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Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 03:09 (2 Years ago)

Ask for the manager.


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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 23:44 (3 Years ago)
The 'zombie' dragon didn't react-

It was aleready dead. An animus was controlling the dragon's body, so as to avoid getting hurt.
The only hope of winning was tracking down the animus himself.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 22:51 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 22:15 (3 Years ago)
Just then the dead assasin's body flew up, holding a knife, moving zombie-like. It was obvious that it was under an animus' control. It lunged for the nightwing governor and his daughter, digging the knife into the purple dragon's throat and then the governor's.

Midnight flew over in a hurry to the purple dragon.
Use your power to cancel out the other animus'!

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 22:08 (3 Years ago)
(No it's fine I'm sorry)

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 22:00 (3 Years ago)
"You must be calling me. To go home. I've mostly tamed my darkness. It's time to go back..." Cosmo said, sighing. She packed her things and left a note saying:

It's time to go back to my planet. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused, and apologize to Lyra for me.

With that, she teleported away, never to be seen again.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 21:55 (3 Years ago)
Hey, did you hear me? She called to the purple dragon in their heads. Protect the governor!...Oh no! Does she still have those skyfire stones with her!?

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 19:23 (3 Years ago)
"Ok, I'm giving up explaining. Nebula is so fu**ing annoying." Cosmo mutters to herself before teleporting to her room "Omfg Nebula. You literally made me control the dreamworld, destroy Hell, and almost kill a demon!" She said, cursing her darkness.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 04:32 (3 Years ago)
Midnight reappeared, and sent a warning to the other mindreaders.Somebody's going to try to assassinate again. That assasin was only the first!

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 03:01 (3 Years ago)
Midnight sighs and disappears into the shadows.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 02:55 (3 Years ago)
Midnight bows to the governor and YeETs the dead assasin's body into the ocean.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 02:46 (3 Years ago)
Midnight swiftly dodges it and kicks the assassin's head.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 02:39 (3 Years ago)
Midnight flew to the feast, if only to strengthen her power, since it was midnight. She noticed the nightwing approaching the icewing from before. She held out a beer to the nightwing, who was obviously drunk.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 02:17 (3 Years ago)
Midnight rushed to her room, then collapsed on her bed, clutching her head.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 02:12 (3 Years ago)
Midnight sighed in relief. This lead to the future that benefited her the most.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 02:09 (3 Years ago)
Midnight shook her head in a motion signaling to the approaching pantala.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 01:58 (3 Years ago)
Midnight nodded. She made his secret stash of goods float to him. How there was a note with the stash saying, 'I won't hurt you.'

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 01:55 (3 Years ago)
She chases the Icewing. Suddenly, her mouth opens, but no sound comes out. Instead, she mouths STOP, and the Icewing has to freeze in place.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 01:45 (3 Years ago)
Hey! Awesome that we ran into eachother, but we really need to find the icewing. Follow me She says, flying off, then landing where the escaping Icewing was.

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 01:42 (3 Years ago)
Cosmo sighs. "Bye!" She says, trying to be nice.

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