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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:47 (8 Years ago)
Quilava kept quiet. He felt like he knew how Rhyno felt, but also felt like Rhyno had it worse than him. Duo was like a brother to borh of them. Rhyno and Quilava both left him. But, Duo probably had gotten mad at Rhyno in the process, or at least heavily disappointed...

"Welcome back." Quilava lost all of his energy and most of the emotion in his face. He wasn't sad, just in a weird, indescribable mood.

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:40 (8 Years ago)
(Night, i'm heading out in ten minutes myself)

"Cool!" Quilava saw this as a sor of friendship bracelet now.

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:38 (8 Years ago)
"Thanks!" Quilava knew what it was. In his training, Duo had trained him in a "very specific way..." And it involved one of these. It was still a nice gift he could wear when he felt weak or alone to tell him he has people by his side. Quilava didn't want to talk about Duo, though, so he sighed with Purple.

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:33 (8 Years ago)
(Plot twist- The Quilava everyone knows and loves gets rabies)

"Your crack doesn't look okay...." The Quilava stared at it. "Oh well. I'm Quilava, i guess. Who are you?"

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:28 (8 Years ago)
"Okay, that sounds good." Quilava noticed that Dea looked like a pretty good leader so far, from what he saw. He then began questioning whether Duo really had much talent as a leader at all...

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:24 (8 Years ago)
Quilava held his new, heavy orb after going up on his hind legs. It was hard for him to hold, but he put it in his bag anyways.

"So, I'm ready when you are."

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:16 (8 Years ago)
"I don't know what to do for now. Can we go to another dungeon?" Quilava was getting nervous for a reason he couldn't explain. He knew he was protected. He knew Duo wasn't nearby to kill him if he found him. But he felt unsatisfied with his own strength.

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:10 (8 Years ago)
Quilava had never worn clothin before, so he just tried to drape it over his neck and head, letting it flop over his face. It ended up covering his entire body. "Okay, this is fine. Thanks."

"But what if they know it's me?"

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 02:03 (8 Years ago)
(Uh, the rebels met Miles an formed a base and an alliance, Quilava now has to decide between basically his father figure and all of his friends and an outside, healthy life...obvious choice.)

"I'm definitely staying with you!" The Quilava seemed surprised that he was asked. "But who's that Pokemon? Is he okay? That crack on his head looks really bad..."

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 01:58 (8 Years ago)
Quilava tried to squirm out of Lawrence's arms, but got nowhere and stopped. "It's fine, they left, but you may have to leave the town over me... I'm sorry." Quilava hopped out and saw a Snorunt, then hid from him in the bush, hoping he wasn't a citizen...

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 01:52 (8 Years ago)
"Citizens of Duo's town..." The Quilava at the podium started. "One of the three Quilava Duo has sent down is missing. He hasn't checked in and told me about his progress yesterday. If you spot him, you must let my friend and I know so we can track him down and punish him or kill anyone who is holding him captive or convincing him to ignore my order. If he isn't found within two days, we will begin to interrogate everyone here until we find out who did it and find and kill everyone involved. We'll update you tomorrow." The Quilava was clearly as young, if not younger than the Quilava the rebels knew and loved. He mispronounced almost every word with over five letters, making the whole passage really informal. The two Quilava left.

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 01:44 (8 Years ago)
Quilava hid behind a bush. It was relatively close to the screaming Quilavas, so he could hear them just fine. "Over here," Quilava whispered. "I think they're starting."

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 01:39 (8 Years ago)
Quilava decided to try and meet his friends at the front of the dungeon so he could get to them. They were all he had to fight if necessary, after all, and it may be quite important, even though Duo himself said that often...

Regardless, he continued running to the foot of the dungeon until he saw three of his friends. "Oh, great! You guys heard about it. Let's go to the town square quickly, or they may start without us!"

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 01:31 (8 Years ago)
"TOWN MEETING! TOWN MEETING! MEET US AT THE TOWN SQUARE! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! I REPEAT, VE-RY IMPORTANT!" The two other Quilava that Duo had sent were running down the aisles in the town. It was so loud, anyone on the planet could have heard it. Quilava already hated it and hid, giving him more time to think. He wanted to come, but stay hidden- if he went back home, Duo would probably never let him out again, or worse....

Quilava began to follow the other Quilava through the town, avoiding being seen. He was hoping that nothing had happened related to Duo, but knew it was going to be.

(@This RP stop being ded D:<)

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 02:49 (8 Years ago)
(Mind moving your characters toward the town? I'd prefer f everyone did but just one person is fine.)

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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 21:17 (8 Years ago)
(Back for the day/permanently, it could be either but it's probably permenant. Anyways, I'll take ownership of the RP back.)

Quilava was back at the town, eating a few berries. The sun hadn't risen yet, so he had looked through the dungeon and grabbed them and went to the town to avoid the Salamence. After eating the last of them, he began to head back to explore the dungeon for more food.

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2016 03:10 (8 Years ago)
(Yes. For now, let's just pretend he's roaming the city, learning about all of the things it has to offer, with the town seeing him as a normal citizen due to how he never goes back to the cave where Duo lives.)

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2016 03:03 (8 Years ago)
(@SilverNinetales you can. Lemme roll your mons really quickly.

(And, to everyone reading this, I just posted a feed regarding me leaving PH for the next few weeks because I will be studying for high school midterms and college finals. Yosaflame is in charge of the RP for now. If he says something someone does is wrong or right, then he's always right, unless he goes against my rules. Thanks for reading this.)

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2016 00:25 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2016 00:16 (8 Years ago)
(I think he left...)

Quilava came out of the hole. "He's gone. I'm gonna go back to the town and hopefully buy some food." Quilava went down the stairs, grabbing money as he left.

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