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Posted: Tue, 29/03/2022 09:16 (2 Years ago)
Kimie: The "max"-option on eggs will use all orbs necessary to hatch the egg. For example if you need 1000 EHP to hatch the egg, it will automatically set your selection to 1000 Powerorbs (if you have enough of them).
It also automatically adapts when you receive an interaction while making your selection. You will never use more orbs than necessary to hatch the egg.

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Posted: Tue, 29/03/2022 07:39 (2 Years ago)
I think (it's been a while since I implemented the garden) you unlock this functionality during your berrygarden tutorial (which you haven't finished yet, based on the fact that the Berry market and Bulletin board are still locked for you).

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 17:13 (2 Years ago)
Boots: Technically, it increases the amount of orbs when you get some. The chance of "getting orbs" is independent of the amount of exp. shares you own.

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 15:05 (2 Years ago)
Quote from First postFeeding berries (instead of "Training" with Pokémon) offers a higher chance of finding powerorbs!

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 14:59 (2 Years ago)
There is no cap, no. You can accumulate as many as you want before using them.

Thanks for all the positive feedback, by the way! Hope you enjoy ^_^ More cool (QoL) updates coming soon.

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 14:45 (2 Years ago)
Exp. Share

<img src="https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/exp-share.png" style="width: 25%; max-width: 238px; float: right">Ever been annoyed that you interact with other trainer's Pokémon and eggs - but you hardly receive any interactions in return? Well, then this update is just for you!

Two new items have been added to the game: The Exp. Share...

"Every Exp. share you own randomly generates
powerorbs when interacting with Pokémon. Powerorbs can
be used to raise your own Pokémon's EXP
and your egg's EHP."

... and Powerorbs!

"Using this orb on a Pokémon raises its experience points by 10.
Using this orb on an egg brings it closer to hatching by 1 EHP."

Both of these items are key items, and cannot be traded nor sold.

How to obtain the Exp. Share:
You can obtain multiple exp. shares. Currently, 9 Exp. Shares are available:
<table id="blue_table" style="position: relative; margin: auto"><tr><th>Location</th><th>Requirement</th></tr><tr><td>Item Shop</td><td>---</td></tr><tr><td>Item Shop</td><td>Trainerlevel 20</td></tr><tr><td>Item Shop</td><td>Trainerlevel 50</td></tr><tr><td>Item Shop</td><td>Trainerlevel 75</td></tr><tr><td>Puzzle Collection</td><td>Collect 10 puzzle pieces</td></tr><tr><td>Puzzle collection</td><td>Collect 50 puzzle pieces</td></tr><tr><td>Puzzle collection</td><td>Collect 150 puzzle pieces</td></tr><tr><td>Puzzle collection</td><td>Collect 300 puzzle pieces</td></tr><tr><td>Puzzle collection</td><td>Collect 500 puzzle pieces</td></tr></table>

More Exp. Shares might be added in the future.

How to obtain Powerorbs:
When you own one or more Exp. shares, you have a small chance of finding a powerorb everytime you interact with a Pokémon or egg. The more Exp. shares you own, the more powerorbs you receive.

Feeding berries (instead of "Training" with Pokémon) offers a higher chance of finding powerorbs!
Additionally, the chance is especially high during your first couple of thousand interactions per day (in order to motivate you to get started). This bonus decreases slowly the more interactions you make. It resets every day at midnight back to the full bonus.

How to use Powerorbs:
Show hidden content

Powerorbs are used on an egg's profile page:

... or on a Pokémon's profile page:

Every powerorb you use gives the egg 1 EHP and the Pokémon 10 experience points. If this results in a level up, an evolution might be triggered.

Interaction re-balancing

Additionally, the general interaction feature has also received a rebalancing update:
As you might have noticed in the past, the activity on PokéHeroes depends strongly on the time of day. Most of our members are usually online at around 8PM (Server Time), while the activity is lowest at around 7AM:

Hatching eggs and raising Pokémon is much harder during low-activity times, as you generally receive less interactions. That's why I've now implemented an activity-based EXP/EHP bonus: During low-activity times, each individual interaction results in a slightly higher EXP/EHP gain. Currently, for example, you receive a ~60% bonus at 7AM due to very low activity.
This system is adaptive, i.e. it automatically recalculates the bonus when the activity unexpectedly changes in the future.
Peak activity times (e.g. 8PM) are not affected by this update.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 18:16 (2 Years ago)
Try clearing your cache if this issue still persists.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 17:39 (2 Years ago)
Fixed :) This was actually a bug.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 17:26 (2 Years ago)
Moving this to "Rejected" (although it kinda also fits into "Implemented"), because the newest update makes it possible to move your berries back to your item bag. So now you can use your extra berries in a useful manner. Not in the way this suggestion originally intended, but still in a good way, I hope.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 17:12 (2 Years ago)

The Berrygarden has just received a small yet significant update.

