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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dragonsoul.
Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 13:58 (9 Years ago)
It is currently: Midday!

The fight was over almost as soon as it had started. Ghembo's eyes narrowed to sllits as he watched the human race away in fear of the wolves. He snorted; they were of no competition to him. Unless he was alone and surrounded by the pack, he was sure that he could get out. The other girl in the clearing still had her machine ready and cocked. Ghembo was brave but not cocky.
He stayed in the shadows and used the overpowering stench of flowers to cover his dusty, savannah scent. The lion beside him shifted, eager for a kill. He growled lowly, warning the creature. His eyes studied the human as his brain came up with ways to knock the rifle out of her hands.

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Posted: Fri, 20/11/2015 20:29 (9 Years ago)
Hey, may I have art of my pokesona? Thank you! :3

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 20:46 (9 Years ago)
Um... it's midday, your powers don't work right now. Check the "elements" dropbox on the front page. Adjust your post accordingly. Thank you! ^^

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 22:16 (9 Years ago)
Woah... people have been active!

It is currently: Midday!
Max sat on a windowsill, thinking of all those he had lost. His father... maimed by a rogue earthquake and left to die... his mother, roasted by a fire bear and his son... chewed up by a regular wolf and had to be humanely killed.
Or so he told himself.
His finger tapped involuntarily against his notebook and he was surprised to feel his eyes wet with tears. He shook his head angrily. Stop, he thought, blinking away the wetness. He needed to be cool and collected in front of the others.

Ghembo roared, rearing up on his hind paws. A human scent was thick in the air, clogging his throat and making his eyes fuzz over with red. He growled to his closest companion, "Follow me," and bounded away at a pace that even wind creatures would find hard to match.
Through the savannah he raced, flattening reeds that began to poke out of squishy mud. Foreboding trees rose around him, and he hunkered down in a marsh bramble and surveyed the human stumbling around on its unsteady two legs. Surprisingly, another burst out into the area, babbling in their strange tongue.

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Posted: Mon, 16/11/2015 22:39 (9 Years ago)
I don't really think our characters are connecting... ._. Maybe we should make something among the elemental animals where the meet once a full moon (basically every month.) at some designated place...? Anyone approve or is it just me?

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Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 14:10 (9 Years ago)
Granted. There's 28 pages before your post! :3

I wish that we could reach fifty pages!

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Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 13:44 (9 Years ago)
Granted, but Riako bans you for hax.

I wish that you could touch light when you wanted to.

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Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 13:43 (9 Years ago)


Here it is! Is there anything you want me to fix/improve?

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Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 13:20 (9 Years ago)
It is currently: Dawn!


___Max returned to his group of other humans. He frowned when he reached the doorway; there were more. He counted heads under his breath. "Ten, twelve, fourteen... WHO JOINED?!"
___The crowd glanced at him uneasily and a little girl piped, "My mama did!"
___"Oh did she?" He sneered, showing yellowed teeth.
___"Get rid of her." Max nodded to two of the people, strong, hulking fellows.
___The pack gasped. Someone cried, "But Hopewell, she's only twenty four!"
___"Shut up, you raving pack of demons!" Max screamed over the clamor.
___Everyone froze.
___"If we let her stay, hypothetically, we'll run out of food," he spoke calmly, as if he were describing the weather. "If we get rid of her, that means more breathing space for us and more food which will last longer!"
___The crowd was silent, save for the little girl screaming and crying, while the young women was dragged away.


___Ghembo raced towards his pride of lions, observing the animals milling about. He shook his head; This will not do. He raced towards the towering baobab and leaped on to one of its roots. He roared, making a root rear into the air. The lions turned to gaze at him. Already, his snack was being torn apart by some of the lower members of the pack.
___He had the lions attention. He nodded to two of the females, one light and the other wind, and sent them on their way. They were to provide enough food for the pack's dinner.
___He jumped off of his vantage point, making ferns and flowers sprout where he landed. The plants cushioned his fall reasonably and he snorted, padding off to his den to take a cat nap.

IMPORTANT: Should the elemental animals be able to talk at all? I was thinking this because my top passage has a ton of dialogue while the bottom one is just roaring. .-. What do you guys think?

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Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 12:59 (9 Years ago)
Banned for having dragon in your name (Wait, crap.)

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 21:53 (9 Years ago)
Looks like the majority of the members are ready to go! Also, I've updated the original post so everyone understands what their elemental creatures can do! If you want to change your element, just post saying so!

I'll begin...

It is currently: Dawn!


___Max fidgeted, watching animals tear each other apart. It was horrifying; the huge lion flung a smaller lion away with just air. It lowered its jaws down to bite the smaller lion in two when it disappeared in a flash of white light. The huge lion gaped in confusion, whirling around and trying to find it. Max chuckled: the smaller lion was a light creature, it wasn't going to fight back. In fact, it was probably licking its wound right then and there.
___He scribbled a small note on the light lion. He had been tracking it for quite some while. It was hard when it could disappear in the blink of an eye. The other lion howled in anger before stomping off. Max shook his head; so unlike the usual wind creature. In most cases, wind animals didn't care much for action. The changed animals were changing even more.


___Ghembo crept through the underbrush silently, making moss instantaneously grow to make his pawsteps silent as they could be. The unsuspecting regular antelope had its head bent over a patch of strangely green grass. Ghembo grinned; laying traps was too easy.
___He sprang, dragging the deer-like creature to the ground. It kicked and struggled for a moment, but Ghembo summoned some pollen to make it drowsy. It slowed down, still fighting the whole way. Its eyes slid shut as Ghembo snapped its neck. What a tasty snack.

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 13:04 (9 Years ago)
Granted. But now you can't wish any more.
I wish my dog would stop licking my foot (Please don't make him die! {I saw where this was going})

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 12:57 (9 Years ago)
Le bump!

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 12:53 (9 Years ago)
Yay! Another human! :3


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Posted: Fri, 13/11/2015 20:41 (9 Years ago)
Sure! Is everyone else ready?

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Posted: Thu, 12/11/2015 22:46 (9 Years ago)

I like your animal! It's cool at first I thought you wanted me to call your character potato dorito ._.

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Posted: Wed, 11/11/2015 22:28 (9 Years ago)
Ooo! A gay animal! Excited to see where that goes! ^^

No! Don't be worried about something being too long! Your characters are AWESOME and I can't wait to roleplay with you! :3

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 21:36 (9 Years ago)
Granted, but a dragon eats you.

I wish that all pie was pumpkin pie.

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 21:07 (9 Years ago)
Ready for action! Le bump! :3

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 21:01 (9 Years ago)
I wanted to, but I did it last month. Timing is a disability of mine. >.<

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