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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 15:13 (11 Years ago)
Mudshot being dazed by the slaking but still not giving in uses mud shot to knock it off its feet and then uses muddy water to knock them back also makeing the machine were it needed to be repaired to continue working then Mudshot crawled into i hideing spot to recover from the last muddy water he did and the major pounding from the slaking "They will never find me here." Mudshot panted.

Red was at the pwan shop pawning of all the computers and stuff he grabed and the person that owned it didn't even wonder why he had so many electronics which was nice considering he hadn't thought up an excuse yet.

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:59 (11 Years ago)
(red)"not every pokemon has to help as it is if there not all the same strength the rest start to slack behind"

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:58 (11 Years ago)
Mudshot brushing the blow off like it was nothing but worried about Fur he did a sort of sucker punch type deal with his mudslap so the swampert would stop then useing mudshot to knock some sense into a fellow water-ground type
going to the 3rd floor he imedialy turned around the place was cralling with pokemon jails, human jails, and the worst of all torture chamber so he didn't even take a secound glance and left.

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:52 (11 Years ago)
(Slitherfang)Slitherfang was upset because Poisonhorn had it comeing she new it she was asking for it calling him mouse bile.

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:42 (11 Years ago)
"Don't ask me how i know this move" Mudshot then focuses all his energy in to his fist. his fist is then set a blaze then he goes over and hits the bayleaf with a fire punch attack "THATS for hurting Fur!"
on the first floor Red found a couple computers some hard drives, flash drives, and some disks."These might be worth something." then he went up stairs seeing there computer room "Jackpot!" Red said happily graping anything he could fit into a black bag he found he put in more flash drives/hard drives, computers, disks and othe electronics "that should be good!"

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:28 (11 Years ago)
(Poisonhorn) "ya your not the only one to say that Nightclaw use to love going up there... going down was a diffrent story."

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:27 (11 Years ago)
"See I'm not so much into the whole training thing if my pokemon would like to battle i'll let them if they wish though. See I like tinkering with some of this stuff more like i almost have this Apercorn working like a pokeball but it needs some sort of power source."

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:21 (11 Years ago)
"these people are persistent most people after the muddy water just run away." Mudshot whispered to himself "hey Fur could you sneak over there and crew a few wires or something?"
"I'll look from the bottom up you go top down ok?"

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:17 (11 Years ago)
(Poisonhorn) "Be careful on the thinner branches they may not hold your wait."

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 01:13 (11 Years ago)
(Red)"So basiclly this whole destruction was over evolveing a Vulpix?"

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 00:57 (11 Years ago)
(Poisonhorn) "Be careful Leafkit I'm suppose to watch over you and it would be my fault if you got hurt."

((Yes lightpaw was your shuckle))

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 23:58 (11 Years ago)
(Necrostar) "who goes there!" he hissed as someone desterbed his sleep

(Nightclaw)"Your not the only one."

(Leafpaw)Leafpaw woke up knowing that no one would mess with her she was really spoiled but she needed a full time mentor not who ever happened to teach her that day. she decided to get lightpaw up also considering he needed one too "Get up Lightpaw you need get trained by Poisonhorn today."

((if some one wants Lightpaw feel free to pm me or post here that you want control of him but Poisonhorn is MINE because i have grown attached to her :D ))

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 22:26 (11 Years ago)
((Sorry just that most of the drama seems to be going on in LeafClan as you probubly have read so i might make a rogue so you aren't as left out or maybe you should make a charcater in LeafClan or have Dell join LeafClan maybe you won't feel so left out?))

(Necrostar)was sleeping in his den. He had to it was to bright outside and he was tired it takes so much energy to teleport for him when Abras can do it while there sleeping! But he accepted this it might take him a few days to be battle ready but for an old clan leader that its time for him to step down please he just needs to store up enough energy to break through his mind barriers and he could kill him from his den. But Nightclaw that was a diffrent story. sense his brother was the choosen one to defeat Necrostars dark rein off terror his mind berriers were not accesable also do to the fact of how quickly he had to grow up these thoughts weakened him because the more his lighter side showed the weaker he became. Then he had an idea sense he has Nightclaws brothers body i could impersonate him go into his base convise them to let there guard down than kill both Masterstar and Nightclaw in one fell swoop. Necrostar grinned at this idea. He would use Nightclaws sensitivity towards his real brother to end him this clan was perfect.

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 22:08 (11 Years ago)
seeming that messing with the factory was a good enough reason to wash them out Mudshot used muddywater to wash them all away. unfortunately Mudshot became exhausted from useing muddywater 2 times in one day "wow a mass out break of criminals or what?"

"well sense theres nothing of value how are we gonna make any money off this to pay for food?"

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 22:03 (11 Years ago)
(Slitherfang)"Issssss there any way i could get out of doing potrols he did hit me square in the head with a mega punch"

(Poisonhorn)"Man up Slitherfang!"

(Slitherfang) "oh you'll get it later Poisonhorn don't you worry."

(Poisonhorn) "Come on i don't even know why Masterstar keeps you around your more of a burden than you help! Leafkit could do a better job than you! No Leafkit is to good to compare to you Shimerkit can do better than you!"

(Slitherfang)Slitherfang at that point slithered angerly out of the camp mad because he could no come up with a come back for what poisonhorn had said.

(Nightclaw)"*YAWN*" walks over to Jaggedbrook "What did I miss?"

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 21:24 (11 Years ago)
((would it be in a tower like in the games?))

"well that must be so much fun for you did ya steal anything worth anything?"

Mudshot's tension grew with every step the intruders waiting waiting for a sign that he should just blow them out of the factory but there were none so far.

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 20:08 (11 Years ago)
"WHAT THEY HAVE JET PACKS! I choose the wrong team to side with. I wounder are the cops ganna take all the credit for all these busts?"

Mudshot stood there still ready to wip them out of here at any point just sitting there tenser with each step

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 19:47 (11 Years ago)
Mudshot hearing the poeple got up immediately and prepared to chase them out of the factory pokemon he didn't mind so much moveing in here put people he would chase them out. He protected the pokemon here from pochers and trainers the pokemon didn't want to be a slave to a human they hated humans as much as he did. What Mudshot would do most of the time is use muddy water sending them out in a hurry but he felt the need to hold back this time so he stood there battle ready waiting to see who would come

"Maybe would should try and bust team Rocket figureing your on a roll today."

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 19:31 (11 Years ago)
Red got out of there and fast as the poke-police arived he just made it to an ally way so he could hide and watch he saw as every team Aqua member except a few that had the same idea as john to jump on a boat and run. He heard an officer say "Wow busted both team Aqua and team Magma in the same day! That is amazing who knew they were right up under are noses." "Just about everyone in town except you to" Red commented "maybe get to work more than you eat donuts at coffee shops and you might catch team Rocket too."

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 18:21 (11 Years ago)
Red kept a very close eye on John to make sure he was not actaully going to join them and tell them about Team Magma being compermised because of his doing. All though what would have been a hard to sneak around area for most poeople was a walk in the park considering he did not make enough money to support himself he had to make it some how so he stole some stuff that he needed instead of paying for it inly when he didn't have enough money though but when he had more than enough he did what he could for others to help them stop from stealing

when they made it back to the factory Mudshot ploped into his box and quickly fell asleep.

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