In short: You can now transfer your berries from your berry bag back to your regular item bag. Their level resets back to 1 in this process; however, higher level berries convert into more berries in this transfer:

<table id="blue_table" style="position: relative; margin: auto"><tr><th>Berry Level</th><th>Amount you receive</th></tr><tr><td>1 - 4</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>5 - 9</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>10 - 14</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td>15 - 19</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>...</td><td>...</td></tr><tr><td>95 - 100</td><td>20</td></tr></table>

If you transfer 10x Aguav Berries (Level 1) to your item bag, you receive 10x Aguav Berries.
If you transfer 10x Aguav Berries (Level 100) to your item bag, you receive 200x Aguav Berries.
This conversion is shown in a "confirmation popup" before the actual transfer takes place.
(Oh, and by the way, you cannot trade your last piece of your highest levelled berry to your item bag. This is to prevent you from accidentally losing your valuable progress.)

The benefit of this update should be obvious: You can now use your homegrown berries for interacting and at the moomoo ranch. This makes the berrygarden much more useful and makes it feel much more integrated into the general gameplay. Before this update, it felt kind of isolated. (Using them elsewhere was, by the way, also one of our most popular suggestions)

You might wonder: "Why wasn't this implemented from the beginning?"
Well, simply because this could ruin the economy on PokéHeroes. Because berries can be sold at the item shop (starting at 20PD per piece), and you can produce a lot of berries within a short period of time at the garden. This would unbalance the game.
That's why it is necessary to remove the possibility to sell berries at the item shop. This is simply a necessity; otherwise we would see many new very rich users on PH soon. That seems unreasonable and game breaking. So I hope you understand this decision. :)

You can still make profit off of your berries! And actually in the way they were originally intended: You can feed them to Pokémon and gain PokéDollars as well as Golden Game Chips! The PD/GGC gain from interacting with berries is much higher than from regular "Train" interacting.
And, you can obviously still sell them at the item market. You should expect their prices to drop drastically over the next few days, though.

Since berries are now worth a little less (per piece), the average amount you receive from mystery boxes and the golden slot has now been increased. (Not their occurrence possibility, though! The chance of finding berries in your mystery boxes is unchanged; only the amount you receive when there are berries inside.)

Additional disclaimer:
Please don't panic if anything unexpected happens with this update. Report bugs and let this update balance itself before rioting. We will closely monitor how this affects the general gameplay. It will change the economy slightly, but - in my opinion - for the best in the long run. It makes the berrygarden much more useful and hopefully also encourages more trainers to use their berries more for interacting.

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Posted: Wed, 23/03/2022 11:57 (2 Years ago)
If you choose a shorter nickname (e.g. "SM Gardevoir"), it will work again.

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2022 22:23 (2 Years ago)
Fixed :)

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2022 22:55 (2 Years ago)
The reason was explained in the minor updates thread:

QuoteIn order to prevent abuse of this new feature, you can only instant-purchase up to 5 Pokémon per day. This is to prevent mass-moving Pokémon from one account to another by bypassing the GTS 1:1 Pokémon trade rule.

Also remember that this feature is new and exciting today. But in the future, when it becomes "old news", you probably won't even attempt to buy this many Pokemon from the auction house per day (at least not via instant purchase) and won't notice this limitation any longer.

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2022 22:02 (2 Years ago)
Are you bidding an amount on an auction which is higher than the set instant price? That's the same as pressing the "Buy (instantly)" button, and that can only be done 5-times a day.

And I don't understand why the instant purchase should be removed when there's one bid? The price is the desired goal by the person who set up the auction. Why should it be removed when someone bids on it.

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2022 16:22 (2 Years ago)

Auction House Update:
You can now add a "Buy It Now" price (so-called "Instant price") to your auction when setting it up:

Users can then choose to either bid regularly on your auction, or to buy it instantly for the set price. This feature is optional.
The instant price must be higher than the start bid. It's not possible to bid higher than the instant price (this automatically results in an instant purchase).

The price recommendation is based on typical market prices for the selected Pokémon (it also considers its shiny-ness, it's mega ability and whether it's a shadow or not. Level/gender/nature and held item is currently not considered). Remember that this is only a recommendation/estimation. For some Pokémon, it might be worth setting a much higher price.

In order to prevent abuse of this new feature, you can only instant-purchase up to 5 Pokémon per day. This is to prevent mass-moving Pokémon from one account to another by bypassing the GTS 1:1 Pokémon trade rule.

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2022 15:00 (2 Years ago)
Implemented :)

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2022 15:36 (2 Years ago)
Mew is obtainable every year on our anniversary, which is on July 1st. You can check out the news post of our anniversary last year to see how the mew event usually works.

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2022 12:54 (2 Years ago)
Xmat: The odds are the same for all seasonal Pokémon (Shaymin, Kyurem and Zeraora).

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2022 12:40 (2 Years ago)
Gameboy20908: Uhm... Shaymin has been offering Shaymin plushies as a gift for 7 years now.

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Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 13:59 (2 Years ago)
The prizes have now been distributed!
All winners received 1x Black Flute + 1x Blue Flute.
All participants received 1,000 Event Points.

Thank you all for participating! I am very happy to see that we have some new, awesome storage background designs! ^_^ I'm totally in love with them.

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