, I know some people (like me) always want to know (1st is non-shiny, 2nd is shiny)].

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Posted: Tue, 11/01/2022 23:18 (3 Years ago)
[Please only post if you have joined in the Sign-ups section. Thank you!]

(The sun is rising slowly over Little Frias, and it's a big day for four of the citizens, as for today they would set out on a Pokemon Journey! None of them are awake however, let us see who arises first!)

[I just realized that I didn't ask an important question: how old is your character?]

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Posted: Tue, 11/01/2022 23:01 (3 Years ago)
Yay! Now that a few people have joined, I'll go ahead and make the main post.

Also, here's what I'm entering with:
Starter: Piplup
Fav Region: Sinnoh
Nickname: PH name will do
"Version": Absolute Insanity

Also Im creating a pal-pad for the RP, if you don't want to be pal-pad'ed, tell me!

I added the main role-play post here! Please join soon! :)

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Posted: Tue, 11/01/2022 13:59 (3 Years ago)
I love this idea and I would totally use it! I do have to ask- the items you obtain with your Pokemon from the minigame would work like regular Rumble Items right? Brought back at the end and count towards your event points?

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Posted: Tue, 11/01/2022 13:51 (3 Years ago)
While not necessary, this would be helpful!

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Posted: Tue, 11/01/2022 13:48 (3 Years ago)
Wouldn't affect me too much, but that would be really cool!

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Posted: Tue, 11/01/2022 13:43 (3 Years ago)
That gets so annoying because I ALWAYS TRY TO SEARCH BY TITLE. My brain just works that way! Support. This idea would be SO HELPFUL!

